

Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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KarmaSutra said:
Yeah as a practicing Freemanson I'm sure you're the representative of those above the 30 degree level.

You're an idiot and have nothing to do with Freemasonry. Possibly the Shriners or Knights of Columbus on bingo night but nothing more.

I can ask one question via PM to test whether or not you know of the craft.
Can't deal with a typo?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
fuzzx said:
Do you know that there is NO LAW stating that you have to pay income tax?
then why does the irs make you pay it? why do they make you pay extra fines if you are late paying it? why do they come and take you away when you owe big bucks and do not pay?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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penkitten said:
then why does the irs make you pay it? why do they make you pay extra fines if you are late paying it? why do they come and take you away when you owe big bucks and do not pay?

If there are aliens and an alien agenda, there not here to enslave mankind, there here to take us to a new state of spiritul awakening, there just using the cover of the mass organisations and slave control to 'snap' people out of state.

That is my belief, if there is an 'agenda'.

If, not saying there is, i would need more proof then what is currently around.

I agree if there where aliens pulling the strings and if it was for a higher state of self, then the old beliefs and docterins of old would cause mass riots, suicides and people would be even more seperated then they are now, on the other hand if they 'allow' people to come to a new state of being, then they may tell the truth, if it exists or not.

But all i know old values are crumbling and new ones are rising up, there is something going on.

11:11 and all that stuff, people leaving old beliefs, practicing new forbiden stuff, stuff that would have got you 'killed' before now people are loosing respect for an higher authority, this is believe is the true agenda, in time the future of the human race, in years to come there will be no slave and master, we are seeing reminents of it now, yes there is slave and master, it is money, you have it or you dont, hence you are a slave to the system or your not, or religion worship and higher authority, to me there is no higher authority then self, the next will be to transend self.

an higher species would not waste there time on us otherwise to any one advances we are simply 'pathetic' in the terms of 'ego' and self validation.

I am a believer PUA, DJ all men that embrace seduction e.t.c see a door opening and tear down old values then start asking questions: why is it like that, why have i been lied to?

why, and then they press on and see other so called truths.

Me, i believe the universe is eternal which means if there was a god, he is part of all, meaing any superior species who would share that view would not waste there time until we where at a level where we could embrace them on that concept, not 'fear soul eating monsters from outerspace'.

if there is an engineer it is not 'god' it is a higher species, taking us through each step of evolution, the time for a new one imo is closing, a higher state of awareness.

this, if there is an Agenda is the 'Agenda'.

The movie the 'matrix' TRUE code was a spiritul awakaning, it references all the known religious ideals of the world, the term and the concept 'the one' applies to all enlightened beings, there is no 'neo', 'neo' was in fact ALL, but he was the only 'one' to understand that, look up poeples blogs on the matrix, you will see it had 'hidden' messages: 'neo' trapped in the tube, the engineer, the french guy 'portrayed has the devil' buddha, golden child, the prophet, saraph the chinese guy a messenger and protector of heaven, e.t.c.

It is all there, from two guys who wanted to make a message for people who can see it and those that cant, but when all is said and done its just another action flick and a good one at that.

The machines, where not the banking elite out to control the world, the machines in the end where fighting for there survival, much like the humans, the end was the coming together of them both, hence living in 'unity' rather then 'conflict' that was 'the' message, sorry to disapoint anyone who wanted all the machines to die, :D

Agent smish was a rogue agent, part of the grand design to make them work together, or face total destruction (the opposite of the one, but still part of the 'one'), agent smith the rogue code, was the coming together of the 'one' GOOD AND BAD, there where seperated, for a 'purpose'.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
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fuzzx said:
Do you know that there is NO LAW stating that you have to pay income tax?
Yeah, look in the US Constitution, article 1, section 8, clause 1:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
Imagine how society would crumble if the governments of the world admitted we are not alone. Religion as a whole would fall. Marshall law would rule, then lead to complete totalitarianism and anarchy.
No, quite the contrary.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Deep Dish said:
No, quite the contrary.
contrary how?

I actually think there are aliens living in our oceans. What evidence do I have?


