The one I really want.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2001
Reaction score
Surrey,British Columbia,Canada
So I met this really great girl at work... funny thing is.. she's not even that great looking. She has the most amazing personality though and I find myself very attracted to her.

Anyways i've known her since I started this job in February, and up until about 3 weeks ago she had a boyfriend of 3 years. Ever since I started there she has been extremely flirtatious towards me.. as well as constantly throwing compliments my way.

Long story short... she broke up with her boyfriend about 3 weeks ago. About a week later... she is "seeing" some new guy.

Right now he is visiting a friend in Mexico, and since they arent official yet, I asked her to come with me to see Cirque du Soleil.

After this unnoffical date in which no moves were made by me as usual... she asked me back to her friend's housewarming party. Again, had fun but too ***** to make any moves.

Anyways, I know I'm jumping around here... but the point is.. I'm pretty sure this girl is into me.. but I have an insane fear of rejection. I'm a confident person in most aspects of life including socially, but I have a real problem asking out a girl when I'm really into her.

Not sure what to do at this point. I really like her but if I get rejected I'll have to deal with seeing her at work 40 hours a week...(we share a cubicle).

As a side note I am without a doubt better looking than she is... not to sound arrogant but that much is obvious. Also at times I wonder if she has the feeling she is inferior and really has no chance with me... shes not used to dating guys that have much in the looks department.

She also constantly mentions this new guy to me... which i have seen a picture of, as if she is trying to prove to me her worthiness. I don't understand why she would constantly mention this other guy and then turn around and flirt with me.

I think I'm just ranting here at this point, but I had to let it out somewhere. Really confused about this one. Not even used to being attracted to this type of girl. Thanks to anyone who reads this.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Quit being scared and ask her out immediately so that you will not have any regrets later.

I think you are in love with her. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
One, you shouldn't be worrying about this so much this early!!! There are two sides to every coin and it sounds like she could be mentioning this other dood to make you jealous or to indirectly tell you she likes him. But the only way your going to win her over is by ATTRACTING HER to you!!

Basically your confused because your suppose to be! Its only been one get together, so you shouldn't really know what's going on in a sense. But if she's not giving you the opportunity to make a move on her and keeps mentioning the other guy, then you should take the hint.

Two tips to keep your mind straight:

1-Definitely date other women, shiat you already know she is.

2-Really think about whether she's worth it or not, because you work with her. I think its rule #3 in the unoffical Player's Handbook not to dip your pen in the company ink.



Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
She mentiones her boyfriend because she's intimidated by you. Having someone is a form of status. Just like driving a car or having your own place.

She diggs you, trust me. She might think she has no chance with you for some reason. So this is what you do...

Next time you go walk somewhere, out to lunch at work, out to a movie or when you're just standing around, give her a few rakes with your hand on her back. Just quick, friendly but a little unexpected. Just go up and down two or three times and do it when she's not looking.

See what her reaction is. A bit later, try something else (hand touching?)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Some good advice here, but I wouldn't get involved too much with someone you work that closely with, especially where you share the same cubicle.