To every self proclaimed "DJ", Newbie and 1K+ poster


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
This is to the ones who need help. Who post stupid stuff like:

"Should I call her now?"
"What did I do wrong?"
"How do I..."
"Why is..."
"When to..."
"Help me..."

Ugh, you guys make me sick.

There is a reason you are making stupid useless posts like this, and it's because you are not approaching enough women. Honestly, think about it, if you were approaching enough women you wouldn't care if you screwed up, or whether or not a women is taking the sausage, or when to do the spin move. You would be focusing your attention on meeting more women and thereby learning more through experience.

So, the next time you feel the need to figure out "When to call" or something else, DO NOT post about it. That is specific to you and the chick and can easily be learned through trial and error. Do us all a favor, figure it out for yourself and leave the board open for posts of actual substance.

A Challenge to anyone who has ever posted one of the above "I'm special" type: Next week, approach 3 times as many women as you have this week. If that's 0 (probably some of you 1K+ posters), atleast step up to 3.

Remember, you are no special flower, your problem is not unique, it can easily be solved through experience. The board is not the place to look for answers. There is only one place where answers are truly revealed to any individual, THE FIELD.

Thank you, may the 1K+ posters flame me for that is there job,


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
Somebody feeling cranky? Unloved? Have to dump on a whole bunch of people you don't know to make yourself feel better?

What do you care what people post on this forum?


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
You missed the point of my post.

The idea was to remind guys of a few things:
They are not special.
The girl of which they are currently interested is not special.
The field is the only place that provides the real answers.
And lastly, to give guys a swift kick in the behind.



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
You're kinda right. I only disagree with the fact that u tell ppl to figure out (almost?) everything by trial and error. You said if somebody feels like asking "should I call or shouldnt I?" he should try it out himself. I think thats bull****, cause by asking on here they might be told that less is more when it comes to calling girls...if they dont realize this, they might blow their chances with girls they have a crushes on and feel hella depressed (excuse me if that sounds "AFC"..I know there are probably some true "DJ's" here who would never get a crush on a girl, because they know there are billions of chicks on this planet...but Im talking about those who still make the mistake of getting crushes on girls). So they better ask instead of ****ing it all up. If they do it that way they wouldnt even have to come here.

A better approach is the answer by some guy who answered a post by puertorican... (sorry dunno the exact name right now), who said they shouldnt ask before reading the bible.

Oh and..concerning the 1K+ posters..Im feeling u on this one..I might have like a thousand posts also (dont really know maybe just a few hundreds though ;)) , but I actually just visit this site when Im bored and dunno what to do (yeah I could approach approach and approach during this time, but attracting/approaching women all the time isnt really my most important goal in life), which Im pretty often at the moment cause Im kinda on vacation ;)