Losing it?


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
It seems lately I have been involved with a lot of games and tests. I see them and devert them or poke fun at them and turn it around on them, but it seems they are comming from all directions.

Everything from trying to make me jealouse or trying to get me to say "I love you."

It was ok at first but now I assume they are testing me all the time. And to be frank I hate it. I am so sick of it that I just seperated my self from all of them and now... I am questioning my tactics. Did I lose? Should I have been able to handle so many games? Was there a better way than just pushing them away?

I am totally losing it today.... I am going out tonight and I feel like i shouldn't cause I am so defensive right now... If I could get some feedback quick I would appreciate it Greatly.




Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
ok I was hoping I would have got a reply but it is too late I am headed out. I have went back over the tips and all the great stuff that usually got me back on track, but this time I am still not feeling it.

Damn funks!!

It may just be some everything. I am going to go have fun, a drink, and get back on top!!

If you have any reply still hit me back. I hate games and I could use some better tactics against them. i want to win!! Like a DJ should. Even if it is Nexting, but I would really like to win at their game....

just cause.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Only hors play games -- I just walk away and leave them in their misery!!! If the hor doesn't want to have sex then for what the hell are you around her - leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
True .. hors are only good for sex. To put it in simple terms, treat a girl based on her worth. If she is a hor, treat her like one. If she is decent, then treat decently. A hor expects to be treated like one, and if you treat her with respect, it is foreign and uncomfortable to her. Likewise if you treat a decent girl disrespectfully, she won't be comfortable with that because she has higher self-worth.

You can spin it, toss it, turn it etc., but think it really boils down to this for the most part. The only exception i've really found otherwise is the spoiled selfish girls who take people for granted. They have good self-worth, but often cheat on decent guys.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Hey you are not alone, I see the same thing everywhere. And it's getting old. You have to regard every statement and every question up in arms and on defensive or else they catch you with your "pants down" so to speak.

Every innocent question is a freaking nuke that has to be diarmed the right way or else. I am not saying every girl constatly "tests you", it's just it's so natural to them that every question they ask is a subconsious little test of your character.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
up date

Ok since the post....

Girl A i figured out... she is young and she is hot and she has a lot of guys after and she dosn't want to settle down at all. So her games went like this. She want to hang out and for the most part talk about her, than she would find ways to try to make me compliment her and tell her how great she is. Well I knew from the start she was a flirt and a hottie, but talking about her is boring so I threw her to the wolves.

Girl B.. Havn't really figured out. I just chalked her up to being 51/50. She has a lot of issues that when I took the time I realized. Her whole game is she is scared to be hurt, yet dosn't want to be alone. So she pulled me in that pushed me away.
Well last time she tried to pull me I let go of the rope. C ya!!!

Girl C.. This one is actually pretty cool. We met threw a friend, and I really wasn't trying to get with her. Since I thought she was with a man. but comming to find out that she isn't with that man. but she has a kid with him so for the sake of the kid they communicate and each take the child when the other one works. well now after we became friends I realized she was single and that she was attracted to me. We hung out for a while than started dating.
Everything was cool than she said she was going to hang out with her ex and chill. She asked me if it was cool since they were friends, and I was like yea go. They went to go play pool and the friend I met her threw was with them. He told me all this **** like her ex was telling everyone that she liked to swallow and all this **** and that he was all over her. I straight up asked her about it and she told me everything and that he did her wrong and all this....and how she is trying to be friends but has all this aggression for him...blah blah.... than any way....on and on well I was djing and he came in and introduced himself to me and started telling me how great she was and stuff..blah blah blah... (I don't care I dont' compete over nobody) so I just put my headphones back on and nodded...
well from the dj nest you can see the whole dancefloor and I saw them together the whole time and the way he put his hand on her everytime he talked and I was like....WOO he is straight kinoing her....

after all that I told her that she still liked him and he still liked her, and that she may want to work that out with him and herself, and that I don't compete with no man. i told her that she said they were just friends but they acted more like akward lovers. I honostly dont' care about that, since I know and study emotions and behavior. But I also know that her games were to make me jeleous and show her ex that she is worth fighting for, which I am not about to do......

anywho ...

I am working this sat as security for a Fight put on by Ken Shamrock. So i am going to scout some "Byrds" there. The Ring girls are hot so it is on like Donkey Kong!!!!!!!

sorry so long and windy... tired and venting.