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  1. F

    She's completely naked... and I'm far from hard

    What's up guys? I haven't been around here in a long time. Before I stopped coming here I was in a 1yr 1/2 relationship that didn't work out. Then I've been single for almost a year now refining my skills and trying to heal from that past relationship which was pretty painful. I've done...
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    What do you guys think?

    Thanks for the thoughts so far guys. Maybe I should clear up what I've been doing during this whole time. I would have earlier, but I didn't want to make the post too long. I HAVE been supportive - very supportive. She had the abortion about a month and a half ago and during this time I...
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    What do you guys think?

    So I've been with this girl for 1.5yrs. We've been really close, but recently we've had a lot of trouble because she got pregnant and we ended up having an abortion. I have a close member in my family who has been through one and it's a truly awful experience for some women I'm told. A lot of...
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    Do Girls Ever Distance Themselves from Usher?

    Someone mentioned that she might be cheating on me in Vegas? I don't think that's possible. She's been with her family there the entire time and if you understood her family like I do then you would know that it's a fat chance in hell that she actually was able to get away from them long enough...
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    Do Girls Ever Distance Themselves from Usher?

    I agree with you that she should be showing more interest in me by calling and/or texting me while she's on this vacation. I do remember in the past, in the beginning of our relationship when she was without a doubt head-over-heals for me, that she was strange about calling and texting and...
  6. F

    Do Girls Ever Distance Themselves from Usher?

    Hey guys, has anybody read the lastest article on the homepage? Do Girls Ever Distance Themselves from Usher? I just read it and it speaks volumes to me because I'm in a similar situation as the guy is in the article. However, the difference is that I've been dating my girlfriend for almost a...
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    She's Pregnant

    I'm grateful that we're not going through with having a kid, but at the same time I'm worried about how big of a damper this is going to put on my relationship. We're pretty serious. We've been dating for almost a year and half now. I don't want things to turn sour because of this. I...
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    She's Pregnant

    Well guys, she's pregnant. We took two pregnancy tests each with a different brand of tester and they both came back positive. We were both completely shocked. I could hardly believe it because it just didn't really make much sense. It was strange because this month we had very little sex...
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    Quick Drink Mix

    Re: Re: Quick Drink Mix Yeah.. sorry about that. I realized that after I posted. lol. Been a little out of it lately. Anyway, thanks for the advice guys. I'll be headed to the store soon to pick up some Orange Juice and Cranberry juice. Thanks!
  10. F

    Quick Drink Mix

    Hey guys, Just a quick question about some mixes for a drink. Every once in awhile my girlfriend and I like to get a little buzz and drink. We're under age, so we don't have access to much alcohol. So we're basically limited to what we have available. I'm not talking about mixed drinks...
  11. F

    I want oneitis

    Maybe you're not happy with the girls you're hooking up with. Do you feel like you're above them.. I mean in the sense that you could maybe do better? Also.. sometimes oneitis takes time to develop. It takes time to get to know someone and have them "grow" on you, for lack of a better word...
  12. F

    Going to ask a HB9 to a prom TOMORROW. What to bear in mind?

    Don't underestimate yourself so much. This girl obviously has some interest in you, otherwise she wouldn't be going to this dance with you. I'll tell you a little story... My fiancé and I barely knew each other at all and I had known her (mostly acquaintance) for about 2 years or so. We never...
  13. F

    GF doesn't want to have sex anymore ?

    I think this whole situation has become totally blown out of proportion. You said that you think she's using you for sex? Okay, well that's obviously not the best thing to say... but it shouldn't turn your whole relationship sour. She may feel like she's a slut, especially after you fu*ked...
  14. F

    Does being skinny matter?

    Malachi, don't worry about your weight so much. I was exactly like you and I really worried about how skinny I was. I'm about 6" and weigh around 140 lbs or so. Some of my friends give me sh*t and call me skinny, but it doesn't matter. Regardless of my weight I have managed to stay in a...
  15. F

    Sweet revenge.. gone wrong?

    I know it was so stupid. I don't even know why I did it. Maybe it was a final act of revenage for the past relationship too? Who knows. Anyway, I can't deny it. The condom is unqiue. The chances that somebody else would have put a yellow, bloody condom on the door knob is slim. I gotta...
  16. F

    Sweet revenge.. gone wrong?

    I did something kind of dumb. I live here at the dorms at my college and was unlucky enough to get the same dorm as my ex girlfriend. In fact she is probably not even 5 feet away from me.. I live directly above her. Now our relationship has been over for a very long time. I'm currently...
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    slap me, I'm an AFC and it's just getting worse

    Everyone, thanks for the awesome advice, with maybe the exception of the first post :down:. Everyone really contributed to something that has really helped me back on my path again. I've set some priorities in my life that I have lost sight of and I'm working already to achieve these things...
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    slap me, I'm an AFC and it's just getting worse

    Guys, I really need your help again. I've become such a mess that I wouldn't have imagined I could have become like this 6 months ago. 6 months ago I was on top of my game. I managed to bag a HB 9.0 without any trouble at all. I didn't even have to approach girls because they'd come to me. I...
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    6 Months Coming up.. gotta do something!

    I think maybe I gave the wrong impression about how much we spoil each other. I say we because we spoil each other equally, always have. She's always doing things for me, and in fact is does more for me on average then I do for her. With that into consideration, do you still think I'm doing...
  20. F

    6 Months Coming up.. gotta do something!

    Kaine, very good obveration. You're absolutely right, but what I meant by "i have already done everything" is I have already done everything I can afford as a poor college student. I've already done the cheap to zero cost dates is what I meant. You're still probabably right that I should lean...