lesbian friend


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
I have been hanging out and ging to the gym with this really hot chic for about a year. The first day i met her she wanted to "walk me back to my place" i walked her to hers instead and only got her # instead of going in. Im pretty sure she wanted to have sex with me at the time but i really liked her and wanted more. We hung out a few times and she eventually said she had a boyfriend back home and didnt want to cheat on him.

The entire time 2 if my friends were telling me she seemed like a lesbo (not manly at all but very straight foreward and logical). I finnally asked her the other day and it turned out that she is lesbian. she was dating this girl all last semester but broke up over christmas break. I have saw her checking me out in the mirrors in the gym when she didnt think i was paying attention. i asked her if she was into guys at all and she said she isnt really attracted to men but has slept with 2 guys she didnt know when she was drunk earlier this semester. I was like wtf why guys and why not me. she said hard to find girls and she was drunk, horney, they were offering at the right time. she said they were not at all attractive to them. i was like but why not me. and she said we have been friends too long and she would feel guilty using me like that when she isnt interested.

this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want her so bad. that girl has a hook deep into me. i want to sleep with her more than any other girl in the world. how should i play this? what should i do? I told her she might as well come to me next time she is horney, no reason for us both to be masterbating alone when we could be doing a lot more. i told her how much i want her.

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
First, get a grip.
This girl is obviously a bi-sexual, with a preference for women. She knows that if she were to call you for sex, you'd be up her booty every day the next week. For her it would be physical, for you it would be emotional. This makes for a bad combination.

Now, think about what you have done so far. You've basically given a woman who's told you that she doesn't have any romantic interest in you all of your interest.

We've all been there. Don't panic. Just meet other girls.

An if you really want to nail her, get her drunk. Apparently she only likes men when she's plastered.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO

You don't need her. If she offers herself to you sometime in the future, then great. But for now, go out and hunt.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
thanks guys.

giving up on her is good advice and exactly what i was thinking. the problem is im like a addict when it comes to that girl. After almost a year hanging out every day, She has hooks in me so deep i couldnt even try to push her away.

I want to get her drunk but she will not drink around me. I already thought of that 1. she knows me very well and is too smart to be manipulated by be.

Im 25 and not a bad looking guy. i have dated/been with, so many girls. I have never felt as close to a girl as i do to her.

After i posted this mourning I went to breakfeast with her. I told her how much i liked her, and acted more like a little b!ch than i have since high school. I basically begged her for sex and almost cried. She did cry and we ended up making out. She admitted that she had only ever had sex with that 1 guy and it was only to try it with a guy and she only wants girls.

I cant think of anything but how great her lips tasted. lol i feel like such a wuss.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
What the hell is this, Chasing Amy?

Look, when you starting hanging out with this girl, she was unavailable because she told you that she had a boyfriend. Still, you stayed friends with her possibly in the hopes that she would somehow become available to you.

Then, you find out that she's unavailable because she's a lesbian. Now you want her more than ever.

The bottom line: you've been hanging onto an unavailable chick for about a year. You might want to think about why you're sabotaging yourself in the way that you are.

Furthermore, even if this girl WASN'T a lesbian, you are going about EVERYTHING in EXACTLY THE WRONG WAY. You're telling her how much you want her. You're basically begging for sex, which is such a turn-on for women. You're getting all blubbery and emotional, so in the unlikely event that this girl ever DOES decide to have emotionless, no-strings sex with a guy ever again, you'll be the last candidate on the list. And you're obsessing about her as if she's the only girl on Earth. This is worse than just one-itis for a girl -- this is one-itis over a girl who likes girls!


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
I totally agree with Casanova!

However, I understand how difficult it can be.

You see her as an ultimate goal. I´m pretty sure that after few times of sex with her, she wouldn´t seem so perfect anymore. Perhaps you would be wondering why you had been adoring her so much. The illusion is broken.

We people tend to be desperately desiring for things we never have an opportunity to get! And if we somehow manage to get it.. soon we start desiring for something else!

When you´re eighty years old, and you look back what you have done with your life... do you want to see that you have wasted the best of your years on a LESBIAN?

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I agree with Casanova. We've all done this before: Hanging on and making ourselves available for one girl who is not interested; becoming her friend in the hopes that one day, she will come around to you. This girl is LOST! She is in some sexual experimentation warp; and you don't want to be on the sidelines waiting for her to make a decision. (Only if you could get sex, no strings attached)

Forget it. Its an unbelievable waste of time and emotional suicide. My cousin became friends with a girl and didn't pursue anyone else for over a year; she wasn't interested in him. Now he has become one of those bitter coward jerks.

Save yourself the trouble. Hunt for other women as soon as possible. Trust me, you will find another woman who is both straight and ready to roll that you like, and you will forget about the veggie girl.

Also, look with your eyes, not your heart or weanie. If she wanted to start something with you or just have no strings attached sex with you, she would have already. Bottom Line Factor. She gave you the LJBF. Move on.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
If it helps, think of it this way.

If you distance yourself from her, then you're giving back to her what she gives to you; cold, agonizing distance.

She's your friend, you two made out. The healthies thing you can do right now, is to move on. But if that's too hard, just think that you're trying to activate her jealously.

Hopefully after you've distanced yourself abit, you can move on.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Big Pappy
An if you really want to nail her, get her drunk. Apparently she only likes men when she's plastered.
I think you shouldn't follow this advice considering that alcohol could be used as evidence against you if she thinks you have raped her, especially if she wakes up besides you and doesn't remember anything the night before. What is it like 2 - 7 years or something like that now?