Need a 2nd opinion...


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
I've been talking to this girl in one of my classes at college for ~ 2 weeks now, who seems to have high IL in me, and today I asked her out for this weekend. The reasons why I think she has interest in me is because we have good EC, we kino each other, smile at each other, I can make her laugh, and we seem to have a lot in common personality wise. I feel like we have some chemistry that I don't feel with other girls that I talk to. Also, the other day we had a paper that was due and she wanted me to read her paper and she wanted to read mine. She said I was a really good writer and just went on and on about how good I was etc. Anyways, I live near campus and she commutes from a town that is near my hometown. I asked her out for this weekend because I need to go home this weekend and take care of some business so I thought I'd see if we could hook up while I'm at home. When I asked her out she said that on Saturday her b/f is taking her somewhere for V-Day but on Friday she is going out with her girlfriends to a bar. She basically told me that I could go out with her and her girlfriends on Friday. So she gave me her # w/o me asking for it, and told me to call her.
I think I may have a few options here:

Option #1 - Call her up by Friday and go hang out with her and her girls.

This is probably the option I'm considering the least now because this seems like a one way ticket to LJBF land if I'm not there already. On the other hand, this girl is easily an HB9+ and she would be excellent social proof for me to raise IL's of HBs at the bar.

Option #2 - Don't call her this weekend. Call her some other time when I'm not busy.

Right now this is the option I'm heavily leaning towards. I'll have a couple of days to hang out with my friends who I haven't seen for several weeks.

Option #3 - Don't call her ever. NEXT!

I'm teetering between options # 2 and #3 at this point and I'm leaning heavily towards option # 2 mainly because I don't know anything about her relationship with the b/f like how long they have been going out, how serious it is, how it's going for her, etc. Today was the first I'd heard from her about a b/f and it's been my experience that girls with b/fs usually bring him up in convo in some way when you first start talking to them.
Basically I just wanted to see what other people on this board would do in my situation. What option would you consider and why? Is there something else I could do that I haven't already thought of?
Thanks for any help!


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
There goes that magical number again--Hb9. Maybe I am too low maintenance and need to go where you guys hang out.

Well it is one thing to suddenly mention your boyfriend after being asked on a date but it is another to counter the offer with hanging out with the friends instead of setting up a date to be alone with you.

It seems she likes you in a LJBF way. There may be things she finds attractive in you but not enough to try to be alone with you. I say go out with her and the friends and if she has any hot friends, flirt with them and she how she reacts. If she just laughs and smile at your efforts, you know you are well within the LJBF zone and take things from there. I would approach this "date" with the attitude that I will pick-up one of her buddies. I am sure your classmate will have good things to say about you.

I would have avoided not looking busy on Valentine's Day in your situation/ attempted to set up a date that weekend.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for your input Trapspringer. I was thinking the situation over and I was considering going out with her and her friends after posting my original message. I think there's a good chance at least a few of her friends will be HBs since she is so high up on the scale herself. Maybe I wasn't clear in my previous post but I didn't say which day I was specifically available on the weekend to her. I just said "Lets get together this weekend". My plan before finding out about b/f was to call her up on Friday and set plans for Saturday.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
#3 but...

When you don't call, see what she says next class. See how she reacts to your Kino.

Kino isn't nothing, there's probably something there.

See how she reacts to your not going.