Too Much Chauvinism Around Here


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
To sum it all up:

American Hos aren't Women.
Your theory doesn't apply.
SEND US REAL WOMEN. :D We'll treat em good... Until then they're all wh0res to me.
Hmmm... You want women and you don't want hos.

Do women, by your definition, want you? Or do you seem to only meet hos? Have you actually met a 'real' woman? If you have, why aren't you focusing your time, energy and thoughts on them instead? If it is near impossible to find a 'real' women, is it even worth your sanity to desire it anymore?

You regard so many women as hos. You obviously don't want hos but want women. You say you love women and fvck hos. Hos obviously do not mind this sort of behavior. I doubt your definition of a woman will approve of such beliefs. You desire that which you cannot get.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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Hmmm... You want women and you don't want hos.
Yes, exactly. You're catching on.

Do women, by your definition, want you? Or do you seem to only meet hos?
When i meet a woman, I'll tell you. I don't seem to have a problem getting with ho's. They either love me or hate me.

If you have, why aren't you focusing your time, energy and thoughts on them instead?
Like i mentioned before, i have yet to meet a woman.

If it is near impossible to find a 'real' women, is it even worth your sanity to desire it anymore?
Well i would like a LTR at some point.
But it seems damn near impossible with American Hos. Hence, the 50% divorce rate.
I guess you could say i'm slowly going mad, trying to find a real woman.

You say you love women and fvck hos. Hos obviously do not mind this sort of behavior. I doubt your definition of a woman will approve of such beliefs. You desire that which you cannot get.
Yes, Master Yoda... I desire that which i cannot have. I think i already mentioned this in the last post, where i specified our trade agreement:
Upon receiving "real" women, i will ship to you our finest american wh0res.

Any other questions?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
I'm with you Jake - whoever loves and respect hors go on one side and those who will treat a hor like a hor comes on my side .... there is going to be a rumble on Suave!!!! !!!:trouble:

Claim your loyalty - you either with the hors and homos or you are with the men and women!!!!

I knew it eventually would come down to this - bring out your club guys and GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!.

:trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble:

I'm getting my switchblade, somebody is going to get cut!
Are you bastards scared to rumble???

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Are you bastards scared to rumble???
Damn, leave it to the Rican to pull out a blade every time.

Don't you have a set of hubcaps to steal or something?


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Agreed...MOST American women are slimey, gold digging, manipulating wh0res.....

It's true that comparing American women to say Spanish women, is like comparing apples to oranges. Most American women don't have an ounce of integrity.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Mr Style, and fellow Don Juans, I live here in North America and lived in the U.K. for 30 years prior to that, and I think Ive got the knowledge on this post.
Firstly Ive got to say I prefer living in N america to U.K. so Im certainly not all about england etc..
... but I have to say that the women here are fvcking horrible......and I mean REALLY FVKING HORRIBLE....( I know not all, but a lot).........
There heads are filled with the most one sided femenist B.S. that Ive ever heard......they are manipulative lying golddigging one step away from being a hooker b1tches....and Its got to the point where I dont even talk to them.....If there white and have a local accent Im outta there....
...and the whole society here is rigged to keep up the lie!
men here are considered guilty just because they are men.. open up the paper here in Canada and there is always 2 or 3 articles on womens rights, why women are picked on, special business, health, social and financial privaliges only available for women......over exagerated violence against women stats...not even mentioned violence agianst men stats....
listen to the news/turn on the radio...same thing.....In university women can take womens studies, but theres no mens studies to balance it out, and the femenist lie just grows and grows its uncheked..
.... and the real kicker is this, women dont even want equality here......really, what they want and activley persue is equality when it works to there advantage...; "If a man asks me out (about 98% of the time over here) then he has to pay!!!!! Me:"yes but you earn 60 bucks an hour and you consider yourself to be a femenist!" her: " If a man asks me out he has to pay! (again)" this switching between "I want to be treated like a lady" to "back off ******* or ill call the cops" is fvcking real over here........

