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  1. P

    Every guy has a BC and an AD

    I'm surprised at how accurately this describes where i'm at at the moment. I've gone through the "one that blows me away, changes etc. and then ends" stage... And yes, it's true, looks are just one criterea to me these days. One of many. And yes, it is about 'the list'. Haha I just...
  2. P

    Why men are losing interest in women

    Yep, the matrix is all screwed up. This is where to come for tech support :D
  3. P

    All but Handcuffed for talking to women

    lol this reminds me of homer simpson doing something like "look over there! what's that? *runs*" You had the balls to do it buddy. It didn't turn out so well, but let's face it, you've experienced the worst scenario. It can only get better.
  4. P

    Muscles, Addiction and Attraction

    Health, confidence, stress relief. It's not all about muscles, it's about health too. Professional athletes concentrate on performance, and their physique is a byproduct of that. Looking better is one, small benefit of lifting in comparison to other major ones such as physical and mental health...
  5. P

    Girlfriend mistakenly calls me by former BF name

    during sex. If it's offensive to you, let her know that it can't happen again. If it happens again after that, give her the cold shoulder etc. if she gets a third strike, cya. I think that's more than fair. Could you imagine the complaining you'd be put through if the roles were reversed...
  6. P

    Too Much Chauvinism Around Here

    I think this alone should settle this. It's the truth. All this isn't chauvinism.... it's realizing that the lioness is not a kitten, and should be treated accordingly. I can hear all the feminists now jumping up and down yelling "oh no! we really are kittens.... please, we really are! We...
  7. P

    Too Many Puss*es Around Here

    What's so unstoppable about women? If a woman (actually, ANYONE) treats you like crap, it's your own fault for letting it happen. Is this not a large part of what this site is about? Helping the pushovers become men who stand up for themselves etc.? The best thing to do is look after yourself...
  8. P

    Fear of success

    Thank you all for the responses. I do agree that I don't desperately need a woman. I've seen so many bad things done by them that I no longer think of them as innocent and perfect and all that (I may only be 18 but i've seen enough lol). I still WANT (the right ones), but not need. Even if...
  9. P

    Fear of success

    This is a little different than a lot of threads.... you see, i'm not scared of being rejected. I expect rejection. Admittedly I have never approached, but the thought of being rejected just doesn't get me "scared" or nervous. However, what does get me nervous, is success. These thoughts were...
  10. P

    Short / Thin / Young -- How Much of a Disadvantage?

    I agree that it is mental. Of course height and build has SOME impact on the ladies, but i'm willing to bet you think it's more than it really is. If you have a thin build, you will only seem insecure to the ladies if you are insecure. Same with height. Same with anything else. The...
  11. P

    'Clean up your act, fellas'

    I can't, i read it in an actual newspaper. And apparently the story wasn't enough of a feature to put it on their website ( It said the law was expected to pass though, so I'm guessing it is virtually a done deal and will take effect. EDIT: i googled...
  12. P

    'Clean up your act, fellas'

    That's the title of a newspaper article I came across today. Here's a little of it: "Watch out, blokes. The days of coming home from work and putting your feet up -- while your partner juggles housework and the kids -- could be at an end. A controversial new law, due to be passed in Spain...
  13. P

    Guys This Is What Women Really Want

    Oh I agree that it's important to listen to sexual needs and whatnot. Both sexes need to do that stuff.... but there's a line that can be crossed, and I think that particular point went over it. Being "rewarded" for our effort, or else being discarded? Come on, that isn't sexual advice, that's...
  14. P

    Guys This Is What Women Really Want

    You hear that guys? If i eat ***** I may be rewarded! Perhaps I will receive some kind of doggy treat too? The only thing I care about is a woman's pleasure. Yes, that's right. Who cares about me? I must show willingness and desperation to serve her! ....come off it. Women are not...
  15. P

    Can we change an "independent" womans mind?

    Very true. This was the case in my previous relationship. She got more and more like this. She wanted control and power, and it got worse and worse. However, i didn't give in, so she eventually got so frustrated she dumped me. I pitty the poor soul that gets sucked in next. And I agree...
  16. P

    Attraction to uglier girls a self-esteem problem?

    I know how it is. I'm kind of the same. I wouldn't say attracted to "ugly", but more "average". For me, it's (I think) because I see the typical "hot" so much that' it's boring me. I see it in magazines, tv, movies, whatever. It's everywhere, and everyone's trying to be it. Booring. To me...
  17. P

    Is it really so bad to be NICE to your girl?

    i know exactly what you mean becker. Thats what I want too.
  18. P

    Jeez who said AFC's can't keep a girl gives a DJ no chance!

    well i say help the poor bastard realize what's going on etc. If he gets it, he'll wake up to her and most likely get rid of her then you're in. Could backfire but who knows.... I just know that guy needs some serious help.
  19. P

    Evil Women (Ranting & Raving)

    Not all black people steal and play NBA basketball. Not all blondes are dumb. Not all catholic priests go after little boys. Not all women are evil. See where i'm going with this? There is bad people no matter what classification (tall, short, fat, skinny, black, white, purple, orange)...
  20. P

    Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...

    Re: Re: Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It... If this is not a joke..... $10 says the woman who vomitted out all that crap has never given a geek a second look. And if by any chance she has, it was to boost her ego. We all know that what a woman says and the truth are two completely...