I think this is all BS !!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by rswarren
So whats wrong with me is that I want to join the military and serve the country?

Are you some like radical leftist that hates the military or something?
No, Im radically ambidextrouse.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
My 2 cents addition, is that the alpha male is WHAT women Dream about, the handsome, charasmatic, suave, in control being... YET, in REALITY, they want a man they have ultimate control over. as example... from the original post, you obviously, have a PLAN... you have your looks, your life, and your muscles (body) under control. you're also planning on joing the Military!... I'll discuss this more, ( BTW< GOOD for you, I'm going into the Marines, aiming to be a Sniper..)
I've lived in a college town for about 7 years, and WATCH this ALL THE TIME... its actually amazing to study...

this GD hippies, friggin PUNKS, that have no major goal in life, other than to live life as long as possible off mommy and daddy's money, and avoid a job, get more chicks for a few major reasons...
1. they have no life. not being a D*ck, but, this makes it very easy for the woman to control them... you on the other hand have tons to keep you busy, ie, AWAY from them. PLUS, you are MUCH more likely in their mind, to find someone better and leave them.
2. You're, as you describe yourself, an alpha.... ( heheh,, or Delta, army humor!) I feel that I am too, you're faster, stonger, braver, than most... this is what women think they want, but truthfully, they want a fixer-upper, someone they can mold to them, someone that thinks they are a goddess, someone that is amazed that they are with them, and isn't going to stray.

3. more on the military, some women, being fragile creatures as they naturally physically are, are afraid of this... they think that this makes you more prone to violence... war=violence... hippie=peace and love. YOU have to show them the Noble side of why you're choosing this path.... TIMES HAVE really changed man, women see the military as taking their men away from them, and some women would be afraid to start a relationship just because of that, they dont want to fall for you, to have you leave for god knows how long, to god knows where, in danger, and the possibility that you may come back... you may be looking for short term fun with the ladies, but they typically will think in the long term...

4. you THINK too much, these so called 'rules' don't apply to a true Alpha, you see it, you want it, THEN go get it. that is a true alpha mentallity. what do you think a Ranger would do? wait for rules, and follow, or would you rather become a leader. WHAT Do you think allowed us to Storm the beaches at NORMANDY, the true ALphas lead the way, Plowing over everything that stood in their way... apply this to your dating.. if you feel you are an alpha, make it known, have no fear in your approach, and remember there is no way you will retreat.

AS FOR This smack talk about the Military... I HAVE to add in, I'm looking into the Marines Sniper program. they EXPECT 20 pull-ups, 100 sit-ups in under two minutes, and a 3 MILE run in under 28 minutes... 1 mile in 7 minutes... if you think you can do better, show me... I'd love to see that! I don't understand the LIBERAL crap that is talked about the military, not only here, but abroad. yet I'm on onside of the coin, so I am biased. I want to not only defend our country, I want to follow the ONE Tradition that is LARGER and older than our country... the Marines were founded a year before the government. and yes, I'd love the chance to be given BIG guns, and blow some country that opposes us into the stone age, but hey, where would we be now if it were'nt for individuals like RSWARREN, and myself, that are not only interested in improving our lives in the military, but also protecting our own people, some of which don't even appreciate OUR sacrifice, our willingness to DIE for what we feel is right, and moral, and the people we love...

Hell, man, kick A$$, do what you gotta do, and good luck as a Ranger, and as usual, when you Go, Come home. be safe, and good luck!

P.S. one more military 'joke'... its kinda stupid, but hey, its funny to me... so I thought I'd share it...
I saw a bumper sticker the other day, it said,
" Don't run, you'll just die tired "


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
AS FOR This smack talk about the Military... I HAVE to add in, I'm looking into the Marines Sniper program. they EXPECT 20 pull-ups, 100 sit-ups in under two minutes, and a 3 MILE run in under 28 minutes... 1 mile in 7 minutes... if you think you can do better, show me... I'd love to see that! I don't understand the LIBERAL crap that is talked about the military, not only here, but abroad. yet I'm on onside of the coin, so I am biased. I want to not only defend our country, I want to follow the ONE Tradition that is LARGER and older than our country... the Marines were founded a year before the government. and yes, I'd love the chance to be given BIG guns, and blow some country that opposes us into the stone age, but hey, where would we be now if it were'nt for individuals like RSWARREN, and myself, that are not only interested in improving our lives in the military, but also protecting our own people, some of which don't even appreciate OUR sacrifice, our willingness to DIE for what we feel is right, and moral, and the people we love...
Why does it always have to be politics? I strongly oppose the military simply because I have my own goals in life other than risking my life for the bull**** of a bunch of moronic, greedy politicians who failed at their job, totally independant of their party or ideology.

