She's Pregnant


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Well guys, she's pregnant. We took two pregnancy tests each with a different brand of tester and they both came back positive. We were both completely shocked. I could hardly believe it because it just didn't really make much sense. It was strange because this month we had very little sex compared to other months and she has been regularly taking her birth control. She said that she felt like her period was on the verge of coming since before Wednesday, but it just never came.

She cried for about 15 min and we talked more and more about it and we are both coming to terms with the idea that she's pregnant. Now we just need to take the next step.

There is no way that we can keep this child. I wish with all my heart that we were in a position to keep this child, but we can't. We're sophomores in college and can barely afford to even find an apartment and pay the rent for it. Her family would actually probably disown her.. they still think that she's a virgin - I know, hard to believe. My family would totally lose respect for me. We'd have trouble completing college and struggle financially as we both work part-time jobs. Having this child is not an option for us.

On Monday we're going to Planned Parenthood to have another pregnancy test done at the clinic. If it comes back positive then we're going to discuss options for abortion. I wish it didn't have to come to this, but we really don't see any other choice. We're going to struggle to pay for this though... We've been doing research online and abortion costs anywhere from $350 to $700 depending on where you live. We can maybe come up with close to $500 by Friday if we need to.

I'm worried about coming up with the money to complete this, but I know that we can do it. I'm more worried about her safety and overall well-being during this abortion. I've sat her down and I told her that she is not alone no matter what. If she's up at 3am and is worrying then she can talk to me and call me and we can talk for however long she wants. I will be there for every step of the way. I will do all the research and make appointments and everything. I just want to do everything I can to make this less stressful for her. I have to be strong for her.

I'm scared to be in this position, but I'm confident that I can handle it. This has been a difficult summer for both of us, but it's only making us stronger in the end. I feel lucky that I'm going through this with someone that I love and trust.

I need some advice from you guys.. I want to be sure that I'm doing everything I can to comfort her and handle this responsibly. Let me know what your thoughts are. If you are anti-abortion I'm sorry if this offends you. We are not going through with this until years from now when we are ready both mentally and financially to support that child and give it everything we've got. It'd be different if we were stupid and weren't using condoms and birth control, but we were proective. We just were unlucky.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like you are doing the right thing. This is definatly the time that you have to be the best guy you can be by not deserting her no matter how bad things get you will have to stick it out. Also as far as abortion is concerned I thought it could be done for 150$, but maybe that is just in Canada?
Good luck


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
just be glad shes willing to have an abortion. You're lucky, she's not forcing fatherhood upon you. IMHO you should get her to the clinic as fast as humanly possibly, even if it means you have to pay for the whole procedure. You don't want to get stuck with this child and this woman. You're too young, life is too short, 10 years from now you will look back on the abortion as the best decision you could have possibly made and you will have no clue where the girl is and what she is doing.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I'm grateful that we're not going through with having a kid, but at the same time I'm worried about how big of a damper this is going to put on my relationship.

We're pretty serious. We've been dating for almost a year and half now. I don't want things to turn sour because of this. I understand that she'll get emotional about this, but I'm not quite sure how to handle it.

How should I handle this abortion being in a relationship?

Oh yeah.. the abortion will be anywhere from $350 - $700 according to Planned Parenthoods website. We'll just have to see how much it costs at our local clinic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Ever think about adoption bro? Just think how you (and especially your girl, with all the chemicals and hormones being released) would feel after it really sunk in that you destroyed and discarded a part of yourselves?

Just some food for thought.