Dealing with insecurity


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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I have a girlfriend and she really is a great girl. I like her alot and she feels the same. I deeply feel that i can trust her, but still i get jealous, like something is going to happen when she talks to other guys. When i see her talking to other guys or guys trying to flirt or talk to her it annoys the hell out of me. I can't see the possible innocence in it but rather the potential danger. Im in constant worry that one day she will begin talking to somebody and eventually through constant conversations she will grow feeligns for this person. This is my greatest fear because i know i can't banish her from interaction from the opposite sex but i feel it is possible for her gradually begin to like someone over time.

Im just looking for advice to help me deal with this problem


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score

I wouldn't be too worried. As one of the DJ Bible articles said "You can't control what other people do. (Women). Focus on what you CAN do, and do what you do best."

If you girlfriend's overall attitude changes, then there is probably something going on. Trust your gut, I've found that my gut is the best thing for me to trust. If you feel so insecure that you have to talk to someone about it....DONT. It will only confuse you more.

Trust your gut, and also just remember you're better than everyone else, why would she want to date another guy over you anyway? right? :D


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I've been there done that. I was with a girl, who at the time I thought was amazing, but wasn't even that great. I was insecure and she was all that I had. So I had similar feelings to the way you have expressed about her talking to other guys.

You're insecure about this because you're insecure with yourself. I think you're insecure because you think if you lose this girl then that's it for you. You're back to square one with nothing. But it doesn't have to be that way. Why don't you go out and talk and flirt with other girls? Don't make it a point to let your girlfriend see, but do it for yourself so that if something were to ever happen you would have plenty of other girls who would jump all over the chance to get with you.

Doing this will build confidence, destroy some of this jealousy you have, and will be healthy for your relationship. Again, don't upset your girlfriend by doing any of this. Keep it innocent.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Start flirting with other girls and get numbers, you don't have to use them it's just that when you know other girls are interested in you you get rid of insecuritys.