Anyway, you dont even sound like your smart enough to understand what the **** your doing, all I hear from you is the same crap that everybody else spews that tries to defend his stupid war position.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
ok you wanna know something. Its not your looks, its not your achievements.....

ITS YOU. I imagine you scowl and are very arrogant around people, because you think you are the hot shyt. Well guess what, people dislike those with condescending attitudes, but they loathe even more those who have it all going for them and on top of that are douchebags.

Or maybe, you give yourself way more credit than you deserve, so not only are you arrogant and condescending, but people see you as a LOSER b/c you think you got it all, when in reality you dont.

What Im saying is tone down the attitude, stop being an arrogant azz. Be laid back like those potheads (dont be them) and show people that beneath all of your supposed high attributes, youre a friendly and cool guy to be around.

best wishes


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sstype
ok you wanna know something. Its not your looks, its not your achievements.....

ITS YOU. I imagine you scowl and are very arrogant around people, because you think you are the hot shyt. Well guess what, people dislike those with condescending attitudes, but they loathe even more those who have it all going for them and on top of that are douchebags.

Or maybe, you give yourself way more credit than you deserve, so not only are you arrogant and condescending, but people see you as a LOSER b/c you think you got it all, when in reality you dont.

What Im saying is tone down the attitude, stop being an arrogant azz. Be laid back like those potheads (dont be them) and show people that beneath all of your supposed high attributes, youre a friendly and cool guy to be around.

best wishes
Yeah, you're right. I think a man such as yourself, should tone it down a bit, don't be so coc-ky, because you don't need to be. Guys like you can probably do better just by acting more human and showing some dam-n vulnerability on occasion... you know what I mean.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Liberals attract liberals... so... the hot chicks you see giving love to skinny "to hell with what others think" potheads are probably aspiring potheads themselves...

Rswarren from what you write I can tell you're not a fun results oriented pragmatic person... now you may dissagree with what I just stated but it's true... if the pothead gets the hot chick then why not act like a pothead? I'm not saying you should smoke pot all day... what I'm saying is you should not be robotic... leave a little room for self improvement... if you desire the chicks who are attracted to potheads then just walk around looking spaced out and talk about transcendental things... simple...


Don't worry about it... let liberal women find contenment with liberal men... realize they are not your type... just find a chick who has strong conservative anti-pothead values and a deep respect for those in the military... I'm sure you two will click just fine...


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Originally posted by pimpfromdayone
Guys like you can probably do better just by acting more human and showing some dam-n vulnerability on occasion...
Yep... less robotic...


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Haha, on second thought, why don't you smoke one joint, experience how it makes you feel, and then mimic the pothead behavior? Who knows, it may enlighten you, just don't become a pothead of course.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by mattathensga
( BTW< GOOD for you, I'm going into the Marines, aiming to be a Sniper..)
Hehe..nice :D


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
The whole alpha male thing is blown way out of proportion. We are not apes living in the jungle...we are slaves to the virtual zoo that is society and all the rules have changed.

On a personal note, it's cool that you are disciplined and have your own business. But there must be something you are doing that is keeping the chicks at bay. It may be something as simple as how you hold eye contact, or maybe you aren't much of a smooth talker....could be anything. You should find a good wingman to help you improve on your weak points...best thing I ever did!

Also, on the subject of military, I find your desire to serve your country quite noble but it is also sadly misguided. War is not the way to peace, although our leaders would love to have us believe that. Einstein once said that the the path to world peace is lined with youth who refuse to serve in the military. The man was right!

I hear all the time people talking bout "Well our soldiers fought for your freedom, blah blah blah" And I say no, they fought against an enemy that was built from the ground up and nurtured by the US. (Just like Al Qaueda, Osama, Saddam, etc) American business ties to the Nazi's are well documented, along with the help of Bush's grand-dad. And it continues today with the Bush-BinLaden run Carlyle Group. It was and continues to be a big money making scheme and the perfect opportunity to redraw the maps of the middle east.

