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  1. H

    serious loser needs immediate help

    Or other girls (even your sister).
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    serious loser needs immediate help

    Don't talk about work, or how stupid feminism is.
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    serious loser needs immediate help

    Rupeo, everything sounds great. You live on your own, you obviously have a good head on your shoulders (most people never learn to write as well as your first post. And I'm not being the least bit facetious.) and the girl is interested. Being inexperienced isn't a big deal. Where being...
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    For you VIRGINS! ;)

    SDBmania ... I hate to be brunt. But sex is for adults. Being able to handle a sexually relationship with care and skill, being able to pleasure those we sleep with, being able to deal with the most intimate of human interaction is an adult thing. There is nothing 'mature' about...
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    Why do girls need to proclaim they are "hot"

    Who cares? It's actually good if they say that. It's a form of advertising sexuality. I let the ladies know I'm hot. It usually leads to better conversations than just plutonic ones. Also, as someone else said, it totally leaves open C+F byreplying "what are you talking about". Through...
  6. H

    Need Some Advice

    Dude, you're an idiot. Stop seing this poison b****. Treat the mother of your children better. At least get a divorce before you decide to start shacking up with some chick who's probably going to be the end of you.
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    Need a 2nd opinion...

    #3 but... When you don't call, see what she says next class. See how she reacts to your Kino. Kino isn't nothing, there's probably something there. See how she reacts to your not going.
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    DJ - ing versus decensy.

    Man... that is good advice. Thanks.
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    DJ - ing versus decensy.

    I can't seem to see a way out of my little problem. It might help to have a fresh perspective. Last school university school break, this girl invited me out to see Lord of the Rings. We met each other at a party months before, she was attached but I heavily put on my charm anyways and...
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    To party or not to party? (again) your opinions

    She's probably just really friendly. She probably would be interested had she not been taken. She's leading you on a bit, but she probably doesn't realise it.
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    A few Generals

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. As long as you and the girl had a good time, no worries. You can use the chaparon thing to your advantage as a joke when you call her for a second date. I say your fine. Girls are strange, don't read too much into things you can't figure out anyway.
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    Would this response CREATE attraction or be rude?

    So she hung out with her buds. No big deal Don't be rude, just answer however you want. Being burned once isn't a big deal.
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    DJ Tip Today

    Who cares if you look desperate? You've got something else lined up so you obviously are not desperate.
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    stuck on herrr

    How can you have 500 posts and not be able to fix this yourself? Go out, find the hottest girl you can, and make out with her. We'll call her girl number 2. If girl number one comes back, that just broadens your options.
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    I don't get this page

    Ten to one says he's a cherry. I'm takin' bets.
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    DJ's aren't Mysogonists right?

    I think that "respecting" women is something that isn't related to DJing. That is to say, you can be a DJ and Misogynist, or you can be a DJ and not mysoginist. Just like you can be a Canadian DJ or a Japanese DJ. DJing is about technique and a personal mindset. Not about treating...
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    I hit my girl

    Well, you know you were wrong. Make sure that this is the first and last time. Make sure that you remember that you're wrong. But everything is cool imo as long as it never happens again.
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    Avoiding AFC, using DJ tactics? is a bad place to look up words, Hubris actually means arrogance that's so strong that it ends up defeating you. Like King Lear. But "Supremely Arrogant" fits nicely. And I'm not about to say something that she likes sucks simply because she tries to be as esoteric as...
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    new guy needs help

    Amen! I think a preface to the DJB should be that "If you came here for advice on how to fix a relationship that's already been screwed up, or if you came here to try to change the mind of a girl that's already told you "no" then this site isn't for you". This preface can go with my other...
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    Avoiding AFC, using DJ tactics?

    So this girl, who's hot (about 8.6 I'd say), and I have been going out a little bit. Problem is, she and I go to school far away from each other and she had to go back to school before I could... well bed her. She's a great chick too. Not only is she hot, but she's smart, goes to school for...