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  1. B

    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    yeah. i think the doc means "don't grope," not "don't kino." he isn't clear about that & i misunderstood. i'll do it differently next time.
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    What you did RIGHT as an AFC

    when i was 21 i was on a trip w/a buddy & met a great girl, but since i was far from home & an afc the thought of gaming her didn't cross my mind. she showed me & my bud around town, we had a blast, then i went home. she wrote me (pre-email days remember) to tell me how much she liked me. i went...
  3. B

    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    addendum, sorry 007 i didn't really answer your question. the coffee part: we met at cafe & only stayed long enough to drink 1 cappucino ea. proximity: at opposide sides of small table. for the bike ride, she was of course plastered to my back w/thighs clamped around me from adrenalin...
  4. B

    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    in my experience, half of 1st dates are a waste of time b/c girl has low interest level in first place, even if you do everything right. i made a few mistakes, but they would be excuseable if she liked me to begin with. here's what i think i did right: 1. didn't talk about self too much 2...
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    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    hey 007, i have thought about this extensively. since i only had 1 weeknight coffee date w/her, i think she was never attracted to me in the 1st place b/c i did almost everything right & her interest level still did not rise. that happens. she could have been a professional dater & i flushed her...
  6. B

    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    mr ruckus: good god, yr right i do sound like an employer. ugh. ok, in the future i'll just say "of course we are friends" & just not call. i'm beginning to think that what i just did was like tipping yr hand in a poker game. ok, well, live & learn.
  7. B

    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    hey jariel, i see yr point. note: i wasn't rude, i said (this was via email) "i have a rich assortment of male friends & having platonic female friends is not a priority right now." i also thanked her 4 being direct & wished her luck in the future. or maybe this could be construed as rude, i...
  8. B

    ljbf: "active" or "passive" response

    hi all, long time lurker, 1st time poster. couldn't find this by searching for "ljbf". i just got ljbf'ed & politely said "thx but no thx." a friend who's a pretty good pua said i should have been more diplomatic (small town, everybody knows everybody). he says i should have said "ok" then never...