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  1. B

    Is this worth another try or NEXT?

    OK, next time I'll do that. Live & learn. Thanks 4 the help. Edit: to answer your question, The Doc is Tom Hodges, AKA Doc Love. His rationale is that asking out is YOUR job, not HER job, i.e. her taking over your job is already an act of great supplication & more challenge is too much...
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    Is this worth another try or NEXT?

    That's what I thought too but I just wanted to get a sanity check
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    Is this worth another try or NEXT?

    Because she asked me out & the Doc sez "When it's incoming, take it." That indicated high interest level, but apparently I did something on the date to sink myself.
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    Is this worth another try or NEXT?

    Went out on a mini-date sat. morning w/a new girl. I made sure to kino & not be platonic. we had a great convo & it felt like it went really well, but of course none of that means sh1t... 3 days later I send this e-mail (edited a bit): What's shakin? Hope you had a good weekend. Anyway, what...
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    do women know what they want?

    I'm no behavioral scientist, I'm just some dope, but in my experience women are hard-wired to want someone stronger than they are, someone they can lean on. If you become some sort of spineless chameleon/metamorph, you have just made yourself into something she will not want. And if you ask...
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    All of a sudden this hot, rich, older myspace chick wants to date me

    +1 for what sapphire said. When I was about your age I had flings w/a couple older women. It's a good life experience, they will teach you a lot of stuff :D Just don't get too attached cuz it ain't gonna last forever. But if she wants to come over & fook, who cares why?
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    This forum=Waste of my time?

    And a noob forum. BTW, I totally agree w/the OP.
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    girl with a bf...of course

    BF's get dumped every day in America. Every girl will claim to have a BF. Don't let it faze you. Women choose to make themselves available or not to--it has nothing to do with any supposed BF. If she says "I have a BF," just plow ahead (for example, say "That's OK, I'm not interested in him"...
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    Understanding the difference between Direct vs. Indirect Methods

    Thank you Jestor! You just pre-emptively answered a bunch of questions I was going to ask & more!
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    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    Here are some more ironies for you: (1) Women's lib actually liberated men (from marriage) more than it liberated women. (2) Feminists spent 30 years trying to convince women that they don't need men, but the truth is, women need men more than men need women. Men handle solitude much...
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    Can a DJ be sensitive?

    Be sensitive like a seismometer. Not sensitive like watching soaps & crying & eating bonbons :D
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    Why do some people "make it" here at Sosuave and some people don't...your thoughts?

    BrotherAP, that was brilliant. I would just like to add one thing: very few people are a total success (100% improvement) or a total failure (0% improvement). Most people lie somewhere in the middle of this continuum. When someone else posts a lay report w/HB9.5, it's easy to get the...
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    Calling All The Moderators, Everybody Listen Up, Click On This Thread

    Mr Cardio, you might seriously want to consider being treated for manic depression (or bipolar disorder or whatever they're calling it now). Seriously, I'm not flaming you. The thing that comes through your posts most strongly is your highs are WAY too high, & your lows are WAY too low. One post...
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    PVSSY EATER/Mr. Cardio....Field Report

    This sounds like every club I've ever been to. That's why I don't like clubs.
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    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    My buddy's GF once complained that she (& women generally) are most often approached by guys who "don't seem to care all that much." Now that I've started cold-approaching, I see why. Women are not kind when they say no. They see no necessity for the decorums of ladylike behavior. They have...
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    facial hair

    Just hope yr. luck holds out & you look 30 when yr. 40.
  17. B

    Transforming from AFC to DJ: Do the females buy it?

    Yeah, +1 for what flexion_ said. Your new attitude isn't something you put on like a coat; it's the new you, 24/7. If some girls see this & come around, great, but I wouldn't count on it.
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    Arrggghhhh why do Women do this?

    She is doing this because it makes you go "Aaaaaarrrrggghh." She has the power to drive you insane & she knows it.
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    Meeting a girl from OR maybe not

    I don't have any magic answers for this dilemma but my experience w/internet dating is that the flakeout rate is too high to make it worthwhile to go out of your way. A gentleman should always meet his commitments, but should be selective about what he agrees to do. Believe me I learned this the...
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    To call or not to call again?

    Again, a disclaimer, I'm not the most experienced guy out there, but I would call once/week on a random weeknight for 3 or 4 weeks before flushing a #. Forget about what you like & what you hate: it won't cost you anything so you have nothing to lose. There are some advice books for women that...