two questions


New Member
Aug 9, 2004
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Well last weekend I stayed the night at my friends house because we had a hockey game that night. His girlfriend and her friend came to see the game and after the game we went skating and we hit it off really good.

My friend was planning on getting a hotel room and they invited me to come along. Thing is my brother was with me. He is 16 and im 18. My friend and his girl where in the shower banging while I was making out in the bed with this girl. I started fingering her and then I went down on her and my brother who was lying down at the foot of the bed looks up.

We both thought he was outside and so she kinda freaks and was like we cant do this with him in here. So i try to discretly tell him to leave but he doesnt leave and starts being a total **** block by whining about sleeping on the floor and he ends up sleeping in the bed with us. We ended up just cuddling all night.

Then the next day he's flirting with her in the pool and when I ask him about it he says they were just talking about me and that she said I'm not that great of a kisser and that she doesnt really like me.

Ill give him the not so good at kissing part because ive never made out with anyone before, but everything else I did perfect thakns to the DJ Bible. She wouldnt have asked me to come with her to the hotel if she didnt like me. She was the one who made the first move. I prolly didnt dominate her enough. She started the finger bang by putting her butt against my crotch.

Ive never had time for girls because im the oldest in my family and my dad pasted away when I was 15 so I dont have time for anything with my mom working and everything.

My question is what should my next move with this girl be? What to do about **** blocking? And how can I be a better kisser?


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
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Well the girl, no offense is fvcked up.

To be a better kisser. There is no techniques to learn. It is innate; just feel for the moment. Don't dwell on "How-to" but DO IT.

Just don't drool, be neat. And, let it flow. If you were uptight or nervous -- that is probably why it didn't work out (the kissing).

Maybe if your brother wasn't there... you would be less uncomfortable...

How old is this girl anyway?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
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For kissing you just need to let it come naturally. Be confident in what you are doing. If you think you're going to screw it up you will.

I remember when I first started kissing and whatnot I wasn't very good at it either. I stayed horrible at it because every time I kissed somebody I just knew that she wasn't enjoying it. The only reason she wasn't enjoying it was because I was spending too much time worrying. It's all about letting it be natural.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
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Your brother must be really immature. Why would he not leave you two alone? I could understand maybe if he was 13 or something and just wanted to be a little brat, but doing that at 16? He should be out trying to find his own play.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2004
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to be a better kisser you have to relax. just like finch said, you can't be thinking about it or you'll screw up. easier said that done right?

here's what you do. instead of thinking about what you are doing with your tounge, think about your hands and where they're at ;) . don't be scared to run your fingers through her hair, feel her face, her neck, her back, whatever. using your hands is as important as the kiss itself. some advice, don't go for the tits right off. get close, then pull away. repeat a few times. tease her with your hands.

as for your brother. im in the same situation as you homie. i've got a brother and my dads gone. chances are, you're family is close, the way you described things.

DONT HESITATE TO KICK YOUR BROTHERS ASS NEXT TIME! your the oldest. what you say goes. what he did was disrespectful to you. don't take that from him.

anyways im ranting... peace


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
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Buffalo, NY
Be honest with your brother. He is young and stupid. Let him know that the home team comes first - he NEVER ****blocks you and you NEVER ****block him... whoever makes the first move on the girl has dibbs untill he ****s it up. Make sure he understands this.

About kissing - dont believe a word any of these kids have said to you. Its not inate. You can learn it like anything else. If a girl let you finger her the first time you made out - YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!

Kissing tips:
Start slow, progressively get faster.
Start with your hands off her, or in neutral positions (hips, hair, arms), and progressively move them to sexual places
MAINTAIN A RHYTHM!!! this is hugely important - if you kiss slow, be gentle with your hands. If you kiss fast, be more forcefull.
Make sure you are on a comfortable position.
Start with little body contact, progressively get closer, with more body pressure and skin on skin.
DONT undress a girl while you kiss her. Instead, take a break from her lips and caress her body (kiss, lick, softly bite) as you take each article of clothing off. If her shirt comes off, yours comes off - you can even take yours off first to spurr her nudity.
It is better to go to slow than too fast.
It is better to be too clean than too slopy
When she does something that feels especially good, like biting your lip or running her nails along your scalp, pressing her body against yours... let out a SOFT moan - let her know you enjoy it. This will help her relax, because she knows she is pleasing you

Call the girl and invite her out for some hot chocolate and to catch a movie. She likes you.


New Member
Aug 9, 2004
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We didnt even realize he was in the room untill he started laughing because he watching some movie and she heard him and she said that we couldnt do this with him in the room.

I think she let me finger her not because of the kissing but everything else I did to her. She was getting off before I started fingering her. I was mixing it up alot while we were making out. Kissing her nack and then backing off while rubbing her hot spots. After a few minutes she took her top off and i started rubbing the outside of her panties. Then I backed off and started playing with her ears then I would go back downstairs. If I wasnt wearing a t shirt I would have scratch marks all over my back. im a really passionate guy so I covered alot of the stuff you guys said to do without really thinking about it. I just let go I let my passion tell me what to do.

The funny thing is I didnt get her number. It just seamed kinda wierd for me to ask for it. Im really good at number closing but this time everything went backwards for me because we had just met and it turned sexual really fast. I have trouble following up after I get the number so this is new territory for me.
Im gonna try to hang with her this weekend. We might just end up being fvck buddies

The girl is 16 turning 17 this summer and I just turned 18 last november.

My brother knows he fvcked up so im not gonna say anymore to him about it.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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L.A. ish
Originally posted by biskitindabaskit
We didnt even realize he was in the room untill he started laughing because he watching some movie and she heard him and she said that we couldnt do this with him in the room.

I think she let me finger her not because of the kissing but everything else I did to her. She was getting off before I started fingering her. I was mixing it up alot while we were making out. Kissing her nack and then backing off while rubbing her hot spots. After a few minutes she took her top off and i started rubbing the outside of her panties. Then I backed off and started playing with her ears then I would go back downstairs. If I wasnt wearing a t shirt I would have scratch marks all over my back. im a really passionate guy so I covered alot of the stuff you guys said to do without really thinking about it. I just let go I let my passion tell me what to do.

The funny thing is I didnt get her number. It just seamed kinda wierd for me to ask for it. Im really good at number closing but this time everything went backwards for me because we had just met and it turned sexual really fast. I have trouble following up after I get the number so this is new territory for me.
Im gonna try to hang with her this weekend. We might just end up being fvck buddies

The girl is 16 turning 17 this summer and I just turned 18 last november.

My brother knows he fvcked up so im not gonna say anymore to him about it.
Cool ur doing it illegally il


New Member
Aug 9, 2004
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Im still in high school and its not shes 14 or 15. 16 is my limit and its not like I took advantage of her or anything. She started it and she knew my age. I dont go after girls who are 2 years or more younger than me so chill dude.

*edit I said 20 years instead of 2 lol*
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