so I can see how reading this in Ireland you might think the men here are fvcked up and chauvanistic, but Ive become one of em and I can fvcking see why after 10 years of this cr* here have got a fight going on but not many even know it.....they think being nicer is the answer.....its well and truly fvcked.....thank fvck for the brave soles on so suave.....without em id be lost!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Mr Style, and fellow Don Juans, I live here in North America and lived in the U.K. for 30 years prior to that, and I think Ive got the knowledge on this post.
Firstly Ive got to say I prefer living in N. america to U.K. so Im certainly not all about england etc..
... but I have to say that the women here are fvcking horrible......and I mean REALLY FVKING HORRIBLE....( I know not all, but a lot).........
There heads are filled with the most one sided femenist B.S. that Ive ever heard......they are manipulative lying gold digging one step away from being a hooker b1tches....and Its got to the point where I dont even talk to them.....If there white and have a local acent Im outta there....
...and the whole society here is rigged to keep up the lie!
men here are considered guilty just because they are men.. open up the paper here in Canada and there is always 2 or 3 articles on womens rights, why women are picked on, special business, health, social and financial privaleges only available for women......over exagerated violence against women stats...not even mentioned violence agianst men stats....
listen to the news/turn on the radio...same thing.....In university women can take womens studies, but theres no mens studies to balance it out, and the femenist lie just grows and grows its uncheked..
.... and the real kicker is this, women dont even want equality here......really, what they want and activley persue is equality when it works to there advantage...; "If a man asks me out (about 98% of the time over here) then he has to pay!!!!! Me:"yes but you earn 60 bucks an hour and you consider yourself to be a femenist!" her: " If a man asks me out he has to pay! (again)" this switching between "I want to be treated like a lady" to "back off ******* or ill call the cops" is fvcking real over here........

so I can see how reading this in Ireland you might think the men here are fvcked up and chauvanistic, but Ive become one of em and I can fvcking see why after 10 years of this cr* here have got a fight going on but not many even know it.....they think being nicer is the answer.....its well and truly fvcked.....thank fvck for the brave soules on so suave.....without em id be lost!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Back in the day, we called it Fascism... now its called women's rights.

So the big question is, what the hell do we do about it?
Besides being a major prick that i already am... I feel like i'm not really accomplishing anything besides getting laid, and pissing off a couple feminazis.
How do we go about sticking it to the man or should i say the woman? :D

Ohh yeah, and no gay "Let's just accept our fate, and bow down to our feminist overlords" responses please...
that's what we have for.

If you have what it takes... follow the Puerto Rican rabbit and me to:

Too Many Puss*es Around Here.

And we'll show you how far the rabbit hole goes.
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I wanted to clarify something; When I speak of American women being wh0res, I'm not just talking about white women. This evil woman bullshyt transcends race. I don't think we should treat them as the muslims do either. Equal in some things is OK, but women have taken the proverbial inch we've given them, and made it into a mile.

Case in point: I know this has been brought up before, but did anyone notice how the "runaway" bride was treated?

This was a thirty-something year old woman, and instead of treating her like the CRIMINAL she is...they gave her little hats, and provided her with an escort to the plane. THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT A KID, NOT A GROWN ASS WOMAN WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR HER OWN ACTIONS!!!!!

It's this mentality that women are some how "harmless" that has allowed them to dominate society. A man would have been immediately charged, and made a national scape goat in the media.

P.S. It has also been reported that little "Ms Innocent" was headed to New Mexico to see an ex boyfriend....and this chump fiance still wants her?


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
I guess a lot of guys are still unaware that what they desire in a woman they cannot get. And even if they do get it, they might start asking for 'a mile' after that. When will you be truly contented with a woman anyway?

If American women are so bad, then shut your eyes to them and look elsewhere. There will be no point thinking about them when they can not and will not give you what you desire. However, if you think about it real hard, you will start to realize that getting a foreign girl isn't going to be without its problems. They only seem so much better because you choose to see them as not having the lousy traits of your local girls which you've become so familiar with.

Will you ever find the woman you so desire? I don't know. But if you look at them all the same, lose hope and stop trying your best, you probably never will.

If you really desire something, you better realize what you're doing to get it isn't leading you in the opposite direction.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I don't necessarily want a "foreign" woman. If you read my posts correctly, I believe I said MOST American woman are untrustworthy cvnts. Certainly there are good women out there, I just haven't seen too many.....


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2000
Reaction score
The thread starter has caught a bad case of TEH GAY!!1



Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
When you respect and treat a lioness as a kitten, you get your ass eaten
I think this alone should settle this. It's the truth.

All this isn't chauvinism.... it's realizing that the lioness is not a kitten, and should be treated accordingly.

I can hear all the feminists now jumping up and down yelling "oh no! we really are kittens.... please, we really are! We promise! Trust us!".

Just so they can get their next easy meal.

