So, what do women find MOST attractive?

What do women want the MOST?

  • Personality

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • Social Status

    Votes: 22 31.0%
  • Looks (face)

    Votes: 7 9.9%
  • Looks (body)

    Votes: 6 8.5%
  • Money

    Votes: 7 9.9%
  • Toughness

    Votes: 2 2.8%

  • Total voters


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
We've had topics on looks, personality, looks vs personality, social status vs personality. We need to clear the crap and with so many members on this forum we can get to the bottom of all this once and for all!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
What do you mean by a "load of money"? How would you rate yourself on the other aspects of the pole and what kind of girl do you go for?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Social Status is winning so far. So what exactly is "Social Status"? Is it...

1. How many friends you have?

2. How outgoing you are?

3. How you act around people?


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
personality - 45%
social status- 40%
looks - 05%
Other (personal eccentricities) - 10%

If you have a good personality and social skills, then you should have no problem with women at all. Looks are not that big of a deal.



Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
You're going to get as many answers as there are users.

With initial attraction, I find that looks are important but not the most important. If you're well groomed and wearing decent clothes, that's pretty much all you need in that category.

What's most important in initial attraction is your personality. Are you able to make her laugh. Make her laugh and she's yours.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
One word MONEY.

This is because they know only money can give them 'security'... you do know women want security right?

Please don't fool yourself thinking that its 'personality'.. that is complete bull****.. yes if a woman were to choose between a man who has personality + money and a man with just personality.. she would go for the first guy. But between a man who has personality and a man who has just money.. she'll go for the money!

This is not rocket science.. when will you guys understand..

all you gaming, kinoing.. seduction arts, personality, ****y'n'funny, and all that jazz will work only if you have some MONEY!
Wake up!


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
ducaro said:
One word MONEY.

This is because they know only money can give them 'security'... you do know women want security right?

Please don't fool yourself thinking that its 'personality'.. that is complete bull****.. yes if a woman were to choose between a man who has personality + money and a man with just personality.. she would go for the first guy. But between a man who has personality and a man who has just money.. she'll go for the money!

This is not rocket science.. when will you guys understand..

all you gaming, kinoing.. seduction arts, personality, ****y'n'funny, and all that jazz will work only if you have some MONEY!
Wake up!

I gotta differ, here, man.

When a woman wants sex, she will pick the one who "does" it for her. And, depending on the phase of the moon, and which way the wind is blowing, and how she did at work that day, and where she is in her cycle, she's gonna pick who she's gonna pick. She might want to go home with a dumbass big boy, or a smart guy, or a rich dude. Even SHE isn't gonna be able to tell you which beforehand.

And any little thing might CHANGE the "goal." Some guy might walk in and say something to her that intrigues her, or another guy might appear and look "just right," and then all bets are off.

"Money" is one thing. It's often a very powerful thing. But it isn't everything. She wants what she wants. Right then. Don't kid yourself. Mr. Moneybags might be able to whisk her off for a faraway weekend adventure, but she'll screw Joe Sixpack behind his back if the situation is "right."



Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
The US.
ducaro said:
One word MONEY.

This is because they know only money can give them 'security'... you do know women want security right?

Please don't fool yourself thinking that its 'personality'.. that is complete bull****.. yes if a woman were to choose between a man who has personality + money and a man with just personality.. she would go for the first guy. But between a man who has personality and a man who has just money.. she'll go for the money!

This is not rocket science.. when will you guys understand..

all you gaming, kinoing.. seduction arts, personality, ****y'n'funny, and all that jazz will work only if you have some MONEY!
Wake up!
Is it really the money or the confidence that comes with money? Money gives you a lot of advantages over the average guy, but in no way is it going to "seal the deal". Money gives you the edge of being able to dress nice, drive a nice car, and just get initial attention, but if you have no personality then she is going to get bored. My friend Rob has money, drives a brand new car, dresses nice, and has nice things, but compared to him I pull a lot more chicks, cause I have the confidence and skills.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
aliasguy said:

I gotta differ, here, man.

When a woman wants sex, she will pick the one who "does" it for her. And, depending on the phase of the moon, and which way the wind is blowing, and how she did at work that day, and where she is in her cycle, she's gonna pick who she's gonna pick. She might want to go home with a dumbass big boy, or a smart guy, or a rich dude. Even SHE isn't gonna be able to tell you which beforehand.

And any little thing might CHANGE the "goal." Some guy might walk in and say something to her that intrigues her, or another guy might appear and look "just right," and then all bets are off.

"Money" is one thing. It's often a very powerful thing. But it isn't everything. She wants what she wants. Right then. Don't kid yourself. Mr. Moneybags might be able to whisk her off for a faraway weekend adventure, but she'll screw Joe Sixpack behind his back if the situation is "right."

You do make some sense, but the fact money is the most important variable for a woman.

I do not disagree with you when you say she will do what she wants..

if she had the choice of spending the life with either a man with a love machine gun down there, Mr. Intrigue and aman who has the pots and pots of money.. you know who she will choose...

now don't get me wrong, she may fvck around behind the guy who has the money..but her first instinct is to have the money...

well, I am now beginning to think noone will ever know the truth. and this is the truth.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
ducaro said:
One word MONEY.

