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  1. 0

    Every pretty girl has a boyfriend Pt. 2

    /thread carry on
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    Kinda weird problem

    Haven't looked at it this way. Thanks, it's appreciated.
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    Kinda weird problem

    Great advice, but I am looking to improve myself at all times. I don't care if people is bothered by the fact that they can't start up convos with me, but I do care about the fact that I am bothered with it. I want no weaknesses. This is a weakness.
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    Kinda weird problem

    I didn't make myself clear enough, I think. This isn't just with girls, it's basically with everyone. Co-workers, close friends, not-so-close friends, customers, family, you name it. Now I make it sound worse than it is, but you get my point. She didn't say that to be mean, by the way, even...
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    Kinda weird problem

    This happens a lot. Most of my friends are talkative and popular, so it's not their fault. Yeah, I think my appearance is the root to the problem. I think my voice is a bit monotone which makes it sound like I don't really want to have a conversation with people. More smiling and laughter...
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    Kinda weird problem

    I doubt so. If that was the case, noone gives two ****s about me. I know for sure that that isn't the case, because I know how it feels when people actually does avoid you :) Can't remember what I asked her. Just ask people a so-called open question, where they can't answer with one word...
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    I'm also Norwegian. Scandinavians are in general uptight, cold and sceptical to any social contact. Ok, it's not that bad. But basically every single American I've talked to says the same thing as you, and they're all more outgoing than us Norwegians. I work at a supermarket, and I always get...
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    Kinda weird problem

    I'm not a bad conversationalist. Most people like me and I don't find it that hard to make interesting conversations. The problem is that I think people find it really hard to start up conversations with me, they really have no idea what to ask or tell me. A girl yesterday told me straight up...
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    Damnit, I met really interesting girl, The catch, she has a boyfriend

    Didn't read anything but the first post, but unless you know her boyfriend, go for it. I let a great opportunity slip through my fingers because I of some reason thought it was immoral to "make her cheat". Long story short, she was interested when she had a boyfriend, she lost interest when they...
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    Now what?

    Heh, he definitely did. But standing up for yourself is, though it won't refill my soda, important. Next time someone may threathen a friend of mine. What then? Stand there and do nothing? And yes, showing interest is definitely my biggest problem beside meeting new girls. It's partly due to...
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    Now what?

    Every time I'm out clubbing, I feel like **** the next day, and I'm not talking about the hangover I have right now. Yesterday was awful. Approaching girls is the last thing on my mind when I'm out, and my female friends look at me as, well, a friend. Oh, another story which annoys me like...
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    Most People on this Site are VIRGINS? That is alarming!!

    Point still stands. Solid advice is solid advice. Women can't be predicted or theorized about? Then what's the point of a seduction community?
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    Most People on this Site are VIRGINS? That is alarming!!

    This is like on bodybuilding forums. People refuse to take advice from people who are smaller than them, even though it definitely is possible to have lots of knowledge without experience. I don't give out advice about getting laid, but I've done ****loads of self-improvement over the last...
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    How do i respond to this

    ... Stop.
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    Now what?

    Jesus. Thought I was over this feel-down-because-of-girls ****. Anyways. I'm working part time at a supermarket, which means I have to talk to hundreds of customers every day. Haven't really bothered to small talk with people because 95% of the convos are ridiculously boring and/or awkward...
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    David X - The most brutally honest PU guru out there?

    Wow. I learned more from those first 5 parts than from all books and **** I've ever read. Love his direct style.
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    Pay for Dinner?

    Pay. It's a special occassion.
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    Saying happy birthday: An AFC Move?

    This is what I call overthinking :) It's not AFC in any way, unless you call her 00:01 to be the very first to congratulate her and bring her flowers the next day as a follow-up.
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    MSN Talk

    Definitely not "I don't like talking on MSN". It's actually easier to be ****y/funny over the net because you get to think before "opening your mouth". Keep conversations light and funny, and always be the one to end them. Don't tell them what you're leaving for, just throw in an "anyways, gotta...
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    Now what?

    So there is this girl from work I've been interested in a while. She's seriously impossible to read - one second she seems really interested, the next I don't exist. I definitely blew it a while ago when I didn't dare to ask her out. 80% due to fear of rejection, 20% because she had a boyfriend...