

Don Juan
Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, I started the DJ boot campl like 4or5 months ago (got to week 2). Now that its summer, I am looking to start again with out any school crap to keep me down. I am going to do the eye contact thing. This is where I have a problem..... I would like to know where some of you went to do this? I could go to the mall, but I dont know if I am ready for that (alone with groups of people all around, could get ugly fast). Besides what am I supposed to do walk around the mall 80 times alone and look people in the eye? I would walk around campus but too many people wear sunglasses (damn sunglasses). It is time to get my ass in gear, due to the fact my really bad off AFC friend has a girl friend she is like a 3 (nothing to brag about) but its hell when he talks about his "girl"friend (who is a 3) and I have NOTHING! I am really excited about this seeing as I have nothing to distract me, and I am ready to take this one step at a time. With some luck and hard lessons maybe I could be a MDJ soon :D so yeah any suggestions where I could get some good eye contact would be good. Thanks :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
I believe you're thinking about it too much. In public it's difficult NOT to come into contact with people (e.g. gas station , grocery store, fast food joint, blockbuster, etc. I don't think you should go out with the goal of trying to "find" people to have eye contact with, but just to make sure you acknowledge the people you do happen to pass in your normal routines.

I think that holding your head up when you're walking will make it very easy to make contact with people. If you're head is down and you look like you won't welcome a "hello" then people will not want to look into your eyes.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
You've lost the mental game *already*. "Too many wear sunglasses" wtf? That doesn't matter, some of them won't.

The idea of eye contact is to do it all the time naturally. Like breathing. Then work up to striking conversation with a girl as easy as you would shrug your shoulders.

Go to the mall. Go look for stuff that you want to see at the mall. If you see a girl, eyecontact, maybe a few "hi's".

Got to register somthing for school? Then go do that. Again, if you see a girl, EC.

You don't change your life just to make eye contact with a girl. You do it because it's free and takes no time.

Just don't sit at home looking at internet girls and you'll do fine.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
Here's the deal, you're on the right track, but you gotta get a few things straight. Mercenary is right, contacting people is not difficult in public IF YOU HAVE DONE IT BEFORE. What you gotta do is contact people in public, the basis of bootcamp.

As a tip, get used to saying Hi to people. Just a little "Hey, how's it going?" or something. If they don't respond, **** them, it's not your fault if they choose not to respond (also, smile when you do this, better response rate). There are people out there who are just scared of others, you may be one of them, but you can get over that fear rather easily. After saying Hi to around 10 people who don't even notice your presence (giving the impression you'd be better off talking to air) you realize it is really no big deal.

An important note, having a woman will not complete you. Read that again if you have to, trust me man, they just don't.

Yeah, there are men with women, there are people who go out in groups, but you know what? There are also those who go out alone. Suprise, suprise.

Here's an idea to take of the pressure. Do not focus on even getting a conversation flowing when first starting out. Just expiriment. For instance, go to a book store with a magazine rack. Go up to 10 women over the course of a day (reading, looking, wandering, sitting, etc) around the rack and say "Hey, Sup?" as if you P. Diddy or some fly guy. Do this only to see if any will respond. From there on, you can either continue or move on.

Have fun,


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah I guess I was going about it all wrong, the way it is written kind of threw me off "in two seprate outgoings, each lasting one hour inlength you will go about estalishing eye contact with strangers". So yeah this is cake, I just managed to blow it out of proportion. So, I came up with a plan, today is a "normal" day on my way into work I will make normal eye contact with every one I come across (some times there are a LOT of hotties). Thanks every body!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
If they are wearing sun glasses just smile.. if they smile back they are probably look at you.