Most People on this Site are VIRGINS? That is alarming!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
^^^ Not only that, but think about it for a minute... does it really matter if the person has gotten laid or not. If you present a situation and they say something that might give a different perspective, then it's useful...

Where I agree with you is in the case of people making stuff or just plain BSing. But the bottom line is, if you're already getting women, you're probably going to be able to tell which advice is good and which is crap. I take all the advice on here with a grain of salt-even when it comes from guys on here who I believe to be the real deal- and apply to my experience and my situation, before I would ever apply it. You should be doing the same.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
^^^ Not only that, but think about it for a minute... does it really matter if the person has gotten laid or not. If you present a situation and they say something that might give a different perspective, then it's useful...
These "different perspectives" although different, are usually misinformed, inexperienced and not as useful as more experienced perspectives. The problem isn't the perspective itself, it's the fact that if you get 16 newbies responding to a question and one really experienced guy, often the experienced guy's answer gets lost in all of the noise.

But this is a problem on just about every pickup forum.
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
I'd rather take advice from a guy who has slept with 3 supermodels than a guy who has slept with 15 girls that are 6/10.
id rather take advice from a guy who doesnt live in a dream world where he thinks supermodels are the only type of women that he can ****
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
MikeYikes122 said:
That poll might have been kind of misleading.

I have only had sex with six different girls, but I've messed around with probably 25 or so. Technically, I'd be in the third-lowest bracket on the poll because I haven't had sex with a large number of different chicks, but I've still been with my fair share. It's just a matter of penetration, I guess.

I still think I'm pretty experienced and qualified to give advice.

at 25, to be with 6 different girls, you are not allowed to give advice to guys on how to get women into bed - you dont have the experience yourself to back it up

however, if most or all of those 6 girls turned out to be good LTR girls or **** Buddies, then you can deff give advice on LTR's and f-buddies and how to maintain them

but you cant preach what you dont practice
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
wutang, this is true

but height isnt as big an issue as the look your present yourself in, nor is it as big an issue as the experience you bring to the table

otherwise yes, no geeky weird looking guy should expect to get supermodels, thats delusional as fcuk thinking

you want supermodels?? ok, go **** 20 girls, learn how to give a girl an orgasm, learn how to make a girl melt from just looking at her, and then we'll talk

geeks dont get needs to transform himself from a geek to a smooth player before he can expect results like that

and guys, u DONT do that by punching out theory after theory
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
edit: transformation from a geek to a smooth player takes time and experience, at least 1 years worth of it.......u cant go from virgin to smooth operator in 1 week or 1 month.........alot of virgins on here have been mislead to think that

the TRUTH is that the virgins need to settle for less than desirable girls for a while and work their way up, otherwise they'll continue to whine and post how they are virgins

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
I'm no DJ, but I'm in my late 30s and have banged over 50 different women, quite frankly I've lost count but it's around 50. Mostly one night stands at bars, Lava life hook ups and a few women from my social circle.

Guess, what. Despite this I was an AFC, blowing money, giving compliments, doing favours with women I was actually interested . I only got laid because occassionaly when I was drunk because I was less of an AFC.

Now many of you will laugh and say, "What are you doing here, you've slept with so many women, you don't need help" but if you think about it, it's not that many considering I've been single the whole time and only had two LTRs since University. It averages out to a different woman every four or five months of my adult life, which sucks if you think about it.

That being said, I agree with the OP that if you're a virgin or you have limited experience in closing then you really shouldn't be offering too much advice here. I think there's a difference between being an AFC and being someone who for whatever reason can't get laid ever. AFC doesn't equal can't get laid.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
often the experienced guy's answer gets lost in all of the noise.
Good point.

I'm no DJ, but I'm in my late 30s and have banged over 50 different women, quite frankly I've lost count but it's around 50. Mostly one night stands at bars, Lava life hook ups and a few women from my social circle.

Guess, what. Despite this I was an AFC, blowing money, giving compliments, doing favours with women I was actually interested
This pretty much sums up my experience too. I was in a six year relationship, have been with a lot of woman in addition to that- I have a lot of experience to share with some of the other people on here that would be of use. But I was an AFC also, and was just not happy with the quality of the results, and have just been looking for a better way to go about it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
positivity_injection said:
I just looked at the "How Many Girls Have You Done" thread by Maxtro, and according to that i saw the following disturbing trends:

there are at least 2 times more virgins here than any other catergory

1/3 of the people that voted (which would be most of the active users on this site) are flat out virgins

66% of this site has been with 5 girls or less!!!!!!!! WOW

i also see 18 people voting for 100+ and im sure alot of those were joke votes

guys, who are you all getting advice from? how many guys are actually here talking out of there azzes with theory theory theory versus guys who **** women on a constant basis?

people who have been with less than 5 girls are automatically not allowed to give advice, i mean DAMN, i remember when i was 19 yrs old and i had only been with 5 girls.........i can compare what i knew then to what i know now (im 23), and i would never ever ever ever listen to the 19 yr old version of myself on how to get girls

who are the guys here besides me who have actually had sex with more than 50 girls? those are the only men who can know truly know what they are talking about
Great introduction. :rolleyes:

1/3 of the people isn't most. And boasting about a meaningless number isn't cool. Don't become one of the d.ickhead crew that plague ......its not too late.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Max Power said:
I think there's a difference between being an AFC and being someone who for whatever reason can't get laid ever. AFC doesn't equal can't get laid.

