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  1. F

    6 Months Coming up.. gotta do something!

    Hey guys, I really need your help with coming up with some ideas for my 6 month anniversary. I know this is a difficult question to ask you guys, because obviously you don't know my girlfriend or me, but maybe you have some ideas from past relationships or whatever. Anyway, just a little...
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    DJ destroyed while drinking w/ gf

    Thanks for all the advice guys. I'm sure it's really nothing.. maybe we shouldn't hang out with bacardi for awhile.. haha. Thanks again guys.
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    DJ destroyed while drinking w/ gf

    Hey guys, I haven't been here in awhile because I've really been doing well with the ladies and just life in general. I've been with my current girlfriend, who is a hot babe 8.5, for just about 6 months now. We've been doing great and have really fallen in love with one another. She's even...
  4. F

    girls don't like skinny/slim guys?

    It's all about attraction man. If you can pull of being skinny by counter acting it with being suave and confident then you're not going to have any problems at all. A lot of girls find skinny guys really attractive for some reason. You're blessed in the sense that you aren't fat because A LOT...
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    Turning up the dial...

    Good tips :cool: I use a lot of these
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    An LTR story (Looking for help and offering a bit of advice)

    haha, listen to yourself. You're just totally full of yourself, aren't you? This guy here asked for advice about his relationship. All you suggested was that he dump his relationship with this girl because you ASSUMED that she was a *****y pain in the ass. How ****ing helpful is that? Not very...
  7. F

    An LTR story (Looking for help and offering a bit of advice)

    Good one. You feel real mature now, huh? If you wanna fight with me like a little computer nerd then private message me. Otherwise spare me.. have a good one :rolleyes:
  8. F

    An LTR story (Looking for help and offering a bit of advice)

    Want a solution? Show her an unforgettable night. Spend half a day with her doing all kinds of crazy and exciting things that you both haven't done before. The dates don't have to be extravagant, but they should be actions dates or exciting dates. Just go out and have fun with her and don't...
  9. F

    My Girlfriend has a stalker

    I don't plan on meeting up with this guy one-on-one. I could take him, but it'll be a helluva lot more intimidating with a group of my eager to fight friends. Meeting up with this guy is kind of my last resort though. As far as calling his parents up.. I don't know how much good that would do...
  10. F

    My Girlfriend has a stalker

    Hey guys I need your advice about what to do with this guy that is kind of stalking my girlfriend. The guy is no threat. He's not big at all, is by all standards a loser, and I'm not even the slightest bit worried about this guy taking my girl. But the problem is that this guy just won't...
  11. F

    should i be worrieD?

    You're cutting it close bud. Jizz, or ***, can survive outside of the body for up to 30 minutes. But I doubt that it would have done anything. To be safe you should always wear a condom and never let your girl pressure you into doing otherwise! Be strong lol. If you want to be really safe you...
  12. F

    College Relationships

    I'm not too sure anybody read my post too carefully. lol. I appreciate the help, especially strong like bull. To clear things up: She is in fact one of those good girls who hasn't been abused, molested, etc. She's a very good girl in fact. She has a twin that is kind of nerdy and they kind of...
  13. F

    College Relationships

    I'm starting off at college this fall and I've been with my current girlfriend for about 4 1/2 months now. I'm not insecure about our relationship at all because it is the best it really can be. She thinks I'm the best guy she's ever met and I'm totally into her. So we're doing really well at...
  14. F

    college guys

    I'm starting college in the fall. I'm excited because I'm staying in the dorms with my best friend, who happens to be an excellent DJ. So I know we'll be going to parties all the time and be meeting some awesome people. I'm not too worried about that aspect. The only thing that I'm a little...
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    Are you looking for love?

    Amazing post. It was like reading my relationship from a book. You've covered all the basics. Good job.
  16. F

    Got Layed last night, a lil worried...

    I think you're fine bro. That just sounds like some pretty intense sex to me. The itching.. who knows.. could be a combination of rough sex and a reaction to the condom? Also could be a figment of your imagination since you're tripping out right now :D I've had this happen to me before.. my...
  17. F


    haha, I'm just giving you ****. It's all good. Montecristo No. 5 is a nice little treat. Cohiba isn't too bad either, but you're gonna have to worry about getting knockoffs. The legit cigar is fairly nice.' Last off H. Upmann makes a good cigar as well. Here's a little known fact about...
  18. F


    Are YOU kidding? Do you know the US policy about Cuban products of any sort, including cigars? They're strictly prohibited! It's been like this for YEARS and YEARS. I can easily get my hands on Romeo Y Juliet knock off too.. It doesn't make it the real thing though. It doesn't mean it's actually...
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    Romeo Y Juliet are amazing cigars. Too bad they're illegal here in the US so it's difficult to find them. At least it is for me. I haven't had one in over a year now. Other good cigars I enjoy would probably be a plain old Swisher Sweet. haha.. Maybe I've just become used to them.