To party or not to party? (again) your opinions


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2004
Reaction score
In one of my classes, we had to go see a speaker at another campus. So, this 'hot' girl that I have been talking to off and on asks me to give her a ride, since her car overheated the day before. She could have asked anybody else, including this other guy that I 'thought' she was good friends with, and the teacher, who was offering rides to anyone who didn't want to drive. But she asked me, and I was like... "Yeah!"... I couldn't say "And what do I get out of it?" since I know she has a boyfriend.

On the drive down there, she talked about herself and her life almost nonstop(I did not interrupt her and only commented here and there on stuff she said)... I barely brought up anything about me. She was talking about her upcoming birthday party and how it was going to be all that. I thought it went pretty well, with plenty of laughter, giggles, and maintaining eye contact(well with as much as I could put in while still driving).

After the listening to the speaker, she rode with me back to her apartment. On the way, I had to ask, "Did you want to stop and get a bite to eat?"... and she said no. She told me her boyfriend was probably waiting for her and they were going to go grocery shopping or something." I shrugged and was like, "Ok."

Once we got to the apartment, curiousity got the best of me so I asked, "So, who do you live with?" And she tells me her boyfriend. Well, she doesn't exactly say, "My boyfriend" she just mentions his name. Does that signify anything? Then as she gets out of my car, she says, "You have to come to my birthday party! You MUST come!" I asked, "It's going to be that good?" She nods. "Yeah, you should definitely come," and closes the door.

So, should I go when the time comes? Or should I tell her I have other plans(even a date-even if I don't really have one then), instead? She has a live in boyfriend, so I assume it must be serious relationship.

same girl as in this thread


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
I dunno, but it seems to me that with girls, ALL girls, whether they have BFs or not, you should treat them the same. I mean be ****y, funny, bust on them say what you want and dont tread on eggshells just because of their 'taken' status.

Just reading what you wrote, it seems like you may have been a little too timid. When you mentioned stopping for a bite to eat, SHE dictated to you that there was going to be no stopping. She was in control. This is where i would have said to her "oh well tough shyt, you're gonna watch me eat, how romantic" or something to that effect. She sat her ass in YOUR car so she must play by your rules IMO.

I wouldnt read too much into why she asked YOU to give her a ride. It could be anything. Maybe she knows u dig her and that you'd ofcourse say yes if she asked, or maybe you were her last resort, or maybe she just wants to lead you on. You never know.

But the way she behaved in the car trip gives me the impression that shes not interested.

Oh and by the way a good C+F line i use whenever a girl is in my car is the old "get the fuk out of my car" with a big grin when i drop them off. Before some moron comes along and says omg what a stupid line its an insult or some shyt, its all in the way you say it.

Anywho my .02

livin large

Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
The Great USA!
If you can, bring a girl with you to the party. If you show up alone, this girl has you by the balls (which may be good, depending on how slutty she is). If you can't find a female friend to go with, just tell this girl that you have plans. Don't blow her off, but say you just can't squeeze her in (unless you think she's willing to cheat on her boyfriend for you, in which case you can go alone if you really want to).


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
She's probably just really friendly.

She probably would be interested had she not been taken. She's leading you on a bit, but she probably doesn't realise it.