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  1. M

    One strike and out?

    There's your key. You weren't exclusive, it just doesn't matter. You should never care about a girl's past sex life. You shouldn't even care about her current sex life unless you two are exclusive. If you don't want a girl to have sex with anyone else while you're dating her, you have...
  2. M

    How not to be an AFC

    16. Always spin more than one plate You're just jealous because I'm a trumpet player :p
  3. M

    So, what do women find MOST attractive?

    You're going to get as many answers as there are users. With initial attraction, I find that looks are important but not the most important. If you're well groomed and wearing decent clothes, that's pretty much all you need in that category. What's most important in initial attraction is your...
  4. M

    lend $5000 to gf

    Damn straight.
  5. M

    lend $5000 to gf

    No. $5,000 is a LOT of money. If she needs the money that bad, she should talk to a bank about getting a loan. If her credit isn't good enough to get a loan, well, there's probably a reason for that.
  6. M

    LIE to get LAID

    Wow, since when is being a DJ about anything religious? This isn't an argument about whether we came from evolution or were created. That has nothing to do with lying. You all need to step back and relax. Obviously the thread author is not Christian (or a at least a practicing Christian)...
  7. M

    FR: Today's interactions.

    Congratulations... you got your arm around two girls... If that was the extent of your kino, you fail. These need to go somewhere. You state you want advice on how to improve. Well, you seem to be doing just fine conversing with girls you've already met. What area do you want to improve...
  8. M

    Red Sox Nation

    Congrats to the Red Sox. They really are the better team. The Rockies were just not ready for a world series yet.
  9. M

    Anybody rocking a beard?

    I used to rock a beard. Was fine when I trimmed it and kept things clean. It turned out to be more work than shaving daily. When I didn't keep it up, it got really shaggy. No women liked it then.
  10. M

    Anybody know any female versions of this site??

    Yes it would. Females never say how they act. They never say what they want. Well, guess I shouldn't say never. Almost never.
  11. M

    She Passed the Antidump machine and still flaked!

    You should be dating other chicks so that when this one flakes out on you, it makes the decision much easier to next her. Just next her. Somewhere along the line, she's lost interest in you.
  12. M

    Article: Milk: is it good or bad for us?

    The scientific community is clearly divided on the subject. There's just as much evidence for milk as there is against milk. Personally, I have drank milk just about every day of my life for the past almost 22 years. I still feel perfectly healthy. If 40 rolls around and I'm sick from drinking...
  13. M

    Legs or breasts?

    Legs. Definitely Legs.
  14. M

    How to stop shaking

    I'm definitely not some guy named Viper. I'm just Mike.
  15. M

    FR: Some sets I approached today.

    And if she doesn't give it, what's the worse that could happen? Your ego gets hurt a little? So what. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised. A couple months back when I used the advice on this site to set out and get dates, I thought the first time I was going to get a number, I would be...
  16. M

    Asking a girl to go out flat

    You want to know if she's interested in you? Tell her you'll be running through her town to meet an old friend and you'll have a few hours to see her. Ask her to go out on a date. If she says "Yes" and doesn't counter, she's interested. If she says "No", she's not interested. If she counters...
  17. M

    Brainwashing Women Over IM

    I believe that IM and text messaging has its time and place. As long as you don't use it to communicate with someone you've never met before, you'll be okay. Me personally? I'm 21 and don't have a text messaging plan. Don't need it, don't want it.
  18. M

    Asking a girl to go out flat

    Are you asking to go out on a date, or asking for exclusivity? When I ask a girl out, I'm asking her out to go play pool or something. That can be pretty much done flat out. Within a few minutes of meeting her. Are you asking for exclusivity? That is something else entirely.
  19. M


    Yeah, look in the US Constitution, article 1, section 8, clause 1: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be...
  20. M

    reactions after dressing well?

    I recently lost a lot of weight and had to buy a new wardrobe. I used to own pretty large clothes, kinda ratty stuff. I went out and bought some nice stuff. First day I started wearing it, my friends kept asking, "Why you all dressed up?" The women on the other hand... they like it. This one...