This is because they know only money can give them 'security'... you do know women want security right?

Please don't fool yourself thinking that its 'personality'.. that is complete bull****.. yes if a woman were to choose between a man who has personality + money and a man with just personality.. she would go for the first guy. But between a man who has personality and a man who has just money.. she'll go for the money!

This is not rocket science.. when will you guys understand..

all you gaming, kinoing.. seduction arts, personality, ****y'n'funny, and all that jazz will work only if you have some MONEY!
Wake up!

Depends who you are. If you are fat , bald and ugly, and worst of all not a MAN, you are right, women will want money. If you are an ambitious MAN with no money and have a tight game, look good you will do much better than 95% of the men. Money will get you the kind of women that are with you for money. So if that is the case, you are leasing women; she is and will never be interested in you.

I actually take the reverse approach with women. I tell them I'm broke. Guess what? 90% of them dont care. It also weeds them out. Bottomline, women want a MAN. Generally speaking, MEN are not broke unless they failed in an aggressive endeavor.

So what do women look for. A MAN!


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

Ducaro, guru is right.

I've seen things play out, out in the real world, and you just are off base on this one.

I know you really wanna believe it's all about money, but it's NOT. (And I've got a fair bit of it, so I'm NOT rationalizing. ---- seems like YOU ARE. Did some chick pass you over for a rich guy, or something?)



Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
If you aren't 6' 4, have a 6 pack, make 6 figures a year, and drive a BMW women won't even pay attention to you. If you're 5'10, average build, and don't make a lot of money women won't give you any time of day.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Depends who you are. If you are fat , bald and ugly, and worst of all not a MAN, you are right, women will want money. If you are an ambitious MAN with no money and have a tight game, look good you will do much better than 95% of the men. Money will get you the kind of women that are with you for money. So if that is the case, you are leasing women; she is and will never be interested in you.

I actually take the reverse approach with women. I tell them I'm broke. Guess what? 90% of them dont care. It also weeds them out. Bottomline, women want a MAN. Generally speaking, MEN are not broke unless they failed in an aggressive endeavor.

So what do women look for. A MAN!
Thats true they don't care when you tell them you don't have money!! thats because they don't really care and will fvck with you happily till someone with money and personality came into her life and she'll dump you like a potato.

what I am trying to say its a win win situation... you will get the woman, but if you don't have money.. she will only stick with you till somebody else with money came along... and then if that guy has money and no personality.. she will stick with him, but fvck behind his back.. probably fvck with you!! :)

If you are ambitious man with no money, no doubt she will be impressed that you are ambitious.. but the moment, another ambitious man WITH money comes along, you are gone like the wind.

you see the trend??

and this is with the majority of the women.. not all.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
aliasguy said:

Ducaro, guru is right.

I've seen things play out, out in the real world, and you just are off base on this one.

I know you really wanna believe it's all about money, but it's NOT. (And I've got a fair bit of it, so I'm NOT rationalizing. ---- seems like YOU ARE. Did some chick pass you over for a rich guy, or something?)

If yer really 43, I would like to go with what you think


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
ducaro said:
If yer really 43, I would like to go with what you think


But, Ducaro, you were so SURE before......... what changed?

(And, yeah, I AM 43.)



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
ducaro said:
Thats true they don't care when you tell them you don't have money!! thats because they don't really care and will fvck with you happily till someone with money and personality came into her life and she'll dump you like a potato.

what I am trying to say its a win win situation... you will get the woman, but if you don't have money.. she will only stick with you till somebody else with money came along... and then if that guy has money and no personality.. she will stick with him, but fvck behind his back.. probably fvck with you!! :)

If you are ambitious man with no money, no doubt she will be impressed that you are ambitious.. but the moment, another ambitious man WITH money comes along, you are gone like the wind.

you see the trend??

and this is with the majority of the women.. not all.

So women turn you in for a newer lease ( someone with more money) and you may turn a women in for a newer lease ( a younger woman). Are all men like that? Are all women like that? That's a Strong generalization.

But let's take a step back. Let us say you took every step to know that your CORE is the essense of MANHOOD( the #1 quality women look for). And even with this your woman left you for a man with more money. I would say you were never a MAN. Very simply, MEN have the ability to walk away. When you saw signs of who this women was, you walk, not vice-versa.

Not all women are money hungry, just like not all men trade in their woman for newer models. You have to be selective and choose. MEN choose and MEN leave when the choice turns out to be a lemon. If I fail, I never blame women, i take responsibility for not being a MAN.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
aliasguy said:

But, Ducaro, you were so SURE before......... what changed?

(And, yeah, I AM 43.)

lol.. I am still sticking to my guns, but I am giving you credit (yer experience) cuz I am less than half of 57!


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
guru1000 said:
Generally speaking, MEN are not broke unless they failed in an aggressive endeavor.
That would be me.

And I agree with you guru, but damn does being broke, after having a lot going for you, really suck. It's off-topic a bit, but damn, it sure does dent my confidence.