She Passed the Antidump machine and still flaked!


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
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I go to a bar one night and I see this Bachlerette party. I'm thinking "Jackpot!" I see this one tall fairly pretty blond dancing by herself so I walk up and start dancing with her. After the song I introduce myself and she introduces herself. I can tell immediately that this girl is into me.

We talk quite a bit, I get her number, I can tell she is really really into me by the way she looks at me and the things she says. She also something like "you won't even call me will you".

3 days later I call, make a date, she's game. We go out, have a great time. At the end of the date she's already asking me what I'm doing tomorrow night. I don't fall for that one. But that lets me know that her interest level is super high. I call her on my own terms and make a date, again she agrees without any hesitation. She's passing the anti-dump machine with flying colors.

By the 3rd date she's already asking me if I'll come with her to the wedding, I hesitantly agree. I get dressed all GQ and go with her, at the reception I'm the life of the party. I dance with her, I dance with the bridesmaids, I dance with the bride. I feel like I'm in the movie wedding crashers.

Things go along and they're going great, I'm not in the friend zone I've been kinoing her the whole time, kissing touching the whole thing just no sex yet because she's real shy about that... We go on a few more dates (not too often just one here and there) I call her but not that often, not even once a day. I get invited to a very exclusive VIP ****tail party and ask her to go with me, she agrees without any hesitation. Again I get dressed up very GQ in my black sport coat, she gets dressed up too and we go out. We have an awesome time. The next morning I have to go walk in the Juvenile Diabetes walk and she comes with me.

I'm thinking damn this girl is total "girlfriend" material and it seems like she's thinking the same thing about me.

But then after about two months of dating the wheels come off. All of a sudden she's not as quick to return calls and she seems to be busier than she used to be when I ask her out. For a while I just wrote it off as maybe she really is busy because she's already proven to me that she's not a flake since she passed the tests with flying colors. But the weird thing was even though she was slower to return calls she would still return them. And when I asked her out she'd say something like "if it were any other night I could" or something like that.

Monday of this week I called and it went straight to voicemail. When she didn't call back by Tuesday I started thinking maybe she didn't get the message so I called again (probably a mistake). By Wednesday morning she still hadn't called so I said "next" and didn't even think twice.

But then I got an email from her saying sorry she hadn't called back but things have been really hectic, then she asks if I'll come to the state fair with her that night (last night). I replied that the fair would be fun but it would probably be raining, I also mentioned that I'm going out Thursday night (tonight) and asked her if she wanted to come along. She replied but all she said was "yeah it's raining so we're not going to the fair" so I went ahead and called her last night and she didn't answer and never called back.

I know the answer is to just never call her again, but it sucks you know?

I'm reminded of the line by Jerry Stiller in that Heartbreak Kid movie: "*****es be crazy, you know that" LOL ;)


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
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You should be dating other chicks so that when this one flakes out on you, it makes the decision much easier to next her.

Just next her. Somewhere along the line, she's lost interest in you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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You didn't up the sex aspect of your relationship, and after a couple of months she has declared you as strictly a friend and therefore no longer worthy of top consideration when going out. She still likes you, as a friend, but no longer as a potential mate.

And seriously, how could you date someone that long and not have sex or get sexual in any way? Bad mistake.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
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cordoncordon said:
You didn't up the sex aspect of your relationship, and after a couple of months she has declared you as strictly a friend and therefore no longer worthy of top consideration when going out. She still likes you, as a friend, but no longer as a potential mate.

And seriously, how could you date someone that long and not have sex or get sexual in any way? Bad mistake.

We only dated for 2 months before she started flaking and I escalated things physically with every date but she kept stopping short of sex saying that she wasn't ready. (as if she was a virgin or something)


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
MrMike said:
You should be dating other chicks so that when this one flakes out on you, it makes the decision much easier to next her.

Just next her. Somewhere along the line, she's lost interest in you.

And the age old question is why... I know I shouldn't care but my curious nature wants to know. I've been reading this and other sites for like 4 years so I think I would know it if I made any glaring mistakes. I really don't think I did.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Btw nice job on your weight loss :).

As for why and what happened, I think considering where you have come from weight wise, and I'm assuming your lack of dating experience because of that, you are doing......ok. But you can for sure up the ante now.

