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  1. H

    Please Explain what went wrong?

    Don't worry about it. Call her back in 2 days. If nothing happens, then move on.
  2. H

    what r the rules if she cancels?

    Do nothing, she'll give you a clear sign.
  3. H

    Two options, neither ideal.

    Somehow I knew I'd get that answer. Maybe I'll "accidentally" bump into her in a week or so. I'm sure someone I know knows her school schedual...
  4. H

    Doesn't seem to know what she wants.

    Start flirting/dating other girls. Either she'll find out what she wants, or you'll be with someone better. She doesn't sound like she's turning your crank (innuendo intended).
  5. H

    Two options, neither ideal.

    Hello all, this be my first post. I was going to make this brief but I might as well tell the whole story. It should still be fairly short. Every once in a awhile I meet this girl on the bus on the way home from school (first year university). We went to the same high school and we know...