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  1. F

    Let's all discuss the L word.. not lust, but love

    In David DeAngelo's recent newletter he discusses the fact that as a man you should NEVER admit verbally that you like a woman. He says that, "TELLING her is bad because it takes the MAGIC, the SUSPENSE, the MYSTERY, and the SEXUAL TENSION out of the situation." I agree 100% with that...
  2. F

    The issue of relationships in highschool

    Being in a relationshp is important too because you learn things about people, especially partners. You learn through relationships about what kind of people you're interested in just as much as you would if you were single and hooking up with girls. There are important things to learn about...
  3. F

    Friends with benefits?

    I didn't really read it.. it's a lot of information. However, you asked WTF is friends with benefits? I would consider it a non-exclusive relationship in most cases. If you're talking about just sex and no attachments.. well that's a different thing.
  4. F

    Dealing with insecurity

    I've been there done that. I was with a girl, who at the time I thought was amazing, but wasn't even that great. I was insecure and she was all that I had. So I had similar feelings to the way you have expressed about her talking to other guys. You're insecure about this because you're...
  5. F

    Bad move.. or no problem?

    Yeah I know. And that's what I was afraid of.
  6. F

    Bad move.. or no problem?

    I've been dating this amazing girl for about a month now. We get a long very well. We both C&F on each other and we both have very high interest levels. So I'm very sarcastic sometimes when I get in the mood. So I tease her about something and then I'll reassure her that I was just kidding...
  7. F

    For those interested in Long Term Relationships

    I think it's a great idea. The game really does start to change when you're involved in a LTR and many aspects of DJing are different. However, many of the basic things are still the same. Like the qualities of being a man: Charismatic, Confident, Smart, Funny, etc. I don't see why we don't...
  8. F

    Worried about sex.. not what you're thinking though

    Maybe so. I don't think it's a bad thing to want my partner to have a good sexual experience. Nothing wrong with asking questions. Everyone does it - including you.
  9. F

    Worried about sex.. not what you're thinking though

    That's awesome advice. Thanks very much. Yeah, I've been with small girls in the past and sometimes it's difficult. So I had my worries with this one. My main concern wasn't that she could take it, but if she could take it and enjoy it. It sounds like I'll have to keep things busy to make it...
  10. F

    Never undestimate girls instincts

    And how would you go about doing that?
  11. F

    Worried about sex.. not what you're thinking though

    I'm in a relationship with a beautiful smart cunning girl. I'm very interested in her and I foresee a potential LTR out of this girl. I wouldn't mind one. She's actually worth settling down for. Now I have just started dating her so I haven't had sex with her yet. I'm worried about having sex...
  12. F

    how long before its really love?

    This post is ridiculous. Love happens at unexpected times regardless of age. The true factor is maturity. You can be immature and still be in love with someone. I was. However a real relationship of a loving nature takes place under mature circumstances. Who are you to ridicule this guy? Shame...
  13. F

    How do you "sweep girls off their feet"

    Re: Re: How do you "sweep girls off their feet" You wondered what sweeping a girl off there feet is? Well you just described it perfectly: being unlike any other guy she has ever been with. Having this girl memorized by you through actions, words, and just your personality.
  14. F

    How do you "sweep girls off their feet"

    That's ridiculous to say that it's stupid that he wants to sweep her off her feet. Don't say that. Rather say it's ridiculous that he wants to sweep her off her feet because she mentioned that he should. I think sweeping a girl off their feet is a DJ master skill. You should have this girl...
  15. F

    Before I jump into a LTR...

    I do have a problem with Oneits. I had it with my ex-girlfriend, but it wasn't a problem in our relationship. In fact, I'm sure she probably had no idea at the time that I had it for her. tmpgstx, you have some good advice. I've been getting to know her and she truly does qualify for a LTR. I...
  16. F

    Before I jump into a LTR...

    I've recently been seeing this really cute girl that I'm beginning to become crazy about. She's smart, sweet, fun, and everything in general that I'm looking for in a girl. She's very beautiful which makes her open to flirting from all sorts of guys. I don't doubt that she'd be loyal though...
  17. F

    good to make her jealous?

    What about the this girl that you are seeing sorta.. and you hang out with her friend while she's out of town.. I have a feeling that might cross over the line, maybe?
  18. F

    Asking Someone out

    Re: Re: Asking Someone out Awesome, you read my mind. That's what I was thinking. I mean I guess you're right about the whole assumption that we're commited to each other.
  19. F

    Asking Someone out

    Hey guys, Well things are going great with this girl that I'm currently "with". I mean things couldn't be better. I went to this girls house yesterday to see her before she left for Arizona and she's totally into me. I'm just a little worried because she's been talking to this guy on Myspace...
  20. F

    Wtf? How should I handle this..?

    I guess you're right. It just seems strange after the conversation we had last night about her doing stuff for me. Thanks.