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  1. J

    Is this girl normal?

    Uhm if the two of them have been close friends for a long time then yes. Guys always fall into "friends" category with girls, why can't he be in it? He might be a super AFC and hanging out with her for years in hopes of it changing one day :)
  2. J

    She thinks ****y = a-hole ?!

    So I got this chicks AIM and just talked to her on AIM for the first time. I was just being C&F and, she picked up on that right away with her pu$$ydar and kinda complained. Or was she just probing to sort out between AFC and DJ? I think I passed the test IMO, but she seemed bitter about...
  3. J

    When to call girl

    Yup Scoiland is right, she is not gona call you back, be prepared to wait a while and call again :)
  4. J

    I hate her friends

    Well if she is such long friends with them, then you are out of luck. You are an outsider to their group so either learn to live with her and the friends or NEXT. Just remember ifyou piss off her friends and they start to dislike you they will eventualy turn her against you. Not saying you gota...
  5. J

    do you establish a relationship the ladies parents?

    Jake-inator LOL you so describing what I experienced. My folks have these two family friends of ours that both would just absolutely love it if I hooked up and married their daughters :D It's getting crazy, they seem to bring it up more and more :eek: But I don't want anything to do with their...
  6. J

    Tight Situation Pt. 2 (confused need advise plz)

    Well you've known her for 5 years, we don't. So what does your gut say about her character and her latest intentions? You don't have to be intimate with a person to get a feel for how they behave and interact with other people, surely in 5 years you'd have spoted some clues about her being a bit...
  7. J

    Is it the end if u fail a test?

    For what it's worth I have feeling she is still undecided about you. Her IL in your droped from what it was but not to the poitn where she doesn't want to talk/see you at all. Seems like on certain days/moods she likes you and thus feels shy of you and then her mood changes and she dislikes you...
  8. J

    Online dating - does C&F work here too ?

    Figured I'd ask for some input. Is it just me or is being C&F when replying and conversing with women online a lot harder then in real life. I guess it's because they can't see you facial expression indicating you making it a joke and stuff. I duno but sometimes I look back at what I said and I...
  9. J

    fvck she might be pregnant!!!

    Yup another vote for :she is messing with you :( Her responces being not direct answers/statements show that she is just trying to create a "misunderstanding" in your head of the sitaution, so that if $hit hits the fan you can't point to her and acuse her of out right lying to you :) She is...
  10. J

    She called me in the middle of the night.

    :crackup: OMG I so have to use that one some day :crackup: BTW I always leave my cell downstairs when I go to sleep, it's never in my bedroom during the night. And just like Lost In Translation said, I'll answer any voicemails in the morning after the emergency is all gone :D However there...
  11. J

    Healthy way to stay awake?

    Well it's closer to 11hrs I guess, 7PM till 5:30 AM Yeah talk about a non-existant social life. I sleep all day and have just enough time left to eat a bit after i wake up and spend 1.5 hrs driving to the stupid plant. I normaly have an 8hr a day job in a cube farm but now I am doing on-site...
  12. J

    Healthy way to stay awake?

    Here is the deal: for a time being I am working at an auto plant on a 10hr long night shift schedule. I do engineering support so I have to just sit in a chair and try to keep awake all night long and keep from being bored to death. Hey you can only read so many hours of newspapers or books per...
  13. J

    Dogs sense fear and confidence so as do women!

    Comparing women to dogs is not a perfect comparison :) Yes dogs bark at some strangers and not at others but that's not totaly because they think you fear them, other factors are involved. IMO a good way to compare dogs-women is when you have to show em who is boss. With dogs, when you get...
  14. J

    wh0re = 90% of women in the west = useless term

    Well like my grandpa always tell me about picking the right woman :) "You want your wife to be a lady in the house and a ***** in the bedroom" And the more I think about is the more I think he'd got it right. You want a proper acting nice looking (not slutty) girl for a wife in public, yet...
  15. J

    OK lemme "ask the audience" on this one...fvck her or forget her?

    I agree with the post above, coke will make you do crazy stuff. My good friend got sucked into doing coke, he changed big time, stole and borrowed money anywhere he could to get another hit. A chick sho does coke is bound to be a dirty down there. Her money making machine is her pu$$y, there is...
  16. J

    i feel like an idiot

    Ok let me put it this way: It was only a 4 person get together/party, only 2 of which were male. How could anyone no matter how intoxicatfed not remember the person they talked the whole night with. Think about it :( Had this been a party with a dozen or more people and you only talked to her...
  17. J

    Got a call saying "Her man is looking for me"

    Hmm kinda obvious to me who the "rat in the camp" is :D Ditch the biatch! Dude she is playing both of you to get some drama for herself cause her BF is obviously borring for her. Hmm let's see: she made it look like you were more then a friend in front of him. Had you been just a guy friend...
  18. J

    Purpose of School?

    Well I just graduated a year ago with an engineering degree and let me tell you it ain't worth anything in real world :( All it gave me was a piece of paper that could possibly get me a nice paying job, as far as real world skills - nope. I am not using any of the high level math I learned, nor...
  19. J

    Nobody seems to have hobbies or interests

    Not me :) Love to tinker with vehicles. Actualy I love Jeeps, I spend a ton of money and time buying aftermarket parts and modifying my toy. All summer long I'll head out to different states on weekends to camp and to play in the off-road parks, break $hit and go home to fix it :) Or what's...
  20. J

    Girls are even more aggressive than guys

    IMO you should document the breaking of the rules and then pick the worst offender and fire her. Then have a team meeting witht he rest and cover the rules once again and don't keep it private as to why so and so was let go. This should shake them up and make them realize that it's not a game...