Avoiding AFC, using DJ tactics?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
So this girl, who's hot (about 8.6 I'd say), and I have been going out a little bit. Problem is, she and I go to school far away from each other and she had to go back to school before I could... well bed her.

She's a great chick too. Not only is she hot, but she's smart, goes to school for science.

Anyways, as she's away at school her and I keep in touch over MSN (not too much, maybe 2 convo's a week). And the conversation is more than a little telling. She refered to it as "our online affair".

So, about a week ago she leaves a message on my livejournal telling me to update since I havn't done so recently. So I update talking about some movies I bought recently and being very funny. I bought 7 and one of them was "Shrek" which I happen to have though was hilarious. All the other ones were sci-fi because well... I'm that kind of guy and that's why I'm attracted to the girl because she goes to school for science (I go to school for journalism).

She's a big movie buff and she leaves a message saying "Shrek? That's it, the marriage is off" on my Live Journal. Which sounds like she's just joking around, so I play along with "I'm so sick of these secret wedding that I'm getting booted out of."

Thinking that the whole thing is a joke, and over, she replies again, saying "Maybe it wouldn't happen so much if you stopped watching lousy movies".

That comment, for some reason, really got to me. What, she thinks she can push me around? I've always been diplomatic whenever she mentions she likes something that's awful. I'm always like "maybe I havn't been introduced to it in the right way" or "maybe I havn't heard enough of their stuff" in the case of music. But she goes and totally dumps on some stupid movie that I bought. I couldn't understand why she's being such a caustic *****.

So I type out this huge responce outlining the logical flaw in her reasoning (judgement by association) and mentioning how hard it is to find good movies buy these days, and all kinds of other stuff.

Then I thought of AFC, and what that really is.

I deleted the 5 paragraph counter-argument, which was a counter argument to her one little piddly, infantile attack, and respond simply with:

"I can see that you do not approve

Let me type out how much I care on my magic, invisible typewriter."

That's what no AFC is like. It's not winning the argument, it's not formulating an air-tight rebutale. It's showing that you're above being toyed with by dismissing her retarded little flame with just as little thought and time as her comment had in the first place.

We'll see where this leads me. I hope she was joking and she just took it to far. I won't treat her differently though. As far as I'm councerned the matter is closed.

I once read on a church billboard when I was vacationing in the southern united states "He who angers you, controls you".

Don't let yourself be angerd.



Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
The best thing is to never take a chick/most people serious to the point where your gonna get worked up!!

You did good by not taking it serious and by replying with what i thought was a funny and witty remark:D.....remeber the thread about not giving a fck....well when she made that lousy movie remark remeber......"I don't give fck if she thinks i like lousy movies"

but the main thing is to just make light of it and joke around with her


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, firstly, Shrek is a lousy movie.

That said, you did good to not send your five-page defence. You realised how lame and weak that would be, because no grown man would get riled up over something so meaningless.

So the question that's bugging me is why did you get so riled up over something so meaningless? But 'why' questions don't go anywhere meaningful, so let me put something to you.

You got pissed off with her because she gave you her honest opinion without feeling she needed to respect the fact that you like that film. Maybe that really gets to you, because you've been so careful to not tell her when you don't like something that she likes.
I've always been diplomatic whenever she mentions she likes something that's awful. I'm always like "maybe I havn't been introduced to it in the right way" or "maybe I haven't heard enough of their stuff"
When you grow a pair big enough to feel like you can tell her when she likes something that sucks, then you'll stop getting annoyed at her doing the same thing to you. If you think her favourite band is rubbish, tell her in a playful, teasing, non-insulting way that they do in fact suck.

Your username may fit better than you'd care to admit. www.dictionary.com

n : overbearing pride


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
Dictionary.com is a bad place to look up words, Hubris actually means arrogance that's so strong that it ends up defeating you. Like King Lear.

But "Supremely Arrogant" fits nicely.

And I'm not about to say something that she likes sucks simply because she tries to be as esoteric as possible. She won't mention anything that's 'popular' or even reasonably well known.

You get tired of hearing, semi-underground bands from the late 70's.

Additionally she's not an artist, where I am. So it's hard to take anything she says too seriously. And if she likes something, what do I care?

She's just being petty. And yes, it did get to me because I am arrogant, and I do like her. But at least she doesn't know that it's gotten to me.

And I know she wants to sleep with me. So... Everything is cool.