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  1. F

    I think I handled this stupid.. I'll explain

    lol, I knew somebody was going to spew that man **** on me. I made no mistakes. I needed time away from her to grow as a person and I would do it over again if I had to. I'm not complaining about the fact that she didn't wait up for me.. I didn't expect her to.
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    I think I handled this stupid.. I'll explain

    Yeah man, I don't know.. I have nexted her but I still find myself thinking about her. Even when I'm with other girls. It's not good at all.
  3. F

    I think I handled this stupid.. I'll explain

    Alright, this ex of mine is a special case. She's an old ex, my first "real" girlfriend from long ago. Long story short we broke up as I needed some time to live out my life and grow up a little bit. When I did grow up she lead me on to believe that we were getting back together, but screwed me...
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    two questions

    For kissing you just need to let it come naturally. Be confident in what you are doing. If you think you're going to screw it up you will. I remember when I first started kissing and whatnot I wasn't very good at it either. I stayed horrible at it because every time I kissed somebody I just...
  5. F

    Social Rut/ Getting Invited to Parties

    It's all about connections my friend. You have to work for them. Unless you have some sort of family member or of age friend.. then you're going to have to find another way. Several ways are you could just ask some people that you work with that are over age. Generally you can get a vibe from...
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    afc and my girl!

    I think you all have it wrong. Your little AFC is doing exactly what an AFC does best.. catering to a girls needs. That's all he is doing. I doubt she would honestly be interested in this guy unless she's not too bright. She's getting the best of two worlds: A man who is strong, independent...
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    Social Rut/ Getting Invited to Parties

    Exactly, you have it in the bag. Try it out and if you feel like you're being taken advantage of put your DJ skills into effect and let them know otherwise.
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    Social Rut/ Getting Invited to Parties

    My advice to you is to find a pull that you can depend on to get some alcohol from. This is the best solution because your friends are basically looking for a party to meet people and get faded at. Well you have part of that equation if you have alcohol. I also recommend that when you talk to...
  9. F

    AIM Block or Delete? Your opinions?

    I just deleted my ex's. Blocking her seems childish and not to mention would prove that you obviously have some issues with her still. So regardless if you do or don't, just delete her name. Although, be aware that if you're still hung up on this girl you need to commit yourself to not having...
  10. F

    Any of you guys like girls that bust your balls 2?

    I normally don't mind when girls do this, in fact I kind of like it because it sparks a connection and definitely a conversation. Although today this girl (I'd rate her a 3-4) just couldn't stop busting my balls and singling me out. At first I didn't mind, and I thought it was funny. I shot back...
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    A phrase that works well for me.

    lol, my friend uses that all the time. works decent.
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    It's a life savor, haha.
  13. F


    If you use Internet Explorer they have a program called ieSpell. It's great.. with the click of a button it checks everything you type. Search for it on google.
  14. F

    First threesome, poor me

    Not at all.. you'd be surprised. We put all the back seats down and my friends crazy; he turned his passenger seat back wards for even more room. lol, probably haven't seen that before right? There was plenty of room and at no point did I grind/touch my friend. As I said, I barely even saw...
  15. F

    First threesome, poor me

    lol man, wtf is with you guys. Seriously, grow the **** up and grab some balls. There was another guy there, but it's not like I was ****ing making a visual memory in my head of his body - I didn't even see him. Threesomes with 2 guys 1 girl, 2 girls 1 guy, etc aren't unusual. Don't be...
  16. F

    First threesome, poor me

    Yeah man, it was fun. I don't know about the other comments about how it was disgusting. Maybe I didn't describe things really well..
  17. F

    First threesome, poor me

    Alright, so I've finally had my first threesome. I was with a buddy of mine and we both know this chick who is into both of us. We've always played it off like we were too much of hot **** for her, but now we actually cashed our cards in the game and it paid out. We were in my friends blazer...
  18. F

    When your at a hs party and you want to hookup...

    It just depends man. I've seen people just make out right on the spot. I mean if you're in a room with her and it's private then I'd make my move. If there's an empty room I'd lead her into there if things started to escalate.
  19. F

    Prep Is Back

    Yeah, seriously when did it ever go out? Prep has always been in style to some degree. I've been wearing prep for a year or so now and it's worked well for me. Girls like a man who knows style and how to dress.. unless you're trying to attract some other type of girl who might not be into the...
  20. F

    What Compliments Are Signs of Interest

    You can't just depend to rely on small things like complements. I was going out with this HB from my school and I took her out on a date. She was just full of great compliments which I replied to using C&F. There was a lot more going for me than this, but long story short the date didn't work...