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  1. R

    how to deal with shy girls? (and a mini FR)

    Nice going, man! Good job! Great opportunity to cozy up together on the couch. What movie are you guys gonna watch by the way?
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    What if I told you...

    I think there's a handful of girls are put off KINO. Some girls don't like it at all if you touch them, no matter how discreet it is. You have to either get to know them for a long time, or start by being friends. Maybe that had a ****wad father or something; these are the girls that have issues...
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    Where you from, blood? Folks from Oakland talk like that, hehe.
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    A lot of girls are intrigued by playas like you, homie. She doesn't know you; she just hears **** about you. I suggest you talk to her a lil' bit; show a little of your bad boy side, but also show you can be a good guy. If you like her enough, go for it brotha. Ain't no ****blocking biotches...
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    Although I am owning you, I will accept your truce. :D
  6. R

    dating HB 9 and up?

    I agree with you. There are a lot of mediocre looking girls out there with banging personalities. And yes, a lot of the guys need to stop obsessing with 9's and 10's. However, a lot of guys are younger than you. You're 26 and you are or are close to the point in your life when you have to...
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    DJ's Cell Phone

    i have a white samsung s200. im about to get that e715 or whatever.
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    what would you do?

    I would go out with her if she asked. There has to be some IL from her. Is she a hot girl that needs attention all the time, or is she a hot girl that doesnt get enough attention cause guys are scared to approach her. Whatever you do, be a man and show her who's boss.
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    So tell me ladies...

    lol, im a guy, but sorry about your girl troubles. Just don't go gay on us and suck a ****. keep your head up, man.
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    I guess I'll say something: Yet, you say they are the same thing. And you fail to address the original question, which is about running, not weight lifting. I justed wanted to answer the guy's question. This forum is called health and fitness, not solely weightlifting. It's funny how...
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    NEED date idea quickk please... planning to set up a date tomorrow afternoon

    oakland in the hizzouse. for athletic girls, i take them hiking or jogging (around this lake we have here). try and do that, then get a bite to eat afterwards. if it doesn't work out with this girl, send her over here so i can show her a really good time.
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    4 words- let's just be friends
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    Need A Funny Text Message

    hey, how's it going? good luck on your finals. get an A and i might just reward you with that date that you were so looking forward to.
  14. R

    What are the rules for GF Christmas gifts?

    Give her something from the heart, something that has sentimental value and invokes memories of your relationship. If you're going to buy her something, try not spend more than 75-100. Avoid jewelry and clothes. It doesn't really matter what you get, as long as it is genuine and took some...
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    honestly, i think 14 and 15 is a lil too young. i think you should wait at least a year, so you guys can mature and develop. fingering, eating out, and bj's are fine, but if you do it too often, it will eventually lead to going all the way. before you do anything, think about if you're ready or...
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    What is the youngest, and oldest girl you would ever date

    im a freshman in college, so i would say a junior in high school to a senior in college. age isn't much of a factor for me, but if she's at the same maturity level, or if she's hot as heck, her age won't matter.
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    von dumb: i guarantee that i'm more cut than you. another thing, dummy, if you know anything about HIIT and LT, you would know they are the same thing. Both involve intervals and the same effort for the workouot (maximal heart rate). Lastly, dumbo, you ARE running at lactate threshold for...
  18. R

    Anyone have any Idea how to impress my southern bell

    A lot of girls are lonely during the holidays. I suggest you take her somewhere romantic, and you've got it in the bag. Have a dinner at your place, go skiing, etc. She'll definitely be cold, so there's ample opportunity for KINO. Play your cards right, and you'll be hitting homers left and right.
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    self hate and the womanizer

    Personally, i don't lose interest when women fall for me. It gives me the green light to step up the relationship, so I'll probably be more attracted to the girl. Also, when a girl falls for me, it kinda gives me a sense of pride, so i guess i'm a self-lover?????
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    Where do you all work and how do you like it?

    Your sister got you flucked up!