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  1. J

    Tons of new convertibles

    Have you guys seen the new Ford Mustang convertables? They can't make enough of em right now and the plant that makes them is operating 24hrs a day! There is a 1yr wait if you order a GT convertible model (GT has a V8 engine) I am working for that Ford plant temporarily and see em everyday, they...
  2. J

    Anyone played Leisure suit Larry?

    I recently downloaded the latest one ;) , it comes on DVD btw. And yes I like it, it's a fun game :) Graphics are nice compared to the old days and the missions are fun too. You play the role of a college kid and your main objective is always to get some chick in bed ;) But you gota perform...
  3. J

    Thinking about getting my EX Deported!!!

    Dude your story almost sounds like part of the story my crazy buddy went through last year. His GF ended up being a phsyco illegal allien from Mexico too. I sooo wanted to call her in and have her deported to save him from her, I wish I would have done it now cause she cause so many problems for...
  4. J


    Don't do it! My buddy had sex with his ex-GFs younger sister ... ex found out and had a fit to say the least. Tried to kill herself by overdosing on sleeping pills. All this also scared away the younger sis so he lost out on both ends.
  5. J

    Bored With our Realtionship

    I'll say playa bit of let her miss you game. It should spice things up and give you a little bit of room to come up with new conversation topics. Like for example this weekend me and a few buddies went 4wheeling in the mountains and had no cell service there honestly :) So no conversations...
  6. J

    2 Girls, 1 Love

    Yup I think Lost In Translation nailed this one again :) #1 did not invite you to go along to the party for a reason ;) I don't think you realized it fully as to why exactly you were upset with her at the moment but I think you were right to be ujpset. She is looking for fresh meat. And as...
  7. J

    Why do American towns use the same names as other foreign towns?

    And I've actualy been there :D My Jeep club just for fun has annual blessing of the Jeeps by a minister in Hell Michigan :) We go there just for fun, and he blesses us before the summer 4wheeling season so that we don't break any stuff. One guy just blew up his trans last week and another one...
  8. J

    My bad luck or my gurls fault

    LOL reminds me of the time I busted this guy shagging his GF in the back of his car in elementary school parking lot :crackup: Dumb ass should have been smarter then do it in broad daylight in a school lot :rolleyes: On serious note I'd say drive around and find some better more secluded...
  9. J

    When to make it official?

    Lost In Translation is sooo right on this:cool: She has got to be in her late 20s if he won't divulge her age :crackup: You are 21, you are still a kid. You want to have fun in life, live it to the fullest, no more responsibilities then you have to have. She is in a totaly different...
  10. J

    Ever feel like a boy-toy?

    I dunno call me nuts but I got a bad vibe from this one chick. I know I might get flamed as a homo but I feel like I am her boy-toy or something and I don't like it. She seems to very openly and quite often point out the fact that she like my looks. Kinda like us guys can drool over a hot chick...
  11. J

    G/F is crazy

    LOL it's so funny yet sad to read about your GF's actions:crackup: Reminds me of my best friends last ex. She was cool untill she flipped out and went phsyco on his @$$. Turned him nuts too, he went from a normal guy to a being coke addict, to being arrested to alienating himself from all his...
  12. J

    Working evenings, nights, weekends and maintaining a social life, how?

    Bro I know what you are talking about. I was working in normal day time hours cube farm job before I was sent to this stupid plant to provide support during the night shift. So I leave my house at 5PM and come back at 7AM, go to sleep and wake up about 2PM. I found if I sleep less then that I...
  13. J

    Trying to figure out the girl.

    Yeah I'd go with option #2 as well. Something is preventing her from wanting to publicly show her or allow you to display affection for her. That's not normal unless you are talking like total make out session in view of everyone :D So I'd side with her feeling guilty of something.
  14. J

    What the h$ll does she want?

    Wow I feel for ya, that's a messed up story:( Yeah I think she doesn't know what she wants herself as it's evident in her actions. If you see her again and she presses you for why you are not friends anymore, I'd tell her that you use to think highly of her but your opinion of her changed in...
  15. J

    Online dating - does C&F work here too ?

    Well now that you bring that up, I met this girl from Russia who married this old geezard. Now she is super bored from being stuck in his house all alone all day. Now she is not a knockout but an OK chick, but this old man would never be able to get somebody like her who is more then half his...
  16. J

    Online dating - does C&F work here too ?

    Oh I've met some girls whom I know date online and they are smokin :) Just last week me and the boys were having a poker night and one of the guys brought along his new girl so that she could keep the other GF company. They watched flicks while we played cards. He met her online and she is...
  17. J

    Just got nexted i guess!

    Well if you gota see her every day for work then you gota see her. Don' t antagonize her by ignoring her and just making life harder for yourself at work. I'd say just go about it treating her in a coworker friendly way as if nothing had happened between you. There is a chance that given time...
  18. J

    Losing it?

    Hey you are not alone, I see the same thing everywhere. And it's getting old. You have to regard every statement and every question up in arms and on defensive or else they catch you with your "pants down" so to speak. Every innocent question is a freaking nuke that has to be diarmed the...
  19. J

    Is this girl normal?

    uhm may be he is waiting for a long long chance where she get's wasted drunk at a party or something. If you say he is a pervert, then he might be waiting it out for just that chance to take advantage of her when she is not all herself and can't resist him mentaly or physicaly.
  20. J

    She thinks ****y = a-hole ?!

    I am not taking it personaly in any way so I see what you guys are saying. I just posted a transcript to show that as soon as I acted up in a ****y way she seemed to not like it or at least pretended not to :) But she keeps saying how "cute" I am and blah blah and that's the reason for her...