The issue of relationships in highschool


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
The issue of relationships in highschool
From a man who just left one

It's always greener on the other side... This is perhaps the best way one could describe relationships in high school. On the one side, you have the absolute freedom of being single and on the other side you have the beautifal comfort of being with another. Everyone who's IN a relationship is depressed after a couple of months and want out ("But shes the ONE") while everyone whos OUT of a relationship are desperately searching to be in one.

With any decision, people dont THINK about it before acting. They believe that whatever THEY dont have is what's desirable. It's a vicious cycle, and until a carefully planned decision is made - it doesn't end. From the guys who haven't had a girlfriend - it's not the end of the world! I just came out of a 1 and a half year relationship, out of free will.

Your position is alot more desirable then you think. When you go out to a party, there will be tonnes of girls their you dont have to worry about calling your girlfriend so she knows your okay, you don't have to worry about what she's doing, you can talk about what you want and do what you want without worrying about who's on the other end. You can relax. You can breathe.

Like any decision, you have to work out your pros and cons. What's so good about being in a relationship? What's so good about single? What sucks about both of them? Each person will come to their own decision on what is desirable, but they have to figure out what is best for them instead of just blindlessly chasing what they don't have.

However, a little bit of advice.

DONT make the mistake of claiming that a relationship is what you want. THINK about this, is SEX the only reason your going in to a relationship? Chances are, it IS! But comeon, your in high school, your not READY for a relationship, your not LOOKING for one, you shouldnt be! Your young and you have to discover who you are!

You have to discover if you like blondes or brunettes better, you have to figure out what your favourite sex position is, you have to discover if you like the party girl of the nice girl more, you have to discover if you want a girl that will challenge you or supplicate, you have to decide upon all these kinds of things, and you need to approach alot of girls to do it.

Discover who you ARE and what your looking for in a relationship before you go jumping in to one. Carpe Diem! Sieze the day!! Today's your day you break all your limits, today is your day that you do what you didnt think possible - you change your self image.

It's time to blast your boundaries.

On that note i leave, but there's something i'll mention before i leave. Many of you would have noticed that over the last year or so i have posted mainly self improvement related things, which im not going against - self improvement is vital. However, my break up marks the dawn of my re-entry to the field of seduction. Expect posts ;)

NYC Dude

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
New York City, USA
I'm in a relationship right now, and I feel just the way I did in my last relationship: bored with my girl and wanting something new and exciting. The thing is, High School is not the same thing it was 50 years ago. Not everyone marries their High School sweetheart, most people never see them again. The key is to have fun, experiment, and learn. Learn from your mistakes now so that when you're all grown up you have more time to enjoy life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
I have a new girlfriend of about a month.
Everyone was shocked that within a couple of weeks, this week, I am already thinking about dumping her. This girl is really intelligent and really pretty. My friends all like her and all the girls i know think she is really nice (especially the girls that like me). I miss the freedom that i had before, i dislike feeling that i can not try to pick up, or have to be careful so that it only comes off as a game. There are too many other options available to me.

I really like my girlfriend, but im not sure i even want to have sex with her, i have walked away from it before.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Being in a relationshp is important too because you learn things about people, especially partners. You learn through relationships about what kind of people you're interested in just as much as you would if you were single and hooking up with girls.

There are important things to learn about both being in a relationship and the things you need to learn being out of one.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
good post sammo,

i've been in a relationship for a little less than a year now. and i'm still enjoying it. a lot of people tell me i'm wasting my years in hs, but it's all about what you enjoy. personally i'll look back and say wow, i accomplished a ltr when ppl said i couldn't or something like that. true high school years are your golden years but it's not like you're never going to have a chance to meet chicks in your 20's and 30's. The next 20 years to me are my golden years.

and what's that about lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Sammo... I feel you. Im actually about to re-enter a relationship (this time non-exclusive) with a girl from my past. I think relationships, up untill this very moment in my life, were a waste of time. Im finally EXCITED about the thought of having someone there for me, and being there for someone. Its not "something that just makes sense" with "some girl who belongs with me." And I think everyone on the forums should know - if you have ANY doubt wether you want a relationship... THERE IS NO DOUBT... you arent ready.