Bottom line...Killing more people wont make the world any safer. If you want to make a difference, then make a fortune and invest it in your community. There is nothing alpha about being a pawn in the game.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
i came to that conclusion long time ago that girls didnt mean what they said times have changed these girls dont aspire to have a man with his **** together and like someone already said they need a guy they can fix up

...i said it time and time all that be the prize thing is a good minset but that dosnt mean itll get you the ladies at your school.
i see the same thing too females with potthead looking guys, what i think it is that they are indimidated by guys that have they **** together, i mean they'll think you have other options and women and at anytimea t ur disposal.

besides they want dumb guys too, guys that dont know **** , thats why i play dumb sometimes and let them believe they are smarter in some cases but i know when to draw the line they want guys they can calle stupid and laugh at with thier friends and say awww but he's still cute..

these dosnt relate to all girls but some especially the university girls btwn 17 to 30 years old.

the future of men gets duller every generation. afcism will be rampant in the future.

besides we may be wrong maybe the thread starter may not be arrogant your upbringing shapes who you are maybe he's just confident and it shows ppl seem not to like happy confident ppl. true story theres this chick that always used to stare at me at school infact it was like stalking she liked me i knew it but i went on my daily business im a quiet friendly guy then on time i passed her by the elevator and i heard her say look at him he thinks he's too good for us i hate that boy did.

i laughed after i heard that i didnt do anything worng to her.. no she just hated my guts same with many other girls and boys. women can get away with ignoring a boy isnt interested in but when a boy does the same he's a jerk? cant you see these women want the whole world on thier fuking knees to bow to them.

anyways good luck with the army things:cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
well to be honest with you guys,

its all good being a prize, a mystery or whatever
you are either a likable person or your not...

the secret of all these guys, yes, even the little, fat, bold men that get the hot chicks...

they go for the chicks, they approach, they dance with, they flirt with and they GO FOR THE CHICKS....

the chicks dont come to you, and the ones that do,...
they have hairy legs...

who has more of a chance, the guy that approaches the chick, regardless of weather or not he pulls, or
the good looking guy that waits for the chicks??????

the guy who will GO FOR THE CHICK already...!!!!!!

thats what alpha is all about!


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Phoenix_of_the_ashes
Why does it always have to be politics? I strongly oppose the military simply because I have my own goals in life other than risking my life for the bull**** of a bunch of moronic, greedy politicians who failed at their job, totally independant of their party or ideology.

Anyway, you dont even sound like your smart enough to understand what the **** your doing, all I hear from you is the same crap that everybody else spews that tries to defend his stupid war position.
ROFL First, DA politics and WAR are not the same, you're discussing foreign policy, and comparing it to government. Secondly, GOOD you have a goal in your life, WOW. I'm impressed. OUR choice includes high powered rifles, and explosives, yours doesn't. Me personally, don't give a F about the politics of war, MY concern is defense of what you so aroggantly ignore, that its a strong military that protects the freedoms that you so easily have that you're spiteful of the things that have earned them... as for my intelligence,. well assault upon that is feeble, at best. my last IQ test I scored 165. Don't get mad cause someone is better than you, just accept it, and step aside, before you get plowed over. NOTHING in my life presents itself as a challenge that I will bend to, or be afraid of going at head first... but hey, thats Alpha male material, you wouldn't understand... Read Aldous Huxley, "A Brave New World", maybe it'll help you understand... ANd as for me Risking my life for "BullSh*T", for some greedy politicians, think about that, when you hear about the attacks on 9/11, or the assault upon Pearl Harbor... or about the MASSIVE GENOCIDE THAT HAS taken place in Iraq... but hey, this is what I've decided to sacrifice my time, and possibly my life for, some greedy politician, who feels that YOUR freedom is just as important as those that were left with no choice but to DIE at the hands of tyranical bullies. then again, maybe I'm wrong, maybe we decided to Nuke Japan for trade reasons, maybe we sought out to capture S. Hussein cause he wasn't fair in profitability for your tank of gas... or maybe its based on the THOUSANDS of people in his own country that he's droped Sarin and mustard gas on.... but what do I know, I'm stupid as you attempted to point out... Then again, I have to be doing something right, I can hit a moving target at over 300 yards....

