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  1. B

    This guy calls my friend (girl) 10 times and it worked. I'm shocked.

    That doesn't sound very enthusiastic. It sounds like she's going to use him for free entertainment. Girls don't care whether YOU like THEM, they only care whether THEY like YOU. What might be a better policy is to call once a week for 3 or 4 weeks before giving up. This won't take much time...
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    Happiness is...

    ...a fast Harley, a clear night, & a full tank.
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    poll: to marry or not?

    +1 for what Joekerr said. I think marriage is a death trap & what really helped firm up that opinion is the input of my married (male) friends. Men do not whine in public, but they do whine when they're alone with their buds & they'e on their 5th beer. Every married man who is...
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    Tell women that I'm using them?

    No it doesn't, it simplifies things. She lives somewhere else. She is not available. She is gone. If you DO listen, you will deserve everything you will get. Yes, this will go over splendidly. I'm sure they will love to hear that. Listen: STOP THINKING YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH SOME OLD FLAME...
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    Moving from street into club

    So what you're saying is, wait till last call & see who's drunk & horny?
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    Baby steps...

    I'm not a guru or anything but I'll tell you from personal experience that only 1 number in 10 is worth anything, so try not to get all excited about it even if the girl seems enthusiastic. Just make number-collecting a constant background activity in your life.
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    Moving from street into club

    Most guys start in clubs & then progress to PU on the street. I have the opposite problem: never went to clubs (don't like them) but am OK at doing street PU. Went to a club w/some buddies last night. Horrible environment, crowded shoulder-to-shoulder, you can shout yourself hoarse & still...
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    Sex problem, PLEASE HELP

    Do a google search for Kegel exercises.
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    how do you stop caring?

    Mr. Cardio, most guys here don't suffer from a lack of coaching. They have the opposite problem: PLENTY of coaching, but they're afraid to get in the ring. Nobody is advocating ignorance. All I'm saying is, everyone who boxes will get hit. Everyone who sarges will get rejected. No exceptions...
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    how do you stop caring?

    +1 for what EquityPrivate said. Also, I'd like to add a few things: (1) The girls who straight up tell you "no" are the good girls. They respect men & don't want to waste your time & money. The bad girls are the attention wh*res and professional daters. So reward the good girls for their good...
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    I have SERIOUS mental issues

    +1 for what wowiehowie said. Most women are not intellectuals & don't what to discuss big ideas. Save the philosophy for your professors.
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    I have SERIOUS mental issues

    What you are describing here are the classic symptoms of a mild form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome, in which the part of the brain that greases social interaction is not up to par. Most of us hackers have this to some degree (most famously, Bill Gates). This trait makes us notoriously...
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    Small Town Tips??

    Read this thread: PS: "inner game" = get your own head together before worrying too much about getting a woman.
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    Turned down

    Yeah but the lack of a counteroffer is bad. The Doc says, if you get no counteroffer, say "sorry, that's my only free day this week, let's talk later." Then try one more time in 5-9 days (don't call on a weekend). If she does the same thing again, flush her number. Note: I have never had a girl...
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    F the rain, seriously

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned the famous "umbrella pickup." Get a really big umbrella & when you see a pretty girl coming out of a bldg w/no umbrella, hold it over her & start a convo while you walk her to her car. You'll only have 30 sec. so work fast.
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    I think this is all BS !!

    I think the term "alpha male" is being abused. This term was taken from wolf behavior, so let's get back to that for a second. True story: Dante is a 100 lb male dog, 1/4 wolf, 3/4 German Shepherd mix. He looks like a white wolf. People are afraid to pet him. Molly is a 70 lb female yellow...
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    When you were age 14-16 why didnt you!!!!

    My friends & I were rebels. We were baaaaaad. But I forget what we were rebelling against. Hygiene, maybe.
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    Public Speaking problems/fear

    Join Toastmasters (it's a public-speaking club). Do a Google search to find your local chapter.
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    Small Town Sarging

    i am in exactly the same boat as the op. here is the advice i got from a local pua. how small-town sarging differs from big-city sarging: 1. you can't run around doing 10 cold approaches / day like you would in the city. everybody knows everybody & you will get a bad rep fast. 2. since...
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    What should every short guy know?

    this is tangentially related to pook's thread "what every skinny guy should know." i am a very short guy (5' 4") and ethnically look like a hun, which is what i suppose i am (a little asiatic, sometimes mistaken for hispanic). in the past 5 years i have peeled off 30 lbs fat & replaced with 30...