Most People on this Site are VIRGINS? That is alarming!!

Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
PrinceBeavis said:
Why does all knowledge have to based on experience to be correct?

I've never been to Mars, but I'm told by lots of people who have seen it with telescopes and probes that it exists. I can learn quite a lot from those people if I pay close attention, and maybe in proper humility share what I've learned with others.

And by discussing the concepts put forth here, in the light of logic, and limited experience, we can better internalize what we need to get the job done, and be further on our way towards success.

And if I was successful, I wouldn't need this place. So screw anyone who criticizes us for being here, trying to figure things least we're working on ourselves....who are you to criticize?!

And besides, I don't need to sleep with 100 women to be successful. Numbers don't make the game. I'm not even here to learn how to bed 1000's of women. I just want to end up with one good one.
im not critizing anyone for being here, im criticizing inexperienced guys who give theoretical advice that messes people up who actually DO need advice

also, that line you just said "I JUST WANT TO END UP WITH ONE GOOD ONE".......refer to my other thread, you will NEVER find THE ONE, unless you go out and explore (in other words, have sex with a good number of different women)


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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positivity_injection said:
women are not like the muscles in your body....the muscles in your body are pretty much predictable, and a great diet with great workout ethic will yeild positive results for EVERYONE

women cannot be predicted, cannot be theorized about, the only people that can give advice on how to easily get women is the people that DO EASILY GET WOMEN
Point still stands. Solid advice is solid advice.

Women can't be predicted or theorized about? Then what's the point of a seduction community?
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
BeyondCharm said:
Muscles and height do not land women.

Every weekend I see probably 20-30 dudes in abercrombie/polo shirts at the club with huge guns and pecs that never approach or land women at all. I also rolled around with a buddy of mine who is good looking and 6'4 and he didn't land a single number the entire 4 hours we were there, and the place was packed.

His only advantage is on talking to women who are 5'10 and up in my opinion. Otherwise its fair game for all.

this isnt a looks thread, so hop off......and yes, muscles and height HELP land women, but arent 100% needed, WE ALREADY KNOW THAT, so shut it
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
042208 said:
Point still stands. Solid advice is solid advice.

Women can't be predicted or theorized about? Then what's the point of a seduction community?
help others out with real life experience advice

how can a virgin give solid advice on how to get a woman from hello into your bed in 2 hours? there is no substitution for real life experience


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
As other posters have said, don't get too hung up on numbers. There is no magic number of lays that creates a don juan. My own number is low, only about a dozen or so, due to having been married for seven years and usually in a LTR otherwise. I tend to make women happy, and they come back for more. The LTRs just happen, although again, even being in a ltr can go either way. I know some guys who are completely whipped afc wuss bags with their girls. By contrast, in my own LTRs these days, I get all of my needs met, or I am out of there to be with another girl - and my current girl knows that. In the Book of Pook he says that even AFCs get laid, which is true. Any persistent AFC can rack up a big number of drunken ONSs, but that does not make him a DJ.

I do agree with the OP, though. It is alarming to see so many virgins, and even worse to see them giving advice.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
I don't mind getting all kinds of advice. I learn from everybody and choose what advice to follow that suits me. I like the debate part of it so when somebody gives wrong advice and another person corrects him then it makes a stronger impression.

The main thing I have learned is focus on making yourself better in every way and this attracts women into your life.

Women are not black and white anyway so there is no magic formula that'll work with all women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I'm in my early 30's. I've had 7 real relationships in my life where I got to really make love to them anyway, anyhow. I've had 6 one night stands, then the countless hookers.

I'm back with my ex, the one where I originally posted about, because of the techniques I've read and learned through these guru sites. 5-10 women in an average man's life seems right, because with the 7 I've had, counting the current one, I've had physical sex with them so many times, I think I could write my own Kama Sutra book.

I think it's nice to know a whole lot of opinions and ideas even if just theory, it's gotten me to at least 3rd base with alot of females. Although, I've found the best way to learn is to watch and hang with guys that are good with girls, then imitate they're behavior. I've been lucky to have friends that are natural Don Juans, and my faith in The Almighty.

