how long will she mess with your head?


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
how long will a girl whos playing games with you (making you think she likes you) before she stops and just stops her whole game? a week? a month? a year?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
Post specifics.

Judging by what you posted in the other thread, you should probably go and write down everything between you and this girl here and get some advice from these fine folk on this board.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
I advise you solve one problem before moving on to another. Just a suggestion, guy.


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
Many species of gameplaying

Hmm.. first of all, (assuming as Hubris did) that this is a girl that is in your life / around you etc. and not a hypothetical case then its really quite fantastic that you have recognised it, for now, it doesn’t matter how long she plays her games, or should I say tries to play her games..

Now, about that question of yours, 'How long can games do for?' Well, there are plenty of grey areas here, but, games can go forever!! Haven’t you read the book 'Great Expectations'? I haven’t ;-) But its something along the lines of a game being played for a very long time and some poor guy putting up with it. If I'm wrong here... ill edit this post.

To answer your question specifics would be good, but in the short run there are a couple of possible responses that I reckon should cover your question.. I think these will pretty much cover babes in the 15 to 25 age bracket or thereabouts. I’ll post stuff as I think about it.


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Girl Type 1: The psychopath

Game Length: 1 Week to 2 Months

Basic Rationale: This type knows exactly what they’re doing on some level. She’s a psychopath. Not a psychopath like she tortures little kittens and watches Jason X to get fashion tips, more like she’s arrogant and she thinks she’s God’s gift to the world, although at the same time, she’s a little insecure.

Most likely she’s in her teens or went through a delayed puberty, she’s deluded, those hormones are going crazy. She doesn’t know weather she’s coming or going, and to her, its all business as usual.

So where exactly is she coming from?… Well, her awful behavior derives from her arrogance. Her inability to decide what she actually wants comes from her insecurity and lack of life experience. She doesn’t think in terms of 'you','your feelings' and the possibility that she might hurt someone, quite the opposite. (For example, if someone’s rude to her, its 'How dare they!!!' not 'He’s having a bad day' or 'Perhaps I did something')

She feels that any guy who doesn’t fit her mold of what the perfect teenage/20teen boyfriend should be is common trash and owes her something for even breathing near her. It’s up to you to take charge of this little bundle of dynamite... perhaps if you’re a master DJ or have a degree in neuroscience you can figure out to do here. For us mere mortals or uber DJs, just ditch the beeotchh!

Jake Steed

Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by nan3109
how long will a girl whos playing games with you (making you think she likes you) before she stops and just stops her whole game?
As long as you let her.


E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Originally posted by nan3109
how long will a girl whos playing games with you (making you think she likes you) before she stops and just stops her whole game? a week? a month? a year?
From what you wrote there, it looks like you expect the girl to at some point make a move, tell you what's up, or whatever.

Assuming the girl DOES like you, she's most likely NOT going to *ever* "stop" her games on her own. She'll flirt heavily, then pull back, and repeat. This is what women do to make men fall for them.

Here we teach that it's YOU who stop the games. You build up the attraction, ask for a date. If she declines the date offer, next her (unless she has a believable excuse, in which case you might give her another chance. Use your own discretion). If she accepts, good. Then at some point on one of the first dates, make a move, kiss her. She declines the kiss, you can either pull back a bit and try again later, then quit, or just next her right then. If she accepts the kiss and returns it, then good. Date her non-exclusively until she tells you she wants to be exclusive...and then become exclusive if you desire.

This pattern above is pretty much the closet thing to a "set" rule that there is with DJ-ing. It can obviously vary and skip steps, but overall the elements are always present in a similar form.

Do this, and you cut through 90% of the bullsh!t women give you when you try to get with them. But there will always be some bullsh!t. These are women, remember. Just be a man and don't let it bother you. Press on. You are the hunter and conqueror.

Hope this helps- -E-Z

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Re: Re: how long will she mess with your head?

Originally posted by Jake Steed
As long as you let her.

'nuff said...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: how long will she mess with your head?

Originally posted by E-Z Rider
From what you wrote there, it looks like you expect the girl to at some point make a move, tell you what's up, or whatever.

Assuming the girl DOES like you, she's most likely NOT going to *ever* "stop" her games on her own. She'll flirt heavily, then pull back, and repeat. This is what women do to make men fall for them.

Here we teach that it's YOU who stop the games. You build up the attraction, ask for a date. If she declines the date offer, next her (unless she has a believable excuse, in which case you might give her another chance. Use your own discretion). If she accepts, good. Then at some point on one of the first dates, make a move, kiss her. She declines the kiss, you can either pull back a bit and try again later, then quit, or just next her right then. If she accepts the kiss and returns it, then good. Date her non-exclusively until she tells you she wants to be exclusive...and then become exclusive if you desire.

This pattern above is pretty much the closet thing to a "set" rule that there is with DJ-ing. It can obviously vary and skip steps, but overall the elements are always present in a similar form.

Do this, and you cut through 90% of the bullsh!t women give you when you try to get with them. But there will always be some bullsh!t. These are women, remember. Just be a man and don't let it bother you. Press on. You are the hunter and conqueror.

Hope this helps- -E-Z
Couldn't have summarized it better myself. Bump on a good post EZ!!
