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  1. B

    Transforming from AFC to DJ: Do the females buy it?

    I tried to turn one chick around & it didn't work, but new women seem to be responding positively. I think you have to forget the women from your AFC days. Their first impression of you is already set in concrete. Practice yr new attitude on new women.
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    High IOI followed by No show..what's wrong with this scenario

    I don't know the specific answer to your question, but in my (admittedly short) experience, a lot of girls put out false buying signals. These are: 1. AW's 2. Professional daters 3. Girls who always double-book their weekends, then decide which engagements to cancel. That way they can fall...
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    **** im falling!

    It's OK to feel things: you can't control that. It's not OK to let your feelings cloud your judgement. You have to just cowboy up & do what you have to do regardless of how you feel. A man should not be ruled by his emotions.
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    A couple cold approach questions for experienced cold approachers

    Update OK, I just got back from coffee datelet with K. I think it went well. One of my probs. in the past is failing to make my intentions clear. I tried to fix that with this excerpt from the convo. We were talking about how people are using the internet as a substitute for real social...
  5. B

    When they are interested, I'm not. When they aren't I am.

    It sounds to me like OP is causing his own failure. Of the ones that dig you, start dating & fooking the best one (or 2 if that's your thing). If something better comes along, upgrade. Pining away for what you can't have is what chicks do & you see how well it works for THEM.
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    A couple cold approach questions for experienced cold approachers

    OK, good point. 2 lessons learned: 1. If you want to learn how to hunt gazelles, don't practice by shooting at elephants. 2. Come on to shy girls more gently so you don't spook them. I was also a little nervous since I'm still bad at cold approaches, which I'm sure didn't help. UPDATE...
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    A couple cold approach questions for experienced cold approachers

    Thanks Shezz, this stuff is gold. Fortunately I am a good conversationalist (funny) & don't need canned routines. I planned to use the direct approach because I'm a direct guy & it feels natural. Here's one I tried that really bombed (I tried it on a fat chick because I didn't want to "waste"...
  8. B

    A couple cold approach questions for experienced cold approachers

    OK, so I've gotten pretty good at warm approaches (i.e. friends of friends) and cool aproaches (e.g. strangers, but God has dropped a situational opener into yr. lap, or yr. in a laundromat w/a captive audience). My collection of phone # is growing, but not fast enough to compensate for the...
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    using shortness to your advantage

    Here's a strange but true fact: I am short & I've dated too many big amazon women for it to be a coincidence. I think 6' women are attracted to short men for the same reason 5' women like tall men: normal sized offspring. My theory might be full of sh1t but the impirical observation is correct...
  10. B

    How to get an F.B.?

    Here's how it happened for me when I was a young AFC: 1. GF breaks up w/you. Make like it's no big deal, tell her you are still friends. Don't be bitter. 2. Don't run after her, but get together w/her once or twice a month to keep the connection alive. Be fun, don't get all AFC about your...
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    Maximizing Sex with a FB+Birth Control Question

    I'm no expert, but the question seems academic since you will only go crazy trying to figure it out. Assume she's lying until proven otherwise. But anyway, put a helmet on that soldier b4 he goes into battle! She's a FB, no telling what she's doing when she's not w/you, & it's not your business...
  12. B

    "Safe" kino?

    Repeat after me: there is no mitigating rejection. Trust me, I know. U just have to suck it up.
  13. B

    Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?

    Hey thanks Sparkle. Yup, one of the things I realized from writing this post is that, when I tally up my numbers, it's really not that much. It just FEELS like a lot b/c the process is so painful when you're a noob. Being gregarious & open does not come naturally, it is against my nature. But...
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    Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?

    Thanks for your helpful input, Monk. Glad you're around to help a comrade in need. What would we do without you. Now, to answer some relevant questions, here's what I do: If I'm at something like a party or wedding, I'll chat her up for about 15-20 minutes, then excuse myself to go mingle...
  15. B

    poll: to marry or not?

    Here is a true story: when I was 26 I bought my first house & had to meet two realtors at the house to go over some stuff. Both realtors were married men with children, both pushing 50. It was a nice day so I rode out on my motorcycle, which at the time was an '82 Virago. A real piece of cr@p...
  16. B

    Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?

    Yup. That's exactly the problem. No, I don't think so. I don't show what's inside my head. And you seem to have the same problem even though you're not trying to f-close. Yet the world is full of guys who ONLY care about the f-close and get it regularly. Something is wrong with our game...
  17. B

    Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?

    Yes, you understand perfectly. I'm trying to get a feel for whether my trials & tribulations are par for the course or whether they indicate some problem that needs fixing (other than the obvious need for more practice). It just feels weird, that's what I'm saying. I was expecting something to...
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    Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?

    Stands for "green pick up artist." Librito generated a "ranking system" which I am using for convenience. That part doesn't matter. The important part is that at least one other person (librito) has been where I am, & I'm just looking for a little more insight from others who have been here before.
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    Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?

    I feel like I'm getting a little bogged down in the mud & I just wanted to ask others who are more advanced if my experience matches theirs or if I'm somehow getting off track. Here's where I'm at: librito described it perfectly in his post called "On Which Level Are You?"...
  20. B

    Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!

    I'm not qualified to tell you what to do but calming down might not be a bad start. If you go off half ****ed you won't be happy with the results of any endeavor. Relax man--the office will still be there next week. You say you don't have time to read? That's like a guy saying "I don't have...