Women should remain pure but men should fu*k anything that walks.

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Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
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This entire thread is ridiculous. I've lost respect for practically all of the major players here...

But I'm not judging. I'll still hear whatever you have to say, and decide for myself whether I agree with it or not.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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Should should should, but don't.

You're all speaking as though women don't already sleep around and "defy these social values".

Innocence and purity are feminine traits, whereas 'going after what you want' and control are masculine traits.

Just like there's consequences for men being pussies (being walked over by women, and just generally being a doormat), there are consequences for women sleeping around (being treated like that's all they are good for, STDs).

Women can do whatever they want. Want to sleep around? Cool. Just don't come crying to me when you're crotch is dripping with puss and your last "conquest" has left you for the church girl.

Consequences people, consequences. People CAN do whatever they want, so don't give me this "should" stuff. What it's really about is arguing the consequences, right? How women "should" be able to sleep with many people and still be considered decent? That's like saying we "should" be able to cut down all trees on earth and still have a nice little planet.

Everything has consequences, including women sleeping around. Quit yer b.itchin' it's just how it is.


May 9, 2004
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Originally posted by CONDE FRANCO
but, I did not dump them right away my friend, first i enjoy them a few months and then the relationship ends.

simple as that.

look you want a slut, that is fine with everybody, I want a virgin, I know that where you are from the system is very different, and you wont have many choices, but where I am from, there are sluts and there are vigin/decent women. I prefer decent women over slut women.

THEY MAKE A MORE RELIABLE WIFE, because they are raised with principles, and if you treat them right and with respect, they will never cheat on you as you claimed in another thread.

it is a matter of taste my friend.

you want a slut, and I want a decent woman

is that hard to understand???????
Im not saying i want a slut. Im saying dont tell that guy to break up with his gf because shes had a sex life. We do have choices in Australia man we have more choices than America its alot more multicultaral here.

Its wrong that you come here and call a guy a idiot and his girl a slut because shes had sex before.

Ninja out

Ninja out


May 9, 2004
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Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
By the time this thread is over Black Italian will be retired from this forums! he is getting seriously PWNED by Lost in Translation and Conde Franco! I doubt he can ever show up here again after him getting exposed for what he truly is..a CAPTAIN SAVE-A-HO!
Conde isnt ownign ****. He call me a homosexual oh nooooo he owned me. You an idiot so is he you two are the reason i started thsi thread. If a women is not a virgin shes scum pfttt.

Anyway after reviweing this thread i do admit i wasnt entirley right Lost in translation and till the end of time made some good points. But i am still right when i say CONDE shouldnt come here calling a guy a idiot because his gf has had sex before meeting him.

Ninja out


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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First of all the phrase "Women should remain pure but men should fu-ck anything that walks" is a phrase that is proliferated by the feminists.

it's purpose is to turn women into the little w-hores and generate hate towards men.

You see, in an effort to discourage masculinity and the "patriarchy", the media began portraying men as mean, vulgar, dumb slobs.

They thought this would promote feminism, the empowerment of women, and help break down "opressive" gender roles.

They thought if they portrayed men badly, it would help discourage boys from adopting an "chauvanistic" masculine identity, and help create an "equal" gender-neutral culture.

In a sad irony, this didn't work. The agenda may have caused some boys to become weak, effeminate, and even gay. But not most. Instead of being disgusted by the bad caricatures of masculine men given in the media...the boys adopted and embraced these distorted images of masculinity.

I suppose this speaks to the resiliency of the human need for strong gender identification.

So, instead of scaring boys away from masculinity with their bad portrayals of men...they created their own monster; a society of boys who embraced the very exaggerated stereotypes of masculinity that were meant to discourage them from being men at all.

And this is the reason why there are men who think that fuc-king anything that walks is normal.

I will always stay true to what I belive in regardless of what the modern world thinks. If I want a woman who is a virgin then so be it! I have a right to look for that. I also know for a fact that a man can get what he wants from life. He only has to try and put forth a solid effort.

A woman who has had sex with many men is damaged goods. It is just like a car with 100000 miles on it. Her p-ussy stinks. Why should I buy that?

Furthermore, why should a man trust a woman who has yet to prove that she can up hold an oath? You see, when a man looks for a woman to be his wife he isn't stupid. He looks for a woman who has faith and can uphold the oath of marriage. A good indicator of her capacity to do that is how well she has reserved her pus-sy for the man of her dreams.

It is also a true statement that once a wh-ore always a wh-ore.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2002
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irving tx usa
Who is talking about the US?:confused: I lived there for a while as a college student. I was talking about my country of origin my friend.
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