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  1. H

    She's got a guy, but should I go for the number?

    I'd go for it only if you have a reason to get her number. Like maybe the work guys are going out drinking and if she'd like to come you'll need her number or something. I think care and subtlete are needed. However, for all you know she may be on the outs with this guy and if you...
  2. H

    Dealing with 'fibs'.

    As long as you keeps your wits about you you should be fine. I wouldn't fall in love with the girl though...
  3. H

    Forgot her name, still call?

    Her name is Ina. And you should call. (No I don't actually know her name, just pretend as though you do. If you get the name wrong you can turn it into a joke. Also, she probably lives in a dorm, so if her dorm mates pick up they'll help set you straight).
  4. H

    Perhaps a Newb's perspective.

    It might've been that in like... 400 BC, but now a days the definition has changed somewhat.
  5. H

    Never been kissed

    I might be a little weird, but I've got another way to think that works for me. Nobody is special. Nobody is unique. That guy, who's seeing the hot girl, the difference between him and me is almost zero. Anything he has I can get. Anything that I have, he's probably too stupid to be...
  6. H

    best friends

    I wouldn't go that far. Friends aren't worth girls. Keep your friends (I say). They probably aren't messing with you intentionally. They probably see it as hunting in a pack. You might want to tell them to quit being c0ck blockers, or sometimes go out by yourself. Just another take on...
  7. H

    Perhaps a Newb's perspective.

    I lost mine when I was 19. Which I feel is a little old, but... I guess we all go at our own pace. The girl wasn't ugly but she didn't take enough care of herself. I guess I'd say 6.5, but with a little hair care and maybe some non-hippie clothes she could be a respectable 7.2 It really...
  8. H

    best friends

    You're not thinking right. "I've got some work to do" (when speaking about your looks). It sounds to me that you're offering yourself as a 'talking friend', or worse, a second place prize if your friend is taken or not interested. CONFIDENCE!
  9. H

    Perhaps a Newb's perspective.

    It seems to me that alot of the people who are stuck in a rut (thinking specifically of the guy who wrote the "never been kissed" article) probably need to go out and get laid. Now I'm sure everyone is thinking "that's why they come to this site dumba--!" But really that isn't what the DJ...
  10. H

    I need to make my girlfriend c**, or we’re going to break up! Need help with control

    **Warning this may be a bad idea** If she's that horney you might want to try something really rough. She sounds like she has a lot of sexual control, taking some of that back might be what you need. I won't get too explicit, but maybe tossing her onto the bed while she's undressing...
  11. H

    Misinformation and The Male-Multiple Full-Body Orgasm (Lasting Hours)

    In case anyone has any doubt, this guy is pure BS. There are a few ways you can tell. 1) At first he says "I do a lot of study on sexology" but he can't name the university he studies at or any other specifics. Actual intellectuals don't normally go on these sorts of 'rants'. They do tend...
  12. H

    Misinformation and The Male-Multiple Full-Body Orgasm (Lasting Hours)

    What university did you study sexology at? Who's your prof?
  13. H

    how long will she mess with your head?

    Post specifics. Judging by what you posted in the other thread, you should probably go and write down everything between you and this girl here and get some advice from these fine folk on this board.
  14. H

    No friends

    You probably go to school if you're 18. Round up girls at school and take them out on the weekend. Or get a job where you'll meet people. Then round up girls there, and take them out on the weekend. Maybe a coffee shop. Think about what kind of person you are, and find something that...
  15. H

    deflowering virgins?

    You do realize you're asking a forum full of guys, right? I heard once on some late night show that you shouldn't worry unless she's still bleeding like a day later.
  16. H

    To every self proclaimed "DJ", Newbie and 1K+ poster

    Somebody feeling cranky? Unloved? Have to dump on a whole bunch of people you don't know to make yourself feel better? What do you care what people post on this forum?
  17. H

    Girl wants me to go on fake date with her!

    Okay, all you nay-sayers on the "don't accept the girl's date because she used the word 'fake'" here are 2 questions for you. 1) Why did she ask Dave111 out? I bet you any money that she didn't ask all of her guy friends, just him. 2) When was the last time you ever asked someone out on...
  18. H

    Girl wants me to go on fake date with her!

    Dudes, a hot girl is asking him out on a date on a day that heavily favours getting some. The only thing that is keeping him from dating a hot girl is the word "fake". Who cares what she calls it? Who cares how she rationalizes it in her own mind. But hey, leaving her without a date on...
  19. H

    best places for a date!

    I havn't tried it yet, but I will if all goes well, but my suggestion is getting loaded then going to play glow-in-the-dark mini put. I'm asking out a girl who enjoys fermented beverages, and after putting a few back, glow in the dark mini put would be sensory overload. Also, you get to...
  20. H

    Girl wants me to go on fake date with her!

    There has been alot of bad advice in this string already. This is what you do. Agree, but you're still looking for a 'real' date with someone else. So you'll say something like "Yes, if I'm free on V Day, then we can go do whatever". If you get a date, great, cancell your fake date and...