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  1. F

    Male attention *****?

    I think you're right. Maybe what I wrote was confusing, but I think his relationship is fine with the girl now, but I know if he keeps this **** up he's going to get worse and start screwing up. Then I'm going to talk about this all the time lol.
  2. F

    Male attention *****?

    Yeah that's kind of weird.. but is it possible to have a male attention *****? Let me divulge a little bit.. My friend is with this HB8-8.5. She's gorgeous and knows it. Anyway.. their relationship seems to have been going on strong for months now. They're good together, from what I've seen...
  3. F

    For you smokers - 18+

    Yeah I agree. Hooka Bars are sick. My friends and I have been going to one in town for awhile now. There are some hot chicks that go in there sometimes too and the whole place is just more exotic. It's fun to go and just chill out too.
  4. F

    Should I be concerned? *help needed*

    Qmanchoo, man I think that's great advice. I know what you're talking about regarding confronting your partner about things like this. The thing is that I'm just concerned about confronting her with this because it's a sensitive issue. It might blow up in my face. It could be totally nothing and...
  5. F

    Should I be concerned? *help needed*

    lol, it's not a contract or anything.. but yes we're exclusive. We've been exclusive for months now.
  6. F

    Should I be concerned? *help needed*

    I've been going out with a wonderful girl for about 4 months now. We've hit it off and she' completely fallen for me. Head over heels. I've recently fallen for her and maybe that's why I'm slightly concerned. I find myself not worrying about giving her attention and just enjoying my time with...
  7. F

    Me and 'my girl' hardly ever talk on the phone....ever.

    I've been dating my current girl for about 3 months now. We have never gotten into the habbit of calling each other every day or even really once a week. We only use the phone to set up dates and all that good stuff. We're doing pretty good right now too, so I don't think there is anything to...
  8. F

    Anyone else have a problem with 'Action Dates'??

    I think it's also very important that you be comfortable with what you're doing. If you're put in a situation where you don't really know what you're doing then you're not going to exude as much confidence as you would normally.
  9. F

    First threesome, poor me

    Don't be so ridiculous. It's not like I got down with him. I didn't touch him or see him at all. If you're that insecure with yourself than it's really your loss. I'm secure with myself enough to not think it's that big of a deal. If you want to live your life with those boundaries set up around...
  10. F

    First threesome, poor me

    Way to be secure with yourself. Don't be such a ignorant guy. This topic is old.
  11. F

    text messaging!?

    My girlfriend perfers to use text messaging over using the phone for most things. She's usually the one texting me and I'm usually the one calling.
  12. F

    Breaking News.

    This is kind of dumb.. sorry..
  13. F

    How to become a DJ - (my most enlightened post yet)

    Good advice. I agree with some points squirrels brought up though.
  14. F

    How do I fukk a girl with a boyfriend out of town?

    No kidding.. get some of your own play.
  15. F

    Sex Tips: Official Thread

    Every time that my girlfriend and I have sex I always spend a good amount of time fingering her before hand. I'm really good at fingering so I spend about 5-10min fingering her until she orgasms. Then I slip on my condom and get to business. Sometimes I get off early too. Usually I last about...
  16. F

    is this a MAJOR sh!t test?

    lol, she said she's going to call things off with you if you "**** things up"? Screw this bit*h. She isn't worth it. Dump it and move on..
  17. F

    Psychological explanation of Alpha/Beta character developements ....

    Brilliant post rgeere. I'm also very interested in psychology so it makes sense to me. It's genius to state a ying and yang because it works so perfectly to have powerful aspects of both things. Most people fail to miss that idea by coming to this site and being told to grow some balls and be a...
  18. F

    Is it really so bad to be NICE to your girl?

    I'm not sure I agree. I think you can be nice to a girl, but if you keep things interesting it doesn't matter all too much. At least if you're not writing love poems, confessing your love every two seconds, etc. You have to be masculine, ****y, funny, and interesting. Nothing says anything about...
  19. F

    Let's all discuss the L word.. not lust, but love

    Nobody has any opinions or advice? How sad..
  20. F

    A rollercoaster of a relationship

    Don't respond to her moody behavior, especially when it is negative. If the problem continues to happen then I would sit her down and tell her that you care about her, you want to stay with her, but you can't tolerate this moody behavior. She'll probably flip out hearing that though.. (she...