I just think its a cool idea to think of when I'm bored.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Bonez said:
contrary how?
In short, because it would make the universe a warm and neighborly place. People have a deep-seated need for their lives to have meaning, both in their personal lives and their place in the cosmos. For all we can tell, the Earth is merely one drop of water in an intergalatic ocean and the universe is awfully cold. To say we're lonely would be quite an understatement. People also are hard-wired to believe in superstitions and the paranormal; aliens, even invading or anal probing ones, would be fulfilling. People's sense of religion would not crumble but rather be reinvigorated. Mainstream scientists—even all the “evil” NASA scientists who deny the preponderence of UFOs—would love to see UFOS, as it would be an unprecedented expansion of knowledge, reinvigorate the exploration of space (and increase their budgets). I don't think UFOs would bring about world peace, but most certainly not panic. So far, the only people I've ever heard claim that UFOs would prompt panic and social meltdown are UFO believers, which doesn't surprise me one bit.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
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I have a fraternity brother who's said he's a freemason. He's tight lipped about it but from what I can tell it just seems like a mystified social club or fraternity. Trust me, he isn't influencial and doesn't have anything he can offer except maybe some dues or whatever they charge to participate. He's lucky he even made it in with us.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Deep Dish said:
No, quite the contrary.
I have to disagree with your disagreement young brother. The Roman Catholic Church, the most massive, well organized, TAX FREE BUSINESS, would never allow anything to blow thier rule. Especially the news that little grey men are here giving out secrets in exchange for humans to play Operation on.

I most certainly believe that mass hysteria would grip the world at first. We would adapt then try to rule them as is our nature. Then probably the Pope would cite Jesus Christ as an "Other" to keep the money machine rolling.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Last Man Standing said:
Karma leans toward satanism - aleister crowley
Aleister Crowley was a visionary and for that I count him as one of my heroes along with John Gotti, Wyatt Earp, Nikola Tesla and Jesus "the man with the plan" Christ.

Gotta love J.C. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Bonez said:
contrary how?

I actually think there are aliens living in our oceans. What evidence do I have?
uso's have been reported off the coast of california.
didn't you watch the history channel?
ufo's become uso's once they submerge into water.
even christopher columbus wrote about ufso's during his explorations.
a very old rumor is that the lost city of atlantis is the base for all communications with uso's.
certainly this isn't real proof, but it is something.

on another show i watched months ago ...
our scientists have even created a submerge able type of machine that will be ready in a few years to go into space and be placed on one of saturn's moons enceladus . (the one with all the water geysers on it that could eventually spark life). this machine is supposed to go over land and submerge into water to explore their water and take pictures and samples for us to study.
they said it would be able to up link to our satellites within a matter of minutes for nasa to see the research.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
The masons... very interesting subject.

I don't know much, but I do know that I used to be Mormon, and Joseph Smith pretty much stole the entire masonic ceremony with all the signs and symbols. Anybody and everybody who was powerful back in the day of George Washington was a mason. It was a power fraternity organization established earlier in Europe claiming to have knowledge about the origins of the universe. Having been through the copied ceremony before many times, it is pretty weird. It's supposed to be symbolic and have deep meaning behind it, but I really can only speculate that it is yet another ritual that men dreamed up to fill that yearning to understand why the hell we are here. Probably by somebody who was looking to become a little more powerful in the process.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
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I think George Washington was a Mason... At least I've heard that before!

g g g unit

Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
yeah im sure washington was a mason. not all masons are bad i bet 99% don't know the truth about what their getting into.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
Aleister Crowley was a visionary and for that I count him as one of my heroes along with John Gotti, Wyatt Earp, Nikola Tesla and Jesus "the man with the plan" Christ.

Gotta love J.C. :crazy:
That is quite a varied list - their aims and philosophy are in conflict with one another!!


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2007
Reaction score
g g g unit said:
yeah im sure washington was a mason. not all masons are bad i bet 99% don't know the truth about what their getting into.
What do you mean dont know what they are getting into? How are the freemasons bad?

George Washington was a freemason, as have 14 US presidents from my recent studies on the topic.

I also read they are the same as the Knights Templer, though I dont want to get into that as it is subjective and open to an entire seperate debate.

g g g unit

Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Do you think that the lower level masons really know what the 33rd degree masons really get up to?? Most masons just think its dungeons and dragons for men or a social club. And don't get me started about how high level masons are bad.