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  1. R

    Getting them to put out right away..

    Make out+touching, will lead to clothes off, then sex.
  2. R

    AIM conversation!!!!!

    she doesn't sound easy at all
  3. R

    Hair question...

    Spiking is as played out as trucker hats.
  4. R

    skim milk vs whole milk

    Soy milk will only do that if you drink it like water. I only have at most a glass per day.
  5. R

    Red spots/bumps after shaving pubes...?

    I don't know what you're talking about since I don't shave my pubes, but may I suggest just trimming.
  6. R

    They get nervous...

    I seem to have no trouble with the girls at my college. Many girls are experienced by this time. Maybe you're looking at the wrong places. I would find it harder to pick up girls 23-25 (over 5 years older than me). I think you may be trying a tad bit hard; that's why they are nervous.
  7. R

    skim milk vs whole milk

    Try peanut milk and soy milk. Both are amazing.
  8. R

    Hair question...

    I'm growing out my hair right now as well. I don't gel my hair, but rather comb it into a puff of sorts. All I do is wet it and use a pick. I look kinda messy at times but I don't give a sheet cause who I am inside speaks for its darn self.
  9. R

    Any one have experiences with going clubbing solo? Share.

    It doesnt matter if you go with anyone. Just go out there and dance. Wingmen are helpful for groups of girls, so if you can bring some with you. It doesn't make much of a difference though.
  10. R

    About the Cell #

    What part of Cali you from?
  11. R

    Need advice

    I would text her on New Year's.
  12. R

    Get 2 for the price of 1

    Girls are wierd. Stop overanalyzing them.
  13. R

    Attracting smart women

    My college is a hotbed for intelligent females. I think that intelligence doesn't play a key when using DJ techniques. I think emotions use a different part of the brain than core intelligence. Like one part of the brain is primarily used for art, music, visual, math, etc. I'll try to go out in...
  14. R

    what the heck?

    It seems like maybe you've come on a little too strong for him. Seeing that he has been hurt in the past, he's reluctant to commit to anything serious. This kinda reminds me how I once was, maybe still am. Guy wanted something exclusive, girl didn't, guy got hurt, afraid to commit and turned...
  15. R

    There is no wrong way

    WTH? There are many wrong ways to a woman's heart. When you write some s*** like this, at least provide support or detail to back your argument up. This thread is absolute nonsense and possibly have made me dumber just by reading this bs.
  16. R

    Should I let her?

    hot=6 or 7 ?
  17. R

    Ahh My Gf Just Told Me Shes Yougner

    Next year, both of you guys will be in high school. She's gonna be a freshie and you're gonna be a senior, which is a fairly common occurrence. If she's at your maturity level, which I highly doubt, then stay with her. If not, you can try to be friends. It seems like your relationship is just...
  18. R

    instructor knows me and

    Go for the one you like more first. If one finds out that you went out with the other, just tell her that it was a casual/friendly thing, not really a date. If you don't come off her as a womanizer, she won't deny you a date. If you're a nice guy, you could get away with stuff like that.
  19. R

    What are some of your memorable c+f neg hits!

    My most recent memorable one went something like: (we were making your momma jokes to each other) Me: Your momma so fat, that I'm suspended above her when I screw her. She's lucky my **** is long enough to reach her. Her: Hehe, I bet your **** is probably small. That's why you're talking...
  20. R

    I am happier and do better when I am away from this site.

    I agree with you. I just come back to help the rookies out.