Perhaps a Newb's perspective.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
It seems to me that alot of the people who are stuck in a rut (thinking specifically of the guy who wrote the "never been kissed" article) probably need to go out and get laid.

Now I'm sure everyone is thinking "that's why they come to this site dumba--!" But really that isn't what the DJ bible is about.

The DJ bible is about getting lots of play from the most attractive girls possible. What I'm talking about is going out and having sex with a girl. -Any- girl.

Virginity is *not* an asset to males. It is less than useless. If you are sleeping with a girl who's more experienced than you, you are automatically in an AFC situation. Not good.

Also while you're a virgin you've got this idea about what girls are like that is highly skewed. Virgins tend to see them as partly devine. They have this romantic vision that is fed to them by the media of this prince charming male figure and the 'first-kiss is a marriage promise' and where 'sex is a wonderful gift of unearthly pleasure' that is seen in movies, soaps and everything else. This is garbage and it makes it even harder to approach women and going on your way to becomining a DJ.

Ppost virginity is a different story entirely. After that one night in bed us guys start to realise a few things. First sex isn't as much fun as the world led us to believe. It's fun, but so is a really good rock concert, or nailing your SAT's. Second, women start to look pretty dumb after we've slept with them. There is a reason why it is always the guys that "take advantage" of women because, to put it bluntly, sex looks and feels a whole lot like guys get to forcefully take pleasure out of women.

I know that's not entirely accurate. Women like sex too, but it certainly seems like I've described above.

I honestly think that a begining chapter is missing in the DJB (I havn't read all of it so maybe I overlooked something). And the first lesson should be "If you havn't done so already, go out and lose your virginity." Take that girl who's kinda annoying who you've known for years or take a dive or something, make sure you've had a drink or two first.

It really is a key ingredient in becoming a man and I think the DJB is written for men.

Thoughts? Comments?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
it's true.. people who havent lost their virginity yet (i should know i'm one of them) tend to be more AFCish than others... for some reason i held my virginity to the highest of things... but right now i really dont care who i lose it too just as long as she's at least a 7...

and yes the media does influence a lot of people since it's all around us almost 24hrs a day... people watch all the soaps and all that other crap and they portray a VERY FALSE image of life and it's this image that people seem to adapt and think true... you shouldnt take the media too seriously as it's just there for PURLEY for entertainment and revenue generation reasons...

true words... Hubris


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
I lost mine when I was 19. Which I feel is a little old, but... I guess we all go at our own pace.

The girl wasn't ugly but she didn't take enough care of herself. I guess I'd say 6.5, but with a little hair care and maybe some non-hippie clothes she could be a respectable 7.2

It really was a turning point in my life. 2 years ago my name would have been "Shy, AFC child" Not "Hubris" (Which means supremely arrogant).

I really got to take control of my life from that point on. I lost alot of weight, I cut my hair, I got my teeth straightend, I started to going to university, and I couldn't be happier now.

Oh, and I dumped the girl.

I've still got 'work' to do. But -everything- is within my reach now.

Oh, and btw, my first kiss was also when I was 19. Just to prove how much of a loser I was. hahaha. (I mean loser in a joking way. Everyone should do what they want, you don't need to F-ck girls or lose your virginity inorder to be happy).


New Member
Jan 25, 2004
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I think that being a virgin can definitly put a spin on your outlook with women, but it is definitly not a reason to be ashamed.

I lost my virginity when I was 16, which I guess is about an average age now. However, that was with a girlfriend of a few months, and we contiued to go out for about a year after that. She was the only girl I've ever had sex with. I've had chances to have sex with quite a few girls after that, but I have actually chosen not to. I actually feel that I would rather not have sex with numerous girls, I save for girls I respect more. Ha, girls can go down on me all they want, but why should I work for a girl I don't really care about. :D

Anyways, I feel I respect myself more now since I am able to restrain myself. Gives a little boost to me when a girl is beggin for it and I turn her down.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
MEN have no place calling themselves virgins.

By definition, a virgin is someone that has not been penetrated by the male penis. So, unless you plan on being penetrated you do not call yourself a virgin.

I could say a lot more, but will leave it at that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with you 100% Hubris.

perople ALWAYS want what they dont have, if losing your viriginity is among them, you deify every woman and put SEX on a godly pedestal.

I have slept with many women in the past, who later, as I thought about it, the sex wasnt as spectacular as I had envisioned it, it is like trying to climb mt. everest, and when you finally reach your goal and get on top, you just look around and say "Wow, this is nice, but is THIS IT?? I thought it would be way better"

I notice I also tend to fall in "viriginity mentality" when Im in a rut, and havent had sex in like 6 months, it suddenly becomes the HOLY GRAIL, the only thing on my mind, then when I have sex, it all seems less important

The point is, its all in your mind, you want what you dont have, and when you get it, you will realize sex isnt the greatest thing in life