Two options, neither ideal.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
Hello all, this be my first post.

I was going to make this brief but I might as well tell the whole story. It should still be fairly short.

Every once in a awhile I meet this girl on the bus on the way home from school (first year university). We went to the same high school and we know the same people. Her and I only kinda know each other though. But we get along well for people that've never spoken, essentially, outside these 2 bus rides that we have spoken.

We talk about academic stuff (because thats the kind of people we are). But last time we talked about academic stuff and my beared (she brought it up). She noticed that it is a different colour from the rest of my hair (it's red, my hair is brown).

Eventually it was her stop, and she got off. She didn't turn around and wave or anything.

Anyways, that's neither here nor there. Here's the dilema. At the time I thought she was attached. But I asked one of our mutual friends and it turns out ... she isn't. So I was a complete dumbass and I should have asked for her number.

So, should I get her phone number from the friend and just call her up out of the blue? Which is slightly stalker like.

Should I get her email? Which is less stalker but slightly lamer. Though this does have a special advantage for me, because I can write really well. (This post doesn't cound as an example of good writing).

Or should I wait until I bump into her again? Which may be a month or more... This is the best option for being in person, but the time might screw me up.

So, what do you think? And don't say work on someone else. I've got other girls going too.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hanging out here.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
Somehow I knew I'd get that answer.

Maybe I'll "accidentally" bump into her in a week or so. I'm sure someone I know knows her school schedual...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
The question, though, is why didn't you get her number when you had the chance earlier? Even if she was attached (which you didn't even bother to check with her), that still doesn't mean you can't get together to chat sometime. And if you ask, and it turns out she wasn't attached, then you just got the phone number of a single chick! Score!