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  1. F

    Wtf? How should I handle this..?

    I'm so confused about what's going on. There is this girl that I've asked to prom and I'm currently interested in.. anyway, we've been hitting it off really well. We're getting pretty close and I know for a fact that she's interested in me for sex and for a relationship. So what I'm confused...
  2. F

    IF u want a LTR Dont ****!

    I currently have this girl that I'm interested in for maybe a relationship. We're both getting somewhat close since I asked her to prom a week ago. Anyway, we've talked on the phone a few times, hung out, and things are developing slowly and at a great pace. However, I know this girl is very...
  3. F

    She's into me, but why so shy?

    Well here's an update. The game went awesome. We both had so much fun and there was plenty of kino going on. We couldn't stop touching each other. The whole time we're laughin and just having fun and learning about each other at the same time. Anyway, we were really into each other you could...
  4. F

    She's into me, but why so shy?

    Nah, I already checked that out. She was burnt out on her boyfriend of a year. She definitely lost interest. She's been talking to my friends to try and figure out if I'm ready to settle down. Anyway, thanks for everything. Tomorrow I'm taking her to the state basketball game. That should be...
  5. F

    She's into me, but why so shy?

    Awesome. Amazingly I have some similar feelings for her. She's a HB 8.5 and just fresh out of a long relationship so I want to play things smooth. Oddly enough I find myself off balance when I'm around her because of her shyness. It just throws me off, lol. I know that I shouldn't worry about...
  6. F

    She's into me, but why so shy?

    This girl that I'm currently seeing is shy around me. She doesn't talk too much and I find it awkward sometimes to get the ball rolling as she isn't as outgoing as I'm used to in most girls who like me. I know she isn't an inexperienced girl though because I know she likes to get down. I was...
  7. F

    Your wingman/men

    My experience with wingmen is good. My buddy and I vibe off each other and get a good atmosphere and conversation and convert going. I generally just feel more confident with my buddy anyway. We also have the "take one for the team" rule going on, which is truly friendship there haha. Generally...
  8. F

    This girl wants me bad..

    It's more complicated due to things out of my control. She's involved with another guy who she doesn't give a **** about. I'm assuming she wants me to live out her "Housewife" fantasy through me. And I'm refering to the show, not that she's an actual housewife. Anyway, I haven't decided if I...
  9. F

    This girl wants me bad..

    I understand that she can be a cheap lay, but it's more complicated than that. I don't want to go into that right now. Basically, I'm using this girl to experiment. I want to see what makes this girl tick. I want to work this girl and drive her nuts. I want to take two steps forward, one back. I...
  10. F

    This girl wants me bad..

    So I'm hanging out with one of these girls that I'm currently practicing on. This girl is pretty desperate for my attention. We were hanging out and she tells me that she is going to go running after we had just gone to starbucks for awhile. Anyway, she goes to the back of the car while I sit in...
  11. F

    I should do something special.. right?

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking myself. I'm not too sure what to say. She'll say yes no matter what basically, but regardless I don't want to sound like some whimp.
  12. F

    Awkward Silences

    While kissing each other's cheeks in Europe is more of the norm, but I haven't seen many guys doing it here in the US. Maybe that's a good thing to start doing.. something that sets you apart from other guys and a sheer show of confidence. But I'm thinking others might find it uncomfortable or...
  13. F

    I should do something special.. right?

    Awesome, good advice. I don't really know this girl all too well as we've just started hanging out recently. You think I should ask her out? Is that wise considering I don't even know her too well.
  14. F

    I should do something special.. right?

    Well prom is coming up and convientely this girl that I've been into for a long time broke up with her boyfriend so that she could go to the prom with me. Her friends already have scoped everything out and they have let her know that I'm going to ask her. So I guess I have a little time since...
  15. F

    She wants me, but she has a bf

    I understand how you feel. You're right, you shouldn't get attached to this girl. Ironically, as my luck would have it this other girl, who I have had the biggest crush on for the longest time, had her best friend approach me today and she told me some shocking news. Well this sexy girl...
  16. F

    She wants me, but she has a bf

    Alright, well let me put it in simple terms. I can understand how it would seem kind of elementary to you, as it does to me too. That's why I'm kind of confused about how to deal with it. The fact of the matter is that this is really not that important, I just wanted to see how you guys thought...
  17. F

    She wants me, but she has a bf

    I just recently started hanging out with this girl that is friends with one of my good friends. Anyway, I didn't really think much of being around her. We've only hung out once or twice and since she had a boyfriend I didn't even bother spitting out any game at all. I could careless what she...
  18. F

    the post breakup game

    You're going to have to drop this girl man, at least for the time being. I know that isn't what you want to hear at all. I know from experience because I did the exact same **** that you did. I was with this girl for about a year or so, felt that I could do better and subconsciously started...
  19. F

    Ex is contacting me

    Well you said it yourself, you're not interested in this girl.. not even the least bit. So why bother yourself with anything regarding her; continue your noncontact. There's the answer to your problem, if that is what you were looking for that is. If you were wondering why this old ex is...
  20. F

    Damn Damn Damn

    I think you've obviously just put this girl on a pedestal for some reason. You need to drop that quickly and stop over analyzing every little detail between you two. If you think that the person she is referring to in her blog is you, then you should obviously know at this point. And if you know...