This girl wants me bad..


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
So I'm hanging out with one of these girls that I'm currently practicing on. This girl is pretty desperate for my attention. We were hanging out and she tells me that she is going to go running after we had just gone to starbucks for awhile. Anyway, she goes to the back of the car while I sit in the passenger seat and changes. What do I do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. She's watching me the whole time expecting me to turn around, but I don't.

Now before you all go off calling me gay, hear me out. This girl EXPECTED me to turn around. The fact that I didn't just turned her world upside down. She's clueless about why I didn't turn around. She texts me later and says why didn't you look at me? She just doesn't understand.

Now that she hasn't even gotten my attention while she was changing clothes she's trying everything to get into my mind and to gain my attention. She's working overtime now and I just sit back and play dumb.

The only part I'm unsure about how to handle is my explanation of why I didn't turn around. Telling her she needs to work for my attention is pretty bold, and no I wouldn't just come out and say it like that. But you get what I'm talking about. I'm trying to let her know she's gonna have to work harder than some cheap trick to seduce me.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
the next time she asks you a stupid question, kiss her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
There comes a time where you realize that whether or not you like it you are being treated like a cheap trick. You may as well act on it or realize how she is. If she is getting naked in a car with you then yeah chances are she wants a cheap lay. If you dont want it then fine whatever go ahead and find what you want. If you are looking for that then you just passed up a perfect chance.

She text's you later asking why you didn't look. Come on this girl just wanted it. Every rule on this or any other site can be tossed out the window when a girl is throwing herself at you like this one was. Either you take advantage of it because you want to or walk away from it because you didn't. It all boils down to realizing the oppritunity and taking or else passing based on what your expectations are. That is for you to figure out.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I understand that she can be a cheap lay, but it's more complicated than that. I don't want to go into that right now. Basically, I'm using this girl to experiment. I want to see what makes this girl tick. I want to work this girl and drive her nuts. I want to take two steps forward, one back. I want her to build up this anticipation for something that she wants so badly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
the only reason it is more complicated than that is because you act like it is.

Experimenting with a girl who wants you SO BAD is the biggest waste of time you will ever encounter. If you want to nail her than by all means follow through. But when you are trying to act like this girl is an experiment and will actually be like any of the girls you encounter in the future is a big mistake if you ask me. There is a thing such as too high an interest level and from my experience it isn't going to bring you to far. But live and learn. You should do what you feel is best for you in this situation as no one on here can really relate.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
It's more complicated due to things out of my control. She's involved with another guy who she doesn't give a **** about. I'm assuming she wants me to live out her "Housewife" fantasy through me. And I'm refering to the show, not that she's an actual housewife.

Anyway, I haven't decided if I want to hit it yet. It seems more trouble than good to me. I'll see how things progress though. Due to this reason is why I wanted to just experiment with her. Maybe you're right, it's not a good idea. But I don't care if it's not, I have nothing to lose. I want to see what drives this girl crazy. I want to learn.