Just ignore this girl. One of two things will happen. Either she will be all upset that you stopped calling and asking her out, which will only make her want you more, or she will disappear from your life, and you will stop worrying about her. My guess is that the first will happen. And IF she wants to meet up down the line, tell her ahead of time that you are looking for something more sexual in your relationships. She might ask you why you stopped calling even. Just tell her you saw your relationship heading towards more of a friends type of thing, and that just isn't what you are looking for. If she's into you romantically she will open her legs trust me. Go from there.

In the meantime, for sure start to date others. Not ten of them. But get some other numbers, set up a few dates, explore your options.

Best of luck!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Bigdavis said:
...By the 3rd date she's already asking me if I'll come with her to the wedding, I hesitantly agree. I get dressed all GQ and go with her, at the reception I'm the life of the party. I dance with her, I dance with the bridesmaids, I dance with the bride. I feel like I'm in the movie wedding crashers. ...
To me this screams of a woman who reached out for the nearest guy who wasn't a stranger to be a "stunt boyfriend." It's a guy who steps in for social engagements to be her social proof that even though she's not in a relationship, she still has men interested in her.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
To me this screams of a woman who reached out for the nearest guy who wasn't a stranger to be a "stunt boyfriend." It's a guy who steps in for social engagements to be her social proof that even though she's not in a relationship, she still has men interested in her.

Wow. I never even thought of that. Thanks!

D!ck Ramsey

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
I got two words for you


Seriously though, maybe the problem is that you are not yet skilled at getting a girl excited enough to fukk. If you are good at foreplay most girls will have a difficult time resisting.

But if you are a bad kisser, that will turn em off right away.

Food for thought


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Sometimes girls just do this kind of thing, and you'll never really understand why. It's best not to stress over it. Being on this site and others, you know how the "game" works. If you screwed something up, you can usually identify it within 15-20 minutes of solid thought. If not, then don't waste any more time trying to figure it out. It'll either dawn on you later, or it might just be flaky chick behavior.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Isn't anyone seeing the obvious reason? 2 months and u didn't push any sexual advances on her? Are you kidding? She thinks your a chump...even if she is "shy" like u say. Either way she still wants it.

You did good in the beginning and didnt have too much contact with her, but it seems like after the wedding you became desperate and way too attached to this girl, she had really high interest and you blew it. next.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
Lose the script you're gaming with, if I'm dating a girl and I ain't touched it after the second or third date I tend to lose intrest.

Some of the things here are field tested but doesn't mean they work all the time.

What I mean about script is if you're gaming a girl and you're thinking about your next move, you're using a script and usually you end up in the situation you're in now.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
eminence said:
Isn't anyone seeing the obvious reason? 2 months and u didn't push any sexual advances on her? Are you kidding? She thinks your a chump...even if she is "shy" like u say. Either way she still wants it.

You did good in the beginning and didnt have too much contact with her, but it seems like after the wedding you became desperate and way too attached to this girl, she had really high interest and you blew it. next.
You guys act like goody two shoes don't exist. Chicks who just won't **** until they've known you for a while. I tried. Trust me

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
That's only half true. Many of them aren't as goody as they want you to believe.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Danger said:

Do a search on Rollo Tomassi and you may be lucky to find one of his posts on the "right guy right moment" mindset.

You just didn't do it for her. Did you even make out with her?

Yes I did make out with her.

It would be different if this chick was really hot or really in demand from other guys but she really isn't. She's what most would consider a big girl with a pretty face. She's like 6' tall and pretty thick

It would also be different if I were ugly or didn't have charm, personality or a steady job but I do. Everyone at my workplace just assume I'm some kinda ladies man and that I beat the women off with a stick. I guess I should have been spinning more plates...


Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
where are the pics of her? i dont see any

Last Minute Resistance (when she says she doesnt wanna have sex when you try to) gets eliminated with alcohol

D!ck Ramsey

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Real said:
where are the pics of her? i dont see any

Last Minute Resistance (when she says she doesnt wanna have sex when you try to) gets eliminated with alcohol
This guy gets it.


Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
the thing about it is, you and her drink together and end up having sex, and after that u wont need to drink with her to **** her because girls only worry about feeling like a ***** the first time they **** a new guy..............its even better to have sex again because then she starts feeling better about herself because shes not some one night stand slut

D!ck Ramsey

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Yuppers. You dont even need to go hardcore with liquor. A nice red wine works very well to loosen them up and get them sensual...

Toss in some scented candles, low ambient lighting, some Sade or DeAngelo really cant lose
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