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  1. P

    I'm a chick and this guy hit on me saying......

    **** happens. He may have felt adventurous, he may have had a little dare going. I would laugh such comments off instead of get all mad/irritated at it. Have a sense of humour. It's so boring when people get all uptight when you're joking around. Lighten up, sheesh.
  2. P

    Missed Come On's! Oh the PAIN!....

    Those are missed ones? :s I have slept in the same bed, alone, with some chick about 4-5 times and haven't done anything. When I get stares I just figure I have something on my face or something, heck if I know. If these kinds of things are "missed ones".. well, I have a lot. Oh well...
  3. P

    Women don't want sex

    Yes, they want it. And yes, they want it more. But for different reasons than us. They want it for the emotional connection that they crave. They want it to feel good about themselves, and so forth. Saying women want sex more than us, it is easy to just picture sex-crazed man multiplied...
  4. P

    Are you ever interested in hearing about a female friends sexual experiences?

    Oh quit yer b'itchin. Like him? She should make a move. Don't? she should tell him she doesn't. This crap is common sense.
  5. P

    Are you ever interested in hearing about a female friends sexual experiences?

    It's not exactly rocket science. He asked a question or questions that were perhaps a little too probing, so you let him know that. People here are very quick to judge this guy, but have some common sense. If he went too far, let him know. Not interested? Let him know. Interested? Let him...
  6. P

    Bottoming out

    Everyone's 8" on the internet. Except me... i'm 14.68 e-inches.
  7. P

    why do fat chicks think they deserve "in shape" guys?

    I wipe my own :D Anyway, those fat chicks... they sure are overweight. Huh? Am I right? *high five* *tumbleweed* :(
  8. P

    (Keep Your "JUICE" up)Stop Looking at P.O.R.N!!!! please for the own good of you ...

    I'm gonna see how long I can go without :D I've been doing it for a few days now.... but i'm going to tough it out for a while and see what effect it has on me.
  9. P

    Women should remain pure but men should fu*k anything that walks.

    Should should should, but don't. You're all speaking as though women don't already sleep around and "defy these social values". Innocence and purity are feminine traits, whereas 'going after what you want' and control are masculine traits. Just like there's consequences for men being...
  10. P

    The Borderline Personality Thread

    Good thread idea, but I think the information needs to be put somewhere. This kind of information and shared experiences will go unused because this thread will eventually just die. It just needs to be referrenced somewhere more permanent.
  11. P

    HELP, don't know how to treat my gf with Borderline Personality Disorder

    I'll go against the general advice and say give it a go. Everyone here can tell you how BPD is bad, and it is, but nothing teaches you like experience does. If you run now, you'll only face the same problem when you meet another BPD. If you go on this crazy ride, however, you'll learn. You'll...
  12. P

    HELP, don't know how to treat my gf with Borderline Personality Disorder

    The more I read about BPD the more I can relate it to my ex. Example: she did always try to guilt me, she did suck the life out of me (being with her was just a chore), and I don't know if she was lieing/cheating (how would I know if she did it well?) among other general signs that I won't get...
  13. P

    The Reason Men are AFCs

    Sounds about right. "boys are such morons" yet she seems to have a caps-lock addiction.
  14. P

    people say i am ugly

    ....I haven't been called anything but ugly. Beat that lol
  15. P

    Why are less attractive girls more attractive?

    Yeah I know how it goes. "Textbook" hot doesn't do it for me anymore. I still find it attractive, but nothing can turn me on more than someone a little less than textbook hot but with some character. Maybe a bit pale, carrying a few extra pounds for those curves, (must have good personality)...
  16. P

    my g/f is late on her period...please help

    Stress can be a major cause. If she's worrying about being late, her stress about the situation will possibly worsen it and it becomes a cycle. Chill out, both of you relax, and it will come when it wants to.
  17. P

    what's up with this? ********?

    Well obviously what I did got me nowhere, so I guess if you want her, go after her and ask her out. I think your suggestion of celebrating would work well.
  18. P

    what's up with this? ********?

    I've had the same happen to me; kept saying she had no-one to go to the movies with "i guess i'll just go and be a loner" etc. Being so clueless in identifying hints, i suggested a few other people (just trying to be helpful)... I don't think she even ended up going. So now you know what not...
  19. P

    Friends & physical contact

    OK this question isn't aimed at ultimately 'hooking up with' any female friend, but it is something that has just been plain bugging me and has got me stumped. I have a bunch of friends, males and females. Now having both genders in a group of friends, there's often hugs etc. exchanged...
  20. P

    'This woman' is not the answer

    But these women ARE unique..... just like everyone else is :p Nice post.