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  1. R

    Rate my personal ad

    No offense, but personally, I think your ad sucks. I rarely, if ever, cuss in front of women, so I think you should drop all those derogatory terms. Also, who are you to not want a "fattie", lol. You are using an online ad. You really sound like an arrogant ******* in this ad. If you were aiming...
  2. R

    Help! Im with a total rookie!

    Build her trust in you. Use a lot of kino and progress to where you want to go.
  3. R

    Christmas Indulgance Question

    Maybe you've begun thinking like most other girls concerning the fat on them. They're like 110 pounds, and hooting and hollering that they're fat. I think it's all in your head, with pigging out and not exercising and all. Get some workouts in and you'll be feeling good in no time.
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    I'm a pretty toned guy, but the one problem I have is that I can't seem to develop the area around the front of my clavicles. Shrugs with weights work for me behind the bone, but not in front of them. Any suggestions to help me out?
  5. R

    was wrong here?

    You called her on Christmas. She was probably busy. She still might be busy for the next few days. Wait a few more days at least.
  6. R

    Body Hair?

    I don't have much hair period, but if you're a hairy ape, try to trim everything. No back hair definitely, but leave some hair for the rest of your areas. I shaved my legs a couple of months ago because of a team solidarity thing, but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't look right on me.
  7. R

    Why do you pursue women?

    1. companionship/friendship 2. to spread my damn genes 3. to satisfy my sexual appetite
  8. R

    IN RESPONSE TO ENTROPY's "this site has become poison"

    You're directing your boring (no offense) monologue to entropy. Not many people comprehend or want to read your verbatim. A lot of guys are just laymen.
  9. R

    Temper Problem

    You win some, you lose some. Don't trip about stuff like this. What I usually do is drive around and drift in some empty parking lot. I also run, lift weights, or shoot hoops, or something like that. The endorphins released are great for stress. Plus, if you like, go and whack your willy silly...
  10. R

    Who should call who?

    Girls usually don't call so you better contact her.
  11. R

    Birthday Gifts

    Time and time again: give her something from the heart, genuine, thoughtful, and creative, something that took time to think up. One creative idea that I thought up was giving her a "newspaper" from the day of her birth. Usually I date intelligent girls, so i dont think my ideas would work on...
  12. R

    this question for both guys and girls

    I would strongly consider having a threesome if the girl I'm currently dating is mainly a physical attraction. I've never dated a girl just due to pure physical attraction, so i really don't know. I mainly date more conservative girls, so I can't imagine how a threesome can be brought up and...
  13. R

    When she doesn't return your call

    There may be some reason she hasn't checked her messages. Personally, I would give it a little time (a couple of days or so) and call her back one more time. If she still doesn't get back to you, NEXT.
  14. R

    Females DJ is a tautology

    Women are DJ's cause men are horny. Period.
  15. R

    Approaching girls with big biatch shields?

    I really wouldn't try to hit on these girls in general. A lot of them are a pain in the a$$ later on. However, there are some girls who look seemingly conceited and materialistic, but are in actuality kinda nice. I've had the pleasure of dating a few of them, but it's usually them that make the...
  16. R

    My silly AFC friend

    Remember when that one dude from Paris's Real World told that one chick off. His friend didn't really care for it. Hmmmm....... Maybe get a hot chick to become friends with him and she can say, "why do you always pay for your gf?" Try to sit his a$$ down and slap some sense into him. I...
  17. R

    Shy in front of new people

    I totally disagree. First impressions are a b****. A lot of people may see you as one way at first, but when they gradually see your true side, this is what they will remember. A lot of the girls that I dated senior year in high school said they were intimidated by me the prior 3 years. They...
  18. R

    Shy in front of new people

    I totally understand what you mean. For me, I'm just a little bit quieter around people I've just met. Around my junior year in high school was when I changed. I would definitely advise joining some extracurricular activies. Try the whole spectrum, go for a student government position, go...
  19. R

    Can too much sex be bad for you?

    Dude, that's a lotta sex. Try to limit yourself to 1-3 times, half of what you're doing now. Are you tired during the whole day and night? I haven't heard about the effects of too much sex, but usually too much of something isn't all that good.
  20. R

    Just started dating girl and she bought me a gift..

    It's just been two weeks, man. If I didn't have a life I would write a poem for you, lol. I guess you can write a short poem about your short time together, how it's been fun. Don't tell her that you love her or some sheet. For a cheap a$$ gift, maybe you can get her something that she can...