Slow going from GPUA-2 to GPUA-3: is this normal?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
I feel like I'm getting a little bogged down in the mud & I just wanted to ask others who are more advanced if my experience matches theirs or if I'm somehow getting off track.

Here's where I'm at: librito described it perfectly in his post called "On Which Level Are You?": "A...GPUA-2...Knows how to get a lot of number closes and is happy about it...until he finds out firsthand how flaky almost all women can be."

That's me. I can always close a # or e-mail if I get solid EC and I always come home from parties with at least one # or e-mail. Trouble is, this don't mean sh*t b/c it's amazing how many numbers you can amass w/o getting the f-close.

I feel like every time I find the key & open the door I find another locked door right behind it. I guess I was expecting something more bombastic to happen from all this self-improvement. Instead, it's like making tea: the water's getting hotter, but it's still useless until the water boils. Sure you're making progress, but sorry: no tea. Is this normal?

Next on my agenda: to be able to open a conversation anytime, anywhere. My cold PU skills are weak in this area. If I don't get EC first & there's nothing situational that's obvious & jumps out, I come off unnatural & screw it up.

I know I'm not phrasing this question very well, but it just feels like I'm doing a huge amount of work to accomplish something that was once a natural & easy human function. Is something wrong here, or is that just the way it goes for everybody?

Thanks in advance...booga
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Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Stands for "green pick up artist." Librito generated a "ranking system" which I am using for convenience. That part doesn't matter. The important part is that at least one other person (librito) has been where I am, & I'm just looking for a little more insight from others who have been here before.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know if I understand, so correct me if I'm wrong.

You have no problem getting numbers.

You are now realizing that just becuase you got a number doesn't mean you can F-close on a second meet, if you can manage a second meet.

Your analogy is a good one. Your still self-improving it sounds like, rome wasn't built in a day.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, you understand perfectly. I'm trying to get a feel for whether my trials & tribulations are par for the course or whether they indicate some problem that needs fixing (other than the obvious need for more practice). It just feels weird, that's what I'm saying. I was expecting something to change more dramatically. Maybe my expectations are off?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
How about actually getting girls to meet you somewhere or call you back about doing something? I've been getting a few numbers in the past few weeks but lots of times they don't call or don't show up to planned events. I'm not even worried about a F-close yet. Maybe that's your problem too, you just want to get laid and girls aren't into a guy who just wants to get as many F-closes as he can in a short period of time.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
I am in the same boat, i feel pretty confident on getting the number when chatting to a girl infact i have only been 'rejected' twice EVER one dint have her phone on her so couldnt give it to me, the other said she had a boyfriend after 20 seconds of conversation...

The i call or text then and get absoloutely no where.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jukeboxhero
How about actually getting girls to meet you somewhere or call you back about doing something? I've been getting a few numbers in the past few weeks but lots of times they don't call or don't show up to planned events.
Yup. That's exactly the problem.

I'm not even worried about a F-close yet. Maybe that's your problem too, you just want to get laid and girls aren't into a guy who just wants to get as many F-closes as he can in a short period of time.
No, I don't think so. I don't show what's inside my head. And you seem to have the same problem even though you're not trying to f-close. Yet the world is full of guys who ONLY care about the f-close and get it regularly. Something is wrong with our game.

Edit: my most recent flame-out is a girl I met & everything was going well (a little kino & she just melted) but I couldn't figure out how to get her away from her friends in time, so I had to settle for a #. Now she's not returning my call. (OK, I only called her once so it's not over yet, but I've got a bad feeling about it). I'm beginning to suspect that phone #'s are just fookin worthless b/c if you give women time to think about things, either they talk themselves out of it or their dumbass friends talk them out of it. I'm starting to think you have to get them to go somewhere with you immediately. Or you have to collect like 500 phone numbers because only 2 of those will be worth anything.

BTW, I'd also like to add, I am not looking to fook 100 women. I actually want a gf. I know that's a dirty word to a lot of people, but that's what I want so bugger off :D
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Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
How long do you wait to call/text them? You could be waiting to long and they could turn cold.

