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  1. H

    What do you guys think about this?

    I wonder how stickey her flag is...
  2. H

    Live report from Starbucks hitting on women while on the don Juan site

    Hahaha, that's a good idea. Maybe I'll join you someday. What's T service? I've got WI-Fi, will that work? Are all Starbucks on wireless zones?
  3. H

    get in here and rate this girl I'm hooking up with.

    There's a real easy way to see the nekkid pics, if you are the least bit computer literate. Good luck guys. (Her other pic isn't bad either. And it seems that she's selling her car).
  4. H

    Advice for frustrated virgins from an older dude.

    Losing my virginity helped my game *so* much it wasn't even funny. Guys need to lose it to get rid of that 'magic' 'disney' 'love' BS.
  5. H

    Post your favourite date ideas

    Get liquored up then go to miniput. :D
  6. H

    My conversation sucks

    I bet you 50 bucks that you aren't too disappointed at the outcome of this date (her not returning your messages). The reason is... you don't really like her. Don't worry about the convo, it happens to everyone. A babe at work drove me to a club a little while ago, and we had nothing to...
  7. H

    Need advice dealing with friends, low IL, and salvage ops

    I only read the summary. Aloof is good, she spent the night in your bed and is chasing you (the email and the party) what else do you want? If an ex shows up you go pull other girls. You're a DJ remember? Everything went fine. You're probably just showing off. At the party next week...
  8. H


    You've lost the mental game *already*. "Too many wear sunglasses" wtf? That doesn't matter, some of them won't. The idea of eye contact is to do it all the time naturally. Like breathing. Then work up to striking conversation with a girl as easy as you would shrug your shoulders. Go to...
  9. H

    New BootCamp For ALL! (MAN UP!!!!)

    "Nice buttons" Try it instead of high. Don't say something trite and stupid like "nice shoes" say... "Those are some really loud shoes" (if they're loud). Try it.
  10. H

    observe chat log.

    Dude, if you're going to post dumb sh*t, expect dumb flames.
  11. H

    New BootCamp For ALL! (MAN UP!!!!)

    I'm in. Will each week be posted in this thread or another one? If it's another one make sure it's distinctive so I can find it. I don't visit this place all that much. And when do you update? Thursdays?
  12. H

    Women and closure?

    It's a nice thing to do. You dumped her, I think its human to give her a reason why. Just make sure that she gets it, and doesn't sucker you in again. Just "goodbye goodluck, I'm looking for someone who has more ambition" or whatever.
  13. H

    The one I really want.

    She mentiones her boyfriend because she's intimidated by you. Having someone is a form of status. Just like driving a car or having your own place. She diggs you, trust me. She might think she has no chance with you for some reason. So this is what you do... Next time you go walk...
  14. H

    Do I want her to let me go?

    You worry too much. It's just a nice way of ending the conversation.
  15. H

    Holy cow!

    Are you 17 Tyler? Because you sound like one (no offence). Any bone head can see that you should call her up. Or ask her out when you pay your next bill.
  16. H

    lesbian friend

    If it helps, think of it this way. If you distance yourself from her, then you're giving back to her what she gives to you; cold, agonizing distance. She's your friend, you two made out. The healthies thing you can do right now, is to move on. But if that's too hard, just think that...
  17. H

    lesbian friend

    Next! You don't need her. If she offers herself to you sometime in the future, then great. But for now, go out and hunt.
  18. H

    My chump story

    I say sit next to her in class. Who cares if it looks intentional? She's not going to 'prepare a defence' to your advances or anything. Just sit next to her, and talk about whatever you would've talked about. It'll give her a chance to get used to you being near her, and it affordes you...
  19. H

    My girlfriend versus my pride

    This will work itself out. What you need to do is act normal, and not do anythingrash for 1 week. In 1 week, you'll see how stupid it was for you to have posted this message.