Jesus, I hate wasting space on this, but thats it, time to help out, what THIS POST is intended for. I think that it is up to you, WSWARREN, to actually see what you're doing, I mean, only you can study your additude, and interactions, and determine what, if anything you're doing wrong. secondly, FRUSTration leads to more frustration, just don't let the situation get to you. I agree with one of the above posts that mentioned vulnerablity... don't be afraid to show a little with women... it may help!

Good Luck Bro,


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
I'm getting sick of these ****ing cookie-cutter approaches. It is entirely retarded to think that every girl wants the same thing in a guy, whether a buff alpha, or emo gamma.

I've seen girls from lower socio-economic circles who prefer buff and aggressive guys, I've seen girls from higher socio-economic circles who prefer dark and slim guys. I know goths who've been laid by 7 people in the space of a few months, and popular and good looking guys who've been laid once or twice in their lives.

I'll agree that there are some pretty general trends and things that people find appealing, but if you hang out with enough different groups you'll see that it's extremely variable.

By all means, be confident, but also be adaptive. There are girls out there who will take one look at the colour of your hair and decide that you are not what they are after, and others who pester you to the end of the earth even though they've seen the worst of you.

This is why seduction is an art and not a science. It is entirely dependent upon skill not about enacting techniques. The techniques themselves are empty without personal flair.
Seriously, just be careful with this alpha ****. Not all girls obey the primal/instinctual/evolutionary urge to go for the most buff and sexually charged guy out there, as nowdays attraction seems to be the result of a social projection than biological prowess.
Learn about her obsessions, appeal to them, and most importantly, be flexible.

Take it or leave it, I don't give a **** beyond this post. If you ****-up from here it's probably a good thing, as society won't be plagued by another retard spreading their defunct genes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Visitant
I'm getting sick of these ****ing cookie-cutter approaches. It is entirely retarded to think that every girl wants the same thing in a guy, whether a buff alpha, or emo gamma.
All women want confidence don't they? And Alphaness is born of confidence/secureness in ones self.

It's how the Motley Crew get laid with such damn hot women. :crackup:


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
I think the term "alpha male" is being abused. This term was taken from wolf behavior, so let's get back to that for a second.

True story: Dante is a 100 lb male dog, 1/4 wolf, 3/4 German Shepherd mix. He looks like a white wolf. People are afraid to pet him. Molly is a 70 lb female yellow lab. When they see each other, Dante rolls over on his back & exposes his throat to Molly. Once Molly is satisfied, they go off & play.

Why does Dante supplicate to Molly? He is 30 lbs heavier & is male. Here's why: Molly is an alpha. Dante is not. (Wolf researchers call these animals "celibate subservients." Sound familiar?)

Alphaness is an attitude that individual wolves (& dogs) are born with--an unwillingness to accept domination. It has nothing to do with size. If two alphas appear in a wolf pack, the weaker one will leave to start a new pack.

Even if you can bench 350 lbs, if your behavior is wrong, you are not an alpha. Humans can change this behavior. Wolves can't. Being buff is certainly a plus, but you can be buff (like Dante) and still not be alpha. Alpha is an attitude.

It sounds like the OP has the physical stuff down. Now work on the attitude.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
I notice a lot of posters here, blame their lack of success because of their not-so-good looks. But, as you can see a lot of the better looking/great looking guys aren't getting a lot of action.

I think it all boils down to having a good social circle (for the younger guys 18-26) and having life success for the older guys (27+). Occassionally, you'll get exceptions.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by tristan22
I notice a lot of posters here, blame their lack of success because of their not-so-good looks. But, as you can see a lot of the better looking/great looking guys aren't getting a lot of action.

I think it all boils down to having a good social circle (for the younger guys 18-26) and having life success for the older guys (27+). Occassionally, you'll get exceptions.
Nah, a lot of guys here that say they are "good looking" are giving themselves more credit than they deserve. If he was truly "hot" and I mean irresistibly "hot" to other women, he would be having no problem with trying to pick up chicks.

hell, i find myself good looking, but does that make me a heart-throb to girls? No, b/c when you boil it all down, girls care more about masculine and dominant traits in a guy.

They dont want run of the mill pretty boys who complain about no girls liking them.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
most girls dont like guys who have a desire to kill people. it just seems.. kinda psycho i guess