You know how the saying goes.... "it's a dog eat dog world out there". It doesn't differentiate the gender of the dogs.... a female who is a ***** deserves no more respect than some guy who is a prick to me.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr.Style
I'm not advocating letting woman walk over us. I am of the opinion that modern society is geared towards emascualting men through shows like Freinds which portray men as complete idiots but with that said, the solution isn't to go back to the stone age and treat women like animals in my opinion. James Bond doesn't get the girl by acing like a complete d*ck towards her. He is charming and suave while at the same time carrying himself with respect and class and he doesn't take sh*t from anybody. Surely that is what we are all aiming to be like rather than chauvinists who believe the garbage that women are inferior and aren't to be trusted.
Some people on this forum seem to have overlooked this post I made on the first page.

Don Ronny, you make it out like I am defending the AFCs. On the contrary, I pointed out that you can be an AFC, a Don Juan, or a jerk. I would rather be the DJ. I thought that's what we're all here for?

englishman, you make an interesting point. I have never been to America so I cannot speak for how American women are.

I look at things from the perspective of someone who has read the DJ Bible and recent threads have gone against what this place is about. If a noobie reads the Bible and reads the posts on the forum he will find that there are two completely different schools of thought. That's the point I have been making but some people are too stupid to acknowledge that.

PS No one can rumble with the Irish. The toughest people on the earth. Fact.;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
please STFU!!!!

im gonna take a stab that says..atleast half of the women haters that have posted on this thread.

have probably never had there little wienes touched.

now when it comes to PRL's views..I know he is a man with expiernence and I have to respect him.

but alot of you self proclaimed jerks and hard asses are just full of shyt.

pyssyeater- is full of shyt.

I talk to some of the biggest PUA's and DJ's around..yes not afc's like some of you.

Most of them have respect for women...why? because its the proper thing to do.

now I know some keyboard jockey with his 5 gigs of internet porn..sitting in his boxers is going to say HHAHAAHAHAH Friv is a pyssy! my friend pyssy is the one thing of excess in my life. :)

first off all...maybe 2 or 3 of 10 women arent good natured..where do u live? gold digger island?

the reason you have been used, lied to, ****ed over and manipulated.


ive meet many many many of women in my life..very attractive women...who would use a you if u could would use a its for company or sex.

but these same women..with a real man..wont use him. wont play with him, wont get a free ****ing penny outof him

become a man..and maybe you will understand

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
There's a load of effeminates posting in this thread who should shut off their computer, I think Sex in the City is on guys, better set your VCR timers.

This is sad, so truly sad. These young punks have bought into the propaganda that if you act like a man you are abusing a woman's rights.

How f*cking pathetic.

Here's a newsflash, 90% of women these days have bought into a bill of goods, namely feminist brainwashing.

There are very, very few women worth having a relationship with or marrying in North America, especially in the urban areas where all they do is watch TV and allow themselves to get programmed by feminazi bullsh*t.

Straight Men are under attack and you effeminates are nothing more than willing dupes. I know, because I was for a long time, until I opened my eyes. One thing I can say is that, being older, at least I wasn't as sad and pathetic as some of you teenagers and 20 somethings who have known nothing else and been inundated with the homo-hor agenda all your life.

You guys probably have daily fantasies about girl on girl action and have been wanking to playboy too much.

As PRL says, wake up, the matrix has you.

I've had so many encounters with women where I thought they were 'relationships' and they were all with women who have a hor mentality to some degree. That's just the way it is, and I'll tell you, it isn't us, as men, who are totally to blame.

The real suckers are the ones who refuse to believe the facts.

Tell me, how is it that we arrive at a situation where if there is a domestic dispute, the cops get called in, and the guy gets carted away?

Why is it that North American women are the most abusive creatures on earth, mentally, emotionally and physically, towards men, and they get away with it left, right and centre?

This domestic abuse sh*t has been blown way, way out of proportion, hell, I'd say it's women who do the majority of the abusing these days, only we've been psychologically conditioned as to what constitutes abuse and what doesn't, even though the definition is totally upside down.


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
LOL! This thread is hilarious!

To me the whole DJ philosophy is about yourself, not about other people. I merely have to become that which I dream of becoming and be content in that.

Women can be whatever they want to be and I can paddle in that stream whenever I want to but I cannot change the nature of the stream. It doesn't matter. Everything involved in fulfillment comes back to the improvement of self...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

*assumes lotus position*