You might not be building up a strong enough rapport with her, so when you call her later she's not super-excited.

How do you usually number close? You might want to try "How should we continue this conversation later?".


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Just a thought

I tend to not give a crap if I get email/# or not. I go for it(fclose or at least make out) that night. If I can't get it, then I'll take the number and try for more later. At this point, I have no expectations. Just going for the number close without building much attraction is definitely not my style although it might be a good confidence builder for shy men.

She will see you as weak if you could've fclosed her but let her walk. More than once Ive felt I could've gotten it but didn't go for it. Those women have always flaked on me without fail. Some fcloses flake but not that many.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
GPUA = Gay Pick Up Artist. He's metrosexual and hangs around gay bars to pick up on straight women.
:kick: :kick: :kick:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
i normally wait about 2-3 days after the #...


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for your helpful input, Monk. Glad you're around to help a comrade in need. What would we do without you.

Now, to answer some relevant questions, here's what I do:

If I'm at something like a party or wedding, I'll chat her up for about 15-20 minutes, then excuse myself to go mingle. Before I'm ready to leave, I find her again & say "It was fun talking to you, we should blah blah." Hand her a pencil & say "Why don't you write down your number" (a statement, not a question). The response is a gauge of interest level. Then I call 5 days later but not on a weekend.

If it's in a public place like a laundromat & she doesn't know me from Adam, there's no reason for her to trust me enough to give me her home #, so I go for e-mail. I say, "BTW, do you have e-mail?" When she says yes, I automatically assume that "yes I have e-mail" means "yes I will give it to you" & I hand her the pencil again. Then I send a message 3 days later.

Here are my statistics so far:

1 girl I know well from the neighborhood, tried to make her a FB, she seemed receptive but then never showed up (this is a pattern with her). NEXT!

1 girl from internet ad, never showed up, later claimed she was sick. NEXT!

2 e-mail addresses. 1 did not reply, 1 replied to tell me about her fiance. NEXT! NEXT!

2 phone #'s. One is still in progress. The other showed up for the first date, then LJBFed me. That one bugged me cuz that was a good fun date & I did everything right except not kinoing enough. I get the impression that she's an AW, likes to have a lot of male "friends" buzzing around her like bees.

Not many, I know, but I haven't been doing this for too long. Mostly what I'm looking to get is (1) confirmation about whether this seems normal, and (2) any relevant advice on getting over the gap between what librito calls GPUA-2 and GPUA-3.

Thanks in advance to all the senior guys who are sincerely willing to help a brother who is not afraid to do the work.

Edit: The specific change I'm contemplating to my game is to try to get her to go somewhere w/me on the spot & only take the # if she refuses, with no expectation that the # will pan out.

Peace, --booga


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah definately don't get discouraged, since you already know that's not a lot of numbers/emails. I'ld say it's normal for a person who's starting out.

Definately try takin her somewhere immediately, it's called venue changing and time distortion. Take her to multiple places as soon as you met her, so she gets the illusion that you have known each other for a while. If you are at the laundry mat, ask her if she wants to go grab some coffee while you wait for your clothes to be done.

It's always good to see someone who is out there actually trying this stuff. Other than asking, "how do i get this girl to like me".


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Hey thanks Sparkle. Yup, one of the things I realized from writing this post is that, when I tally up my numbers, it's really not that much. It just FEELS like a lot b/c the process is so painful when you're a noob. Being gregarious & open does not come naturally, it is against my nature. But then again, being trim & muscular is also against my nature (my whole family is obese). But I did it anyway. So I can do this, too.

So onward I sarge (just got another e-mail tonite, he he). This wasn't cold, it was through my social network, but I could tell the girl was not at all into me at first, but I piqued her curiosity. So I'll call it a minor success. (I happen to know she has a BF, but don't they all).

Thanks 4 the support, man. Rest assured it comes at a critical juncture.