IMHO there are too many ambiguities in the orginal post. An AFC could have slept with 20 women because he's drunk or knows how to compliment when he's drunk with a 5/10 at the bar. A DJ could have slept with only 2 women because he's had 2 long term relationships in his life and both girls have been 9/10.

Colin O'Brien

Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
Thats the point of this forum, for experienced people to give advice. If inexperienced people are giving advice then thats one thing, but the point of places like this is for a small group of gurus to educate a large group of amateurs.


Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
Why does all knowledge have to based on experience to be correct?

I've never been to Mars, but I'm told by lots of people who have seen it with telescopes and probes that it exists. I can learn quite a lot from those people if I pay close attention, and maybe in proper humility share what I've learned with others.

And by discussing the concepts put forth here, in the light of logic, and limited experience, we can better internalize what we need to get the job done, and be further on our way towards success.

And if I was successful, I wouldn't need this place. So screw anyone who criticizes us for being here, trying to figure things least we're working on ourselves....who are you to criticize?!

And besides, I don't need to sleep with 100 women to be successful. Numbers don't make the game. I'm not even here to learn how to bed 1000's of women. I just want to end up with one good one.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Big Bad California
Wow. The mentality of this board... :down: Is number all that matters to you? One can hire a different hooker once per day, and thus in two weeks he would've slept with 14 women. Therefore, this guy can give advice?

Where are your values? Where is your boundary? Sounds like this board is full of men gone wild, except they don't know how to go wild.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Nah, you should know what advice you are asking about. If it is related to sex or seduction part, then ask for the guys (with 25+ experience) advices, but when you are just onto the dating and attraction or comfort part, the virgin ones can still advice you.

Ok, let me tell you something, I have known some people who like to get physically intimate with some one or just romance someone without fvcking her!

and just to let you know, i personally dont even kiss a girl i dont really feel for that strong. i will flirt with her, will caress her body, but i don't i will ever do the main things with her if she doesnt come up to my standards even emotionally. so my experience is also quite less then.

its all about the goals a person sets for himself: if he wants to fvck each and every woman that he comes across or just find himself a quality gf?


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
This is like on bodybuilding forums. People refuse to take advice from people who are smaller than them, even though it definitely is possible to have lots of knowledge without experience. I don't give out advice about getting laid, but I've done ****loads of self-improvement over the last couple of years. Getting girls is just "my next step", but I don't feel I come to short if people ask for advice about self-improvement even though I don't get laid. I don't refuse to listen to people who don't get laid either, solid advice is solid advice. Simple as that.
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
alnite said:
Wow. The mentality of this board... :down: Is number all that matters to you? One can hire a different hooker once per day, and thus in two weeks he would've slept with 14 women. Therefore, this guy can give advice?

Where are your values? Where is your boundary? Sounds like this board is full of men gone wild, except they don't know how to go wild.

i dont think in theoretical geeky terms

when i say 14 women, i mean 14 real women, not hookers that you paid for, i think that point is obvious
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
042208 said:
This is like on bodybuilding forums. People refuse to take advice from people who are smaller than them, even though it definitely is possible to have lots of knowledge without experience. I don't give out advice about getting laid, but I've done ****loads of self-improvement over the last couple of years. Getting girls is just "my next step", but I don't feel I come to short if people ask for advice about self-improvement even though I don't get laid. I don't refuse to listen to people who don't get laid either, solid advice is solid advice. Simple as that.

women are not like the muscles in your body....the muscles in your body are pretty much predictable, and a great diet with great workout ethic will yeild positive results for EVERYONE

women cannot be predicted, cannot be theorized about, the only people that can give advice on how to easily get women is the people that DO EASILY GET WOMEN
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
schttrj said:
Nah, you should know what advice you are asking about. If it is related to sex or seduction part, then ask for the guys (with 25+ experience) advices, but when you are just onto the dating and attraction or comfort part, the virgin ones can still advice you.

Ok, let me tell you something, I have known some people who like to get physically intimate with some one or just romance someone without fvcking her!

and just to let you know, i personally dont even kiss a girl i dont really feel for that strong. i will flirt with her, will caress her body, but i don't i will ever do the main things with her if she doesnt come up to my standards even emotionally. so my experience is also quite less then.

its all about the goals a person sets for himself: if he wants to fvck each and every woman that he comes across or just find himself a quality gf?

excuses to make yourself feel better for not having sex (or let alone kissing) aint helpin ya be a good don juan


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
Muscles and height do not land women.

Every weekend I see probably 20-30 dudes in abercrombie/polo shirts at the club with huge guns and pecs that never approach or land women at all. I also rolled around with a buddy of mine who is good looking and 6'4 and he didn't land a single number the entire 4 hours we were there, and the place was packed.

His only advantage is on talking to women who are 5'10 and up in my opinion. Otherwise its fair game for all.