I've stressed much on how to "play" or "make love" to women in many different ways besides physical sex because this is the prerequisite to having intercourse with them, and these forums give you ideas on just that. On how to "play" with females.

I don't think you should take all the advice like it's the rule written in stone, but use it as ammunition and tools that you can use to improvise you're game as you see fit. Take the advice with a grain of salt.

No man can fvck any woman he want too,unless he's a rapist, but the real Don Juan can "play" with any woman he wants, even if he don't hit a homerun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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positivity_injection said:
I just looked at the "How Many Girls Have You Done" thread by Maxtro, and according to that i saw the following disturbing trends:

there are at least 2 times more virgins here than any other catergory

1/3 of the people that voted (which would be most of the active users on this site) are flat out virgins

66% of this site has been with 5 girls or less!!!!!!!! WOW

i also see 18 people voting for 100+ and im sure alot of those were joke votes

guys, who are you all getting advice from? how many guys are actually here talking out of there azzes with theory theory theory versus guys who **** women on a constant basis?

people who have been with less than 5 girls are automatically not allowed to give advice, i mean DAMN, i remember when i was 19 yrs old and i had only been with 5 girls.........i can compare what i knew then to what i know now (im 23), and i would never ever ever ever listen to the 19 yr old version of myself on how to get girls

who are the guys here besides me who have actually had sex with more than 50 girls? those are the only men who can know truly know what they are talking about
Let me bring some reality to the table. ANYONE can have sex. It does not take extraordinary skills. All it takes is for you to look relatively presentable and know how to lie.

Let me bring you a tougher reality. Very rarely you will find a true DJ under the age of 30. And it is virtually impossible to find one under the age of 25.

DJism is about self-improvement. Self-improvement is the door that will give you

2-Control over your life
3-Options in life.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Wolf said:
I'd rather take advice from a guy who's been with 5 hot, quality women than a sleazebag who has been with 50 fatasses...
What if it's the same guy? Guys who go out and score with lots of fatasses tend to land some good looking ones too. Why? They're not afraid to fail. They're confident and normally they're funny. Fat chicks won't automatically let you **** them because they're fat. You need to atleast a little game to get a bbw.

BTW I don't normally go for fatties, but if I'm in a down trend on getting ass, i sure won't say no to a thick girl if she's got a few good qualities. But that's just me and I've had way, way more than 5 hot quality women in and most of my friends who bag HB8+ have banged plenty of HB2-5's. So i'm not spouting bs.

I don't know anyone who has only tagged super hot women.
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
Let me bring some reality to the table. ANYONE can have sex. It does not take extraordinary skills. All it takes is for you to look relatively presentable and know how to lie.

Let me bring you a tougher reality. Very rarely you will find a true DJ under the age of 30. And it is virtually impossible to find one under the age of 25.

DJism is about self-improvement. Self-improvement is the door that will give you

2-Control over your life
3-Options in life.
Definition of a Don Juan according to wikipedia:

"Don Juan is an unrepentant womanizer who seduces women either by disguising himself as their lovers or by promising marriage. He leaves a trail of broken hearts, angry husbands, and outraged fathers; finally slaying a certain Don Gonzalo. Later, when invited to supper in the cathedral by Don Gonzalo's ghost, he accepts, not wanting to appear a coward."

Trust me Mr Latinoman, a being a don juan is ALL about being good with women

what YOU just brought up is something else

and you say ANYONE can have sex? so why do 33% of people on sosuave not have sex EVER then?
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
traffic said:
I don't know anyone who has only tagged super hot women.
this is the fantasy that virgins and inexperienced guys have......they feel like they deserve ONLY the best and hottest of women

but if a hot woman turns them down or doesnt give them a chance, and she goes to hook up with a guy who has player status, all of a sudden she becomes a slut and the guy becomes a douchebag

some of you guys need to change your way of thinking, ASAP, or else you will be stuck in virginland


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I'd rather take advice from a guy who's been with 5 hot, quality women than a sleazebag who has been with 50 fatasses...
I'm always amazed at how guys around here always assume that if you've been with 50+ women, they HAD to have been ugly and fat and slutty... because, OMG, sleeping with 50 HOT women is like... IMPOSSIBLE! Here's some news: anyone who has been with 50+ women has been with gorgeous women AND ugly women, skinny and chubby women, young women, old women, smart women, stupid women, slutty women and prude women, tall, short, black, white, brown, yellow women and everything in between -- and anyone who criticizes these guys, hasn't been with these women. Who are you going to listen to?

