So, what do women find MOST attractive?

What do women want the MOST?

  • Personality

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • Social Status

    Votes: 22 31.0%
  • Looks (face)

    Votes: 7 9.9%
  • Looks (body)

    Votes: 6 8.5%
  • Money

    Votes: 7 9.9%
  • Toughness

    Votes: 2 2.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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come on think about it its both looks and money ... if ur filthy rich then looks doesnt matter...

overall id say a bit of both...

money = 60%
looks= 30%
social status = 10%


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
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retired_dude said:
I don't understand his language. My girlfriend just turned 20 last weekend and I am 58. We are perfect together. Maybe it is because I have never been married, but I feel and look better now than when I was 25. Man is made to reproduce until death. Simple as that.
Definately a gold digger mate...

Be careful when you stand at the top of your staircase ;)


New Member
Nov 7, 2007
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NickSCFC2000 said:
Interesting article...

""Under particular circumstances, high socio-economic status in males can be subtly counter-productive in terms of attractiveness as a long-term partner."
Good article.

Note that it was mentionned good looks were prefered by women in all circumstances

"Perhaps unsurprisingly, the University of Central Lancashire research found the 186 female students asked preferred good-looking men.

But within this group, when professions were taken into account, those good-looking men with medium status jobs came out top."

Kinda destroy the old "look don't matter" arguments. Not that it shouldn't suprised anyone that ever interacted with attractive women, just nice seeing it's back out by science.


New Member
Nov 7, 2007
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""Under particular circumstances, high socio-economic status in males can be subtly counter-productive in terms of attractiveness as a long-term partner."

good article. Notice it said

"Perhaps unsurprisingly, the University of Central Lancashire research found the 186 female students asked preferred good-looking men.
But within this group, when professions were taken into account, those good-looking men with medium status jobs came out top."

Note it was mentionned women systematically prefer good looking men, sorta debunking the old notion that " look don't matter" I guess. Of course it shouldn't come as no suprise for anyone that ever interacted with attractive women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Also notice they ASKED THE WOMEN WHAT THEY WANTED. Are you all really dumb enough to think the "study" is worth the paper it's printed on with a data collection system like that? What they should do is have a look at the guys these women have recently dated. I'd bet the actual results of THAT would only slightly resemble this "study".


New Member
Nov 7, 2007
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bigjohnson said:
Also notice they ASKED THE WOMEN WHAT THEY WANTED. Are you all really dumb enough to think the "study" is worth the paper it's printed on with a data collection system like that? What they should do is have a look at the guys these women have recently dated. I'd bet the actual results of THAT would only slightly resemble this "study".
Agrees. Women may deep down want or prefer attractive men but they still might end with less than attractive guys for whatever reasons.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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greedydonn said:
Agrees. Women may deep down want or prefer attractive men but they still end with less attractive guys for whatever reasons.
That is because a good man is harder to find than an attractive woman. A woman who attracts lots of men is a dime a dozen. A man who attracts lots of women is one in a million.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Here's my theory.

It's about knowing these girls. At uni all the fit girls are doing things like medicine, psychology, english, fashion, photography etc etc so if you're on one of these courses then you can get to know lots of women. You're then part of the crowd, you make friends and it goes from there.

If you're doing Maths, Physics, Engineering etc. EVEN if you're a cool/good looking/good body guy you don't have the luxury of meeting nice girls day in, day out and getting to know them. I mean sure guys on these kind of courses are typically nerdier/uglier etc etc but even cool guys doing such courses miss out.

I honestly don't believe it's much to do with any of the stuff on the list. All of those things help, all of them, some more than others, but from experience I find that the fit ones typically date guys on their course etc. or in that crowd. If you're not part of it all, you miss out. An ugly guy doing medicine has more fun usually than a good looing guy doing maths.

I wish I never did Maths and Physics at uni. :-|

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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This is a funny thread...

You can clearly see who all the Keyboard Jockeys are and its sad.

Serious Question - Do some of you guys even actually go out and practice. Or do you just like that good feeling of being in a forums and not actually doing anything.

I don't care what anyone says PERSONALITY is the most important. If you beg to differ then go out there and open mixed sets where the guy is better looking than you or richer. You will see you'll get the same results.

Now about social status its rather broad. But if you are considering "HIGH VALUE" as social status then "Social Status" would be important too, even though a person's personality in itself could give him high value.

But on another note if you do have status in the specific grounds then you can get laid. (The manager in a diner who fuks his female staff, the subway manager who also fuks his female staff, the guy who is the party host, etc) This is because in that specific situation he is higher value. But put that same guy to get girls in the street and if he doesn't have PERSONALITY he won't get much.

There isn't any need for me to go any further than this, go out there and see for yourself. If you have game you will always do better than the Tough guy, rich guy, good looking guy. Even if the guy has GAME, if your game is slightly better than your getting the girl, because your slightly cooler.

If you don't even know how to compentently approach women then it will be hard to actually try this experiment out because if you don't have game of course the good looking guy is going to outshine you because you don't know how to convey your personality. This is the only reason why some of you are saying other things are more than personality.

You just a Keyboard Jockey, or you don't even know what your doing when it comes to approaching. 95% of the community doesn't even approach the amount of chicks needed to actually internalize most of this stuff. Heck just look at some of the posts here of guys focusing on one particular girl and trying to get her for months.