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  1. L

    blind date sort of thing?

    Yep, just say, well it was nice to meet you, see you around. And leave it at that. Hopefully your friend is mature enough not to let something like this mess up your friendship. But who knows, maybe you'll end up liking her!
  2. L

    She ignored me! Going to give her ultimatum by phone.

    Honestly, you sound really over-bearing. She probably has a life. I suggest you invest a bit more time in your own so you'll stop obsessing over this girl. Why would you have to tell her not to send you texts anymore if the problem is her not contacting you? I think this is a case of...
  3. L

    I feel like doing something bad....

    go to the gym and take it out on a punching bag. doors are expensive.
  4. L

    Does this piss you off???

    I don't watch Dr. Phil. But I don't think women get off easy here, I think it's just that men don't care as much about it. They find out their girl is cheating, break up with her, and that's it. They move on. But women have to know why he cheated. Am I ugly? Am I not around enough? Should...
  5. L

    Does this piss you off???

    My guess is these are women's magazines. Try looking at the titles. If it says Glamor, Cosmo, Vogue, or Elle, there's your answer right there. You think women want to read about women cheating? Look in the Men's magazines next time.
  6. L

    This is the only time I will truly help you own women? I pity your sons for having to listen to this bs....
  7. L

    GF trouble...

    Who picked the last vacation spot? Or like brewbaron said, who will pick the next one? It's her birthday, so that's gotta count for something. If you don't really mind DC then why not just suck up your pride and go? (with the agreement that a cruise is next on the list). If you feel you're...
  8. L

    OMG, The Pickup Artist Season 2 Episode 2 is on right now!

    I didn't even know guys used the phrase "OMG" until just now.
  9. L

    A truly tricky situation (I need a ******** translator)

    Dude, you should have stopped right there. Some girls are just off limits. She's obviously using you as a rebound from your brother so she doesn't have to go through that "missing him" stage where she feels lonely and eats a gallon of ice cream. You just should have stayed out of this one...
  10. L

    girls of my own race aren't into me

    Hmm...I don't think I'm garbage. The black guy I dated didn't think so either.... Sounds like somebody's been shot down one too many times by "white" women. :nono:
  11. L

    Your with a girl and she brings up another guy

    I agree. Plus, bonus points for you if you make her laugh. This instantly bumps up your own "hotness" a few notches.
  12. L

    what is the CORRECT thing to do here?

    Add her on facebook. The fact that she even initiated a conversation with you means she may have some interest. But please, make sure your friend is truly "done" with her first. Don't turn it into a competition because if she finds out, you'll both be out of the running.
  13. L

    Girl acts differently when with friends?

    Some people, girls and guys (myself included), just aren't that fond of PDA. I can't stand sitting at a table next to a couple making out, it really bothers me. So I try not to do things like this in front of other people. I won't even kiss my bf in front of my sister. Also, maybe she views...
  14. L

    Should I make anything of this?

    PLEASE don't ever mention this again. If she brings it up, just say "yeah, I'm really sorry about that" (sincerely) and act like you saw NOTHING.
  15. L

    Is It or Isn't It?

    You can't have a date with three people. Sorry, this was not a date. If you want a "date", ask her out...minus the cousin. Just the typical nice restaurant is great, and if things go well, ask her for coffee afterwards. If she's into it, she'll go. If not, she'll come up with an excuse to...
  16. L

    girls with bfs cheating with the bad boy...

    um...that's what you get for thinking movies = real life.
  17. L

    Girl is afraid of commitment

    She's saying she's afraid of commitment. Don't over-analyze it. Has she just gotten out of an LTR? This is usually the problem. But really, if you want to take her out go for it, just don't come on too strong.
  18. L

    PLEASE be honest: am I unattractive?

    As a female, I agree %100 with this advice. The first two are a MUST. You are not unattractive, it is all about style here. Just these three changes (which don't even require a lot of effort) will make a big difference. And think about it, most girls don't enjoy kissing hairy lips. My guess...
  19. L

    How do I tell her...

    This would backfire big-time....because instantly she's going to infer that you think she doesn't look good now. Which is the truth in this case, but not what you want to tell her. I agree with the other posters who mentioned working out yourself. When I know that my bf is working out, it...
  20. L

    what a ***** ;)

    No, I don't think this is "normal" for a female in an LTR. If she wants to play the field she should just get out of her relationship