The only guys who use ridiculously high standards as an EXCUSE as to why they don't get many women are the ones who can't get many women period. The guys who actually DO have ridiculously high standards know that high quality women are fairly easy to find if you know where to look and know how to create an opportunity. Newbies walk around all day complaining that they can't find a girl "good enough" for them, while 10 hot girls walk right past them every single day.

I could leave my house right now and approach a smoking hot girl within 30 minutes if I chose to. That's all it takes.

This "I can't find a girl hot enough for me" is an excuse for guys who are AFRAID to pursue the girls they want, to be sexual and to take what they want out of life.

positivity_injection: It's not always pretty, but I agree with most of the things you say in this thread.

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Well said, Traffic, well said. Game recognizes game. Anybody that's bagged their fair share will tell you that most lays will be average; some will be super hot and a few will be subpar. That's just the way it is.

This forum is getting better!


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
I was a virgin when i joined and now I'm not. Isn't that the idea?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
positivity_injection said:
Definition of a Don Juan according to wikipedia:

"Don Juan is an unrepentant womanizer who seduces women either by disguising himself as their lovers or by promising marriage. He leaves a trail of broken hearts, angry husbands, and outraged fathers; finally slaying a certain Don Gonzalo. Later, when invited to supper in the cathedral by Don Gonzalo's ghost, he accepts, not wanting to appear a coward."
this is why I hate the term DJ being thrown around here. Most of the guys here don't have to stones to follow in the footsteps of the real don juans.
At best they should say they are striving to be Real Men as opposed to DJ's. the definition shows that a DJ is not the most moral or reputatable person. And for those who hold being a DJ up to some high standard of acheivement...get a life. be a fukin man!
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
this is why I hate the term DJ being thrown around here. Most of the guys here don't have to stones to follow in the footsteps of the real don juans.
At best they should say they are striving to be Real Men as opposed to DJ's. the definition shows that a DJ is not the most moral or reputatable person. And for those who hold being a DJ up to some high standard of acheivement...get a life. be a fukin man!
I follow the true DJ way pretty accurately........i havent been totally honest to a woman for 4 years now when it comes to dating, i tell them what i need to, to get from them what i want


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
The Don Juan board does not use the traditional definition of Don Juan. I think Pook explains what the Don Juan board DJ is pretty good but I don't remember what article it was. I'm sure it's in the DJ Bible somewhere.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
positivity_injection said:
Definition of a Don Juan according to wikipedia:

"Don Juan is an unrepentant womanizer who seduces women either by disguising himself as their lovers or by promising marriage. He leaves a trail of broken hearts, angry husbands, and outraged fathers; finally slaying a certain Don Gonzalo. Later, when invited to supper in the cathedral by Don Gonzalo's ghost, he accepts, not wanting to appear a coward."

Trust me Mr Latinoman, a being a don juan is ALL about being good with women

what YOU just brought up is something else

and you say ANYONE can have sex? so why do 33% of people on sosuave not have sex EVER then?
Dude...I am good with women. I have always being good with women. I don't know how many women I have had in my life...but one thing I know, I have had puzzy available for me every single week for that last 19 or so years. Do the math...52 weeks per year x 19 years. And that is not one woman either. And that a DJ did NOT make me.

I am telling you what being a DJ is all about. If you have to go to Wikipedia to find a definition, then you are clueless.

ANYONE can get laid. Very few men can be considered DJs. Very few men has total self control of their lives and are example of positive masculinity.

People that get laid don't need to come to a message board and teach self-improvement. Getting laid is a by-product of things.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Dude seriously, who the **** are you? Your a clown